Today's Mishnah Yomi
Avodah Zarah 3:8 - 3:9
The Mishnah Yomi for Wednesday, April 30, 2025 is Avodah Zarah 3:8 - 3:9
Mishnah 1
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Mishnayos Avodah Zarah Perek 3 Mishnah 8
עבודה זרה פרק ג׳ משנה ח׳
With regard to an ashera, one may not sit in its shade, but if one sat in its shade he remains ritually pure. And one may not pass beneath it, and if one passed beneath it he is ritually impure. If the tree was robbing the public, i.e., if its branches extended over public property, and one passed beneath it, he remains pure. One may plant vegetables underneath an ashera during the rainy season, as the vegetables do not benefit from its shade; on the contrary, the tree’s foliage prevents the vegetables from being properly irrigated by the rain. But one may not plant vegetables under an ashera during the summer, as the shade benefits them. And lettuce may not be planted there at all, neither in the summer nor in the rainy season, because shade is always beneficial to lettuce. Rabbi Yosei says: One may not plant vegetables under an ashera even during the rainy season, because the tree’s foliage [shehaneviyya] falls upon them and serves as fertilizer for them.
לֹא יֵשֵׁב בְּצִלָּהּ. וְאִם יָשַׁב, טָהוֹר. וְלֹא יַעֲבֹר תַּחְתֶּיהָ. וְאִם עָבַר, טָמֵא. הָיְתָה גוֹזֶלֶת אֶת הָרַבִּים, וְעָבַר תַּחְתֶּיהָ, טָהוֹר. וְזוֹרְעִין תַּחְתֶּיהָ יְרָקוֹת בִּימוֹת הַגְּשָׁמִים אֲבָל לֹא בִימוֹת הַחַמָּה. וְהַחֲזָרִין, לֹא בִימוֹת הַחַמָּה וְלֹא בִימוֹת הַגְּשָׁמִים. רַבִּי יוֹסֵי אוֹמֵר, אַף לֹא יְרָקוֹת בִּימוֹת הַגְּשָׁמִים, מִפְּנֵי שֶׁהַנְּמִיָּה נוֹשֶׁרֶת עֲלֵיהֶן וְהֹוָה לָהֶן לְזָבֶל:
לא ישב בצלה. האי צל לאו תחת נוף האשרה קאמר, דלא הוי מצי למתני תו ואם ישב טהור, דהא קתני סיפא דאם עבר טמא. אלא מן האילן והלאה, דכשהחמה במזרח או במערב יש לכל דבר צל ארוך:
לא יעבור תחתיה. תחת הנוף מהאילן, שהאילן מאהיל עליו. ואם עבר טמא:
היתה גוזלת את הרבים. שנופה נוטה לרה״ר:
טהור. דטומאה דרבנן היא, והיכא דגוזלת הרבים לא גזרו רבנן:
ירקות בימות הגשמים. שהאילן קשה להם שמונע החמה מלבוא:
אבל לא בימות החמה. שהצל יפה להם:
והחזרין. חזרת. ובערבי חס״א:
לא בימות החמה ולא בימות הגשמים. שהצל יפה להם לעולם:
שהנמיה. עלין הנושרין מן האילן בימות הגשמים. ובגמרא פריך, דהא שמעינן ליה לרבי יוסי דאמר זה וזה גורם מותר, לעיל בפרקין גבי מפרר וזורה לרוח ואע״פ שנעשה זבל, דהיכא שההיתר והאיסור שניהם גורמין להביא הדבר, כגון שהקרקע של היתר והזבל של ע״ז של איסור גורמין לצמיחת הירקות, סבירא ליה לרבי יוסי שהוא מותר, והיכי קאסר הירקות הכא מפני שהנמייה נושרת עליהן. ומשני, שר׳ יוסי הכא לדבריהן של רבנן קאמר, לדידכו דאמריתו זה וזה גורם אסור, היה לכם לאסור הירקות מפני שהנמייה נושרת עליהן והיא הווה להם לזבל. ורבנן סברי, שאני הכא שאין האילן של ע״ז מועיל לירקות כלום, שמה שמשביח להם בנמייה, פוגם להם בצל. והלכה כרבי יוסי דזה וזה גורם מותר:
Mishnah 2
Mishnayos Avodah Zarah Perek 3 Mishnah 9
עבודה זרה פרק ג׳ משנה ט׳
If one took wood from an ashera, it is prohibited to derive benefit from it. In a case where one kindled a fire in an oven with the wood, if it is a new oven and by kindling the fire he hardened the oven and made it stronger for use in the future, then the oven must be shattered. Since forbidden items were used in the process of forming the oven, one may not derive benefit from the use of the forbidden items. But if it is an old oven it may be cooled; it is prohibited to use the oven only while it is still hot. If one baked bread with wood from the ashera as the fuel, it is prohibited to derive benefit from the bread. If this bread was intermingled with other bread, it is prohibited to derive benefit from all the bread. Rabbi Eliezer says: One must take the benefit and cast it into the Dead Sea. In other words, one is not required to destroy all of the loaves. Instead, one should designate money equal in value to the wood that he used from the ashera, and he should destroy this money to offset the benefit he derived from the forbidden wood. The Rabbis said to him: There is no monetary redemption for objects that are forbidden due to idol worship. Once the bread becomes forbidden, it cannot be redeemed by having the value of the forbidden wood cast into the Dead Sea. If one took wood from an ashera for use as a weaving shuttle [karkor], it is prohibited to derive benefit from it. If one wove a garment with it, it is prohibited to derive benefit from the garment. If the garment was intermingled with other garments, and those other garments were intermingled with others, it is prohibited to derive benefit from all of them. Rabbi Eliezer says: One must take the benefit and cast it into the Dead Sea. The Rabbis said to him: There is no monetary redemption for objects that are forbidden due to idol worship.
