Today's Mishnah Yomi
Avodah Zarah 5:4 - 5:5
The Mishnah Yomi for Friday, May 9, 2025 is Avodah Zarah 5:4 - 5:5
Mishnah 1
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Mishnayos Avodah Zarah Perek 5 Mishnah 4
עבודה זרה פרק ה׳ משנה ד׳
With regard to one who placed his wine in a wagon or on a ship with a gentile, and went on his way by a shortcut [bekappendarya], such that the gentile does not know when the Jew will encounter him, even if the Jew entered the city and bathed, the wine is permitted, because the gentile would not use the wine for a libation, for fear the owner might catch him at it. If the Jew informed the gentile that he was going away for a long period of time, the wine is forbidden if it was sufficient time for the gentile to bore a hole in the barrel, seal it again with plaster, and for the plaster to dry. Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel says: It is forbidden only if it was sufficient time for him to open the barrel by removing the stopper altogether, stop it again, and for the new stopper to dry. With regard to one who left a gentile in his shop, even if the Jew went out and came in and was not there all the time, the wine is permitted. But if the Jew informed the gentile that he was going away for a long period of time, the wine is forbidden if it was sufficient time for the gentile to bore a hole in the barrel, seal it again with plaster, and for the plaster to dry. Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel says: The wine is forbidden only if it was sufficient time for him to open the barrel, stop it again, and for the new stopper to dry.
הַמַּנִּיחַ יֵינוֹ בְקָרוֹן אוֹ בִסְפִינָה וְהָלַךְ לוֹ בְקַפַּנְדַּרְיָא, נִכְנַס לַמְּדִינָה וְרָחַץ, מֻתָּר. אִם הוֹדִיעוֹ שֶׁהוּא מַפְלִיג, כְּדֵי שֶׁיִּשְׁתֹּם וְיִסְתֹּם וְיִגֹּב. רַבָּן שִׁמְעוֹן בֶּן גַּמְלִיאֵל אוֹמֵר, כְּדֵי שֶׁיִּפְתַּח וְיָגוּף וְתִגֹּב. הַמַּנִּיחַ נָכְרִי בַחֲנוּת, אַף עַל פִּי שֶׁהוּא יוֹצֵא וְנִכְנָס, מֻתָּר. וְאִם הוֹדִיעוֹ שֶׁהוּא מַפְלִיג, כְּדֵי שֶׁיִשְׁתֹּם וְיִסְתֹּם וְיִגֹּב. רַבָּן שִׁמְעוֹן בֶּן גַּמְלִיאֵל אוֹמֵר, כְּדֵי שֶׁיִּפְתַּח וְיָגוּף וְתִגֹּב:
המניח יינו בקרון או במפינה. עם הנכרי:
בקפנדריא. בדרך קצרה, שנכנס בשער זה ויוצא משער שכנגדו:
ורחץ. במרחץ:
מותר. דכיון דנכרי לא ידע דשהי, מרתת ולא נגע. ואשמועינן במתניתין פלוגתא דרבן שמעון בן גמליאל ורבנן בהנך תלתא בבי, דאי תנא נכרי שהיה מעביר כדי יין, הוה אמינא התם מרתת הנכרי דסבר השתא אתי חזי לי, אבל בספינה וקרון מפליג ליה לספינתיה ועביד מאי דבעי ולא מרתת. ואי תנא ספינה וקרון ולא תני המניח נכרי בחנותו, הוה אמינא בספינה וקרון מרתת דסבר דלמא באורחא אחרינא אזיל וקאי מצד אחר וחזי לי, אבל במניח נכרי בחנותו דאיכא למימר אחיד ליה לבבא ועביד כל דבעי, אימא לא, צריכא. ובכולהו הלכה כרבן שמעון בן גמליאל:
Mishnah 2
Mishnayos Avodah Zarah Perek 5 Mishnah 5
עבודה זרה פרק ה׳ משנה ה׳
If a Jew was eating with a gentile at the table, and left jugs [laginin] of wine on the table and a jug on the side table [hadulebaki], and he left it and went out, what is on the table is forbidden, as it is likely that the gentile handled it, whereas what is on the side table is permitted. But if the Jew said to the gentile: Mix water with the wine and drink, even the jug that is on the side table is forbidden. Similarly, open barrels are forbidden, but sealed barrels are permitted unless the Jew was out of the room for sufficient time for the gentile to open the barrel by removing the stopper, and stop it again by making a new stopper, and for the new stopper to dry.
הָיָה אוֹכֵל עִמּוֹ עַל הַשֻּׁלְחָן וְהִנִּיחַ לְגִינָה עַל הַשֻּׁלְחָן, וּלְגִינָה עַל הַדֻּלְבְּקִי, וְהִנִּיחוֹ וְיָצָא, מַה שֶּׁעַל הַשֻּׁלְחָן, אָסוּר. וּמַה שֶּׁעַל הַדֻּלְבְּקִי, מֻתָּר. וְאִם אָמַר לוֹ הֱוֵי מוֹזֵג וְשׁוֹתֶה, אַף שֶׁעַל הַדֻּלְבְּקִי אָסוּר. חָבִיּוֹת פְּתוּחוֹת, אֲסוּרוֹת. סְתוּמוֹת, כְּדֵי שֶׁיִּפְתַּח וְיָגוּף וְתִגֹּב:
דלפקי – a utensil upon which one places cups and jugs with food and drink, and from it, they take and place [food and drink] on the table, but not one of those seated takes anything from the side-table but rather from the table.
ואם אמר לו הוי מוזג ושותה – for since he extended to him permission, even for what was on the side-table, it is prohibited, for he relied upon it and came in contact with all of it.
חביות פתוחות – that are found in the house that he placed there.
כדי שיפתח ושתום ויגוב – this anonymous section is according to Rabban Shimon ben Gamaliel and he Halakha is according to him.
דלפקי. כלי שמניחין בו כוסות ואשישות באוכלין ומשקין, וממנו נוטלין ומשימין על השלחן, ואין אחד מן המסובין נוטל כלום מן הדלפקי אלא מן השלחן:
ואם אמר לו הוי מוזג ושותה. הואיל והרחיב לו הרשות, אף מה שעל הדלפקי אסור. דסמכא דעתיה ונגע בכוליה:
חביות פתוחות. הנמצאות בבית שהניחו שם:
כדי שיפתח ויסתום ויגוב. סתמא כרבן שמעון בן גמליאל דהלכתא כוותיה:
Mishnah Yomi FAQ
What is Mishnah Yomi?
Mishnah Yomi is a daily study program where participants study two mishnayot (individual teachings from the Mishnah) every day. By following this program, one can complete the entire Mishnah in about six years.
What is the Mishnah?
The Mishnah is the first major written collection of Jewish oral traditions, forming the basis of the Talmud. It dates back to around 200 CE and consists of teachings and discussions of Jewish law by various rabbis.
Who started the Mishnah Yomi program?
In 1934, the Kozoglover Gaon, Rav Aryeh Tzvi Frommer, who took over from Rav Meir Shapiro (the founder of Daf Yomi) as the head of Yeshivas Chachmei Lublin, initiated the Mishnah Yomi cycle, focusing on Seder Zeraim and Seder Taharos. After World War II, in 1947, Rav Yonah Sztencl, a disciple of Rav Frommer, expanded the program, advocating for a comprehensive study of Shishah Sidrei Mishnah. The idea of studying two Mishnayos daily gained the support of figures like Rav Isser Zalman Meltzer, the Tchebiner Rov, and the Gerer Rebbe, marking the formal inception of Mishnah Yomi.
How long does it take to complete the Mishnah with Mishnah Yomi?
Following the Mishnah Yomi program, one can complete the Mishnah in approximately six years.
Can anyone join Mishnah Yomi?
Yes, anyone interested in studying the Mishnah can start the Mishnah Yomi cycle. There’s no need for prior knowledge; beginners are welcome.
Do I need to know Hebrew to study Mishnah Yomi?
While the Mishnah is originally in Hebrew, there are numerous translations and commentaries available in various languages, making it accessible to anyone interested in studying.
Is there a specific time of day to study Mishnah Yomi?
There’s no designated time. Participants can choose a time that best fits their schedule.
Can I study Mishnah Yomi with a group?
Yes, many communities and synagogues organize group study sessions for Mishnah Yomi. Studying in a group can enhance understanding and foster camaraderie.
What if I miss a day?
If you miss a day, you can catch up by studying the missed mishnayot alongside the current day’s study or by dedicating some extra time until you’re back on track.
המניח יינו בקרון או בספינה – with the heathen.
בקפנדריא – a shortcut that he enters in this gate and leaves from another gate opposite him.
ורחץ – in the bathhouse.
מותר – for since the heathen did not know that he delayed, he trembles and does not touch it. And our Mishnah teaches us the dispute of Rabban Shimon ben Gamaliel and the Rabbis in these three segments [of the Mishnah]. For if it (i.e., the Mishnah) [only] taught that a heathen that was moving pitchers of wine, I might think that there, the heathen trembles for he holds that now he will see me. But on a ship or a wagon, he would be absent himself from his ship and does what he wants and does not tremble. But if [the Mishnah] only taught about the ship and the wagon and did not teach about a heathen placing it in his store, , I would think that in the ship and on a wagon, he trembles, for he holds that perhaps in another place, I will go and stand from the other side and he will see me. But when the heathen places it in his store, for one could say that he has designate it for a gate and does whatever he wants. I would say, no. It is necessary. And in all of this, the Halakha is according to Rabban Shimon ben Gamaliel.