נָטַל מִמֶּנָּה עֵצִים, אֲסוּרִים בַּהֲנָאָה. הִסִּיק בָּהֶן אֶת הַתַּנּוּר, אִם חָדָשׁ, יֻתַּץ. וְאִם יָשָׁן, יֻצַּן. אָפָה בוֹ אֶת הַפַּת, אֲסוּרָה בַהֲנָאָה. נִתְעָרְבָה בַאֲחֵרוֹת, כֻּלָּן אֲסוּרוֹת בַּהֲנָאָה. רַבִּי אֱלִיעֶזֶר אוֹמֵר, יוֹלִיךְ הֲנָאָה לְיָם הַמֶּלַח. אָמְרוּ לוֹ, אֵין פִּדְיוֹן לַעֲבוֹדָה זָרָה. נָטַל הֵימֶנָּה כַרְכֹּר, אָסוּר בַּהֲנָאָה. אָרַג בּוֹ אֶת הַבֶּגֶד, הַבֶּגֶד אָסוּר בַּהֲנָאָה. נִתְעָרֵב בַּאֲחֵרִים וַאֲחֵרִים בַּאֲחֵרִים, כֻּלָּן אֲסוּרִין בַּהֲנָאָה. רַבִּי אֱלִיעֶזֶר אוֹמֵר, יוֹלִיךְ הֲנָאָה לְיָם הַמֶּלַח. אָמְרוּ לוֹ, אֵין פִּדְיוֹן לַעֲבוֹדָה זָרָה:
נטל הימנה – from the Asherah.
חדש יותץ – for the first making of the flame when they kindle the oven glazes it and strengthens it and it is improved through prohibited forms of benefit, but our Mishnah comes according to the one states that combined causes are prohibited, and this is not the Halakha. Therefore, whether it is new or old, it must be cooled down.
הפת אסורה – in the Gemara it states (Tractate Avodah Zarah 49b) that a torch is opposite him, for all the while that the bread is baking, he would kindle the torch at the mouth of the oven and bake it, for he would benefit from the prohibition a the time when the prohibition is clearly visible and there is and there is improvement to the wood with the bread.
יוליך הנאה לים המלח – the cost of the loaf that was combined.
כרכור – there is for weavers a piece of wood made in the form of a needle of sack-makers and they pass it over the warp/longitudinal direction when it is stretched before them in the weaving. And our Mishnah teaches us the dispute between Rabbi Eliezer and the Rabbis in these two things, for had it taught only the first one, I might state that in this [only], Rabbi Eliezer stated it because at the time when the bread is completed, the prohibition is disregarded, but a whorl [of a spindle] which has a prohibition of its own, I would state that he agrees with the Rabbis. But had he only stated the other one, it would have been this one alone that the Rabbis stated, but in the first, I would say that they agree with Rabbi Eliezer. Therefore, it is necessary to teach both. And the Halakha is according to Rabbi Eliezer, even with a jug of wine known or suspected to have been manipulated by an idolater, that became combined with jugs of permitted wine – they bring the costs of that jug to the Dead Sea and the remainder are permitted to derive benefit from it.
נטל ממנה. מן האשרה:
חדש יותץ. שההיסק הראשון שמסיקין התנור הוא מחממו ומחזיקו, והרי נתקן באיסורי הנאה. והא מתניתין אתי אליבא דמאן דאמר זה וזה גורם אסור. ואין הלכה. הלכך בין חדש בין ישן יוצן, שלא יאפו בו את הפת בהיסק זה עד שיצטנן התנור, כדי שלא יהנה מעצי איסור:
הפת אסורה. בגמרא קאמר, והוא שאבוקה כנגדו, שכל שעה שהיה פת נאפה היה דולק האור בפי התנור ואופהו, שהיה נהנה מן האיסור בשעה שהיה האיסור בעין ויש שבח עצים בפת:
יוליך הנאה לים המלח. דמי ככר שנתערב:
כרכור. יש לאורגים עץ עשוי כמין מחט של סקאין, ומעבירין אותו על השתי כשהוא מתוח לפניהם באריגה. ואשמעינן מתניתין פלוגתא דרבי אליעזר ורבנן בהנך תרתי, דאי אשמועינן בקמייתא, הוה אמינא בהך קאמי ר׳ אליעזר משום דבעידנא דקא גמרה פת אקלי ליה איסורא, אבל כרכור דאיתא לאיסורא בעיניה. אימא מודה להו לרבנן. ואי איתמר בהאיך, בהא קאמרי רבנן, אבל בקמייתא אימא מודו ליה לר׳ אליעזר, צריכא. והלכה כר׳ אליעזר, ואפילו חבית של יין נסך שנתערבה בחביות של יין של היתר מוליך דמי אותה חבית לים המלח, והשאר כולן מותרות בהנאה:
Mishnah Yomi FAQ
What is Mishnah Yomi?
Mishnah Yomi is a daily study program where participants study two mishnayot (individual teachings from the Mishnah) every day. By following this program, one can complete the entire Mishnah in about six years.
What is the Mishnah?
The Mishnah is the first major written collection of Jewish oral traditions, forming the basis of the Talmud. It dates back to around 200 CE and consists of teachings and discussions of Jewish law by various rabbis.
Who started the Mishnah Yomi program?
In 1934, the Kozoglover Gaon, Rav Aryeh Tzvi Frommer, who took over from Rav Meir Shapiro (the founder of Daf Yomi) as the head of Yeshivas Chachmei Lublin, initiated the Mishnah Yomi cycle, focusing on Seder Zeraim and Seder Taharos. After World War II, in 1947, Rav Yonah Sztencl, a disciple of Rav Frommer, expanded the program, advocating for a comprehensive study of Shishah Sidrei Mishnah. The idea of studying two Mishnayos daily gained the support of figures like Rav Isser Zalman Meltzer, the Tchebiner Rov, and the Gerer Rebbe, marking the formal inception of Mishnah Yomi.
How long does it take to complete the Mishnah with Mishnah Yomi?
Following the Mishnah Yomi program, one can complete the Mishnah in approximately six years.
Can anyone join Mishnah Yomi?
Yes, anyone interested in studying the Mishnah can start the Mishnah Yomi cycle. There’s no need for prior knowledge; beginners are welcome.
Do I need to know Hebrew to study Mishnah Yomi?
While the Mishnah is originally in Hebrew, there are numerous translations and commentaries available in various languages, making it accessible to anyone interested in studying.
Is there a specific time of day to study Mishnah Yomi?
There’s no designated time. Participants can choose a time that best fits their schedule.
Can I study Mishnah Yomi with a group?
Yes, many communities and synagogues organize group study sessions for Mishnah Yomi. Studying in a group can enhance understanding and foster camaraderie.
What if I miss a day?
If you miss a day, you can catch up by studying the missed mishnayot alongside the current day’s study or by dedicating some extra time until you’re back on track.
לא ישב בצלה – this shade is not under the bough of the Asherah tree as stated, for one is not able to teach further, and if he sat, he is ritually pure, for that which is taught at the final section, that if passed [underneath it], he is ritually impure. But rather from the tree and further, for when the sun is in the east or in the west, there is a long shade for all things.
לא יעבור תחתיו – underneath the bough from the tree, for the tree forms a cover/tent [of Levitical uncleanness arising from being under the same shelter with it] and if he passed [underneath it], he is ritually impure.
היתה גוזלת את הרבים – that its bough inclines to the public domain.
טהור – it is Rabbinical defilement and where it “steals”/encroaches upon the public [domain], the Rabbis did not make a decree.
ירקות בימות הגשמים – for the tree is difficult for them as it prevents the sun from coming out.
אבל לא בימות החמה – for the shade is pleasant for them.
והחזרין – lettuce and in Arabic, “hassa.”
לא בימות החמה [ולא בימות הגשמים] – for the shade is always pleasant for them.
והנמייה –leaves that fall from the tree in the rainy season and in the Gemara (Talmud Avodah Zarah 49a), raises the objection to that which we learn according to Rabbi Yosi who states that the combined causes is permitted (who is discussing the subject of planting vegetables in the winter, according to the Mishnah). Earlier in our chapter (see Tractate Avodah Zarah, Chapter 3, Mishnah 3), regarding crumbling them [the idolatrous figures] and casting them into the wind (see also Tractate Pesahim, Chapter 2, Mishnah 1 for the use of the same phrase regarding the destruction of leavened products) and even though they are made into manure, for where the permission and the prohibition of both of them cause them to bring the matter, such as the case as the land of permission, and the manure of idolatry which is prohibited, cause the growing of vegetables, Rabbi Yosi holds that it is permitted. And where he prohibited vegetables, here it is because the foliage falls upon them, and Rabbi Yosi responds here to the words of the Rabbis stating that according to them when they state that the combined causes are prohibited, they should have prohibited the vegetables because of the foliage that falls upon them and it is for them like manure. But the Rabbis hold that this is different here, for the tree of idolatry does not affect the vegetables at all, for as the foliage is beneficial to them, the shade is harmful for them. But the Halakha is according to Rabbi Yosi, that the product of combined sources is permissible.