Today's Mishnah Yomi
Avodah Zarah 3:6 - 3:7
The Mishnah Yomi for Tuesday, April 29, 2025 is Avodah Zarah 3:6 - 3:7
Mishnah 1
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Mishnayos Avodah Zarah Perek 3 Mishnah 6
עבודה זרה פרק ג׳ משנה ו׳
In the case of one whose house was adjacent to a house of idol worship and the dividing wall fell, it is prohibited to rebuild it. What should he do? He should withdraw into his own property four cubits and build the wall there. In talmudic times, external walls to homes were often built in two parts, with a functional space between them. If the space between the two parts of the wall belonged to him and to the house of idol worship, the area is treated as half and half with regard to withdrawing into his property before rebuilding the wall; he may build the wall four cubits from the middle of that space. The stones of the fallen wall, its wood, and its dust, transmit impurity like a creeping animal, i.e., one who touches them becomes impure like one who touches a creeping animal, as it is stated: “And you shall not bring an abomination into your house, and be accursed like it; you shall detest it [shakketz teshakketzennu], and you shall abhor it; for it is a proscribed item” (Deuteronomy 7:26). The term shakketz is used in a different form, shekketz, with regard to creeping animals. Rabbi Akiva says: Those items transmit impurity like a menstruating woman, as it is stated: “You will put them far away as a menstruating woman; you shall say to it: Go away” (Isaiah 30:22). Just as a menstruating woman transmits impurity by carrying, as one who moves a menstruating woman, even without touching her, becomes impure, so too, objects of idol worship transmit impurity by carrying.
מִי שֶׁהָיָה בֵיתוֹ סָמוּךְ לַעֲבוֹדָה זָרָה וְנָפַל, אָסוּר לִבְנוֹתוֹ. כֵּיצַד יַעֲשֶׂה, כּוֹנֵס בְּתוֹךְ שֶׁלּוֹ אַרְבַּע אַמּוֹת וּבוֹנֶה. הָיָה שֶׁלּוֹ וְשֶׁל עֲבוֹדָה זָרָה, נִדּוֹן מֶחֱצָה עַל מֶחֱצָה. אֲבָנָיו עֵצָיו וַעֲפָרוֹ, מְטַמְּאִין כַּשֶּׁרֶץ, שֶׁנֶּאֱמַר (דברים ז) שַׁקֵּץ תְּשַׁקְּצֶנּוּ. רַבִּי עֲקִיבָא אוֹמֵר, כַּנִּדָּה, שֶׁנֶּאֱמַר (ישעיה ל) תִּזְרֵם כְּמוֹ דָוָה, צֵא תֹּאמַר לוֹ, מַה נִּדָּה מְטַמְּאָה בְמַשָּׂא, אַף עֲבוֹדָה זָרָה מְטַמְּאָה בְמַשָּׂא:
סמוך לבית עבודה זרה. שהיה אחד מכותליו בית עבודה זרה והבית עצמו נעבד:
אסור לבנותו. שבונה בית לע״ז:
כונס לתוך קרקע שלו ארבע אמות. ואינו מניחו פנוי, שנמצא מהנה לע״ז שמרחיב את גבולה, אלא ממלא המקום קוצים ועושה שם בית הכסא לתינוקות:
היה שלו ושל ע״ז. שמקום עובי הכותל חציו שלו:
נדון מחצה על מחצה. אותו חלק של ע״ז אינו עולה בכניסת ארבע אמות. אבל חלקו עולה. שאם עוביו שתי אמות מונה אמה שלו וכונס שלש אמות בתוך שלו:
אבניו ועציו ועפרו. של אותו כותל:
מטמאין כשרץ. ואפילו חלקו של ישראל, לפי שאין ברירה:
כשרץ. שמטמא במגע ואינו מטמא במשא. לפי שטומאת ע״ז דרבנן, אקילו בה. ואינה מטמאה בכעדשה כשרץ, אלא בכזית כמת:
רבי עקיבא אומר כנדה. ואין הלכה כרבי עקיבא אפילו בע״ז עצמה, וכל שכן במשמשיה:
Mishnah 2
Mishnayos Avodah Zarah Perek 3 Mishnah 7
עבודה זרה פרק ג׳ משנה ז׳
With regard to idol worship there are three types of houses, each with its own halakhot. A house that one built initially for the purpose of idol worship is forbidden, i.e., it is prohibited to derive benefit from such a house. If one plastered a house or cemented it for the purpose of idol worship, and he thereby added a layer to the walls of the house, one removes that which he added, and the rest of the house is permitted. If one brought an object of idol worship into a house temporarily and then removed it, the house is then permitted. With regard to idol worship there are three types of stones, each with its own halakhot. A stone that one initially hewed for use in a platform [bimos] for an idol is forbidden. If one plastered a stone or cemented it for the sake of idol worship, one removes that which he plastered or cemented and the stone is permitted. If one erected an object of idol worship upon a stone and subsequently removed it, the stone is then permitted. There are three types of trees that were used as part of idolatrous rites [ashera]: A tree that one initially planted for the sake of idol worship is forbidden, and one may not derive benefit from any part of the tree. If one lopped off part of the trunk of a tree or trimmed its branches for the sake of idol worship, i.e., to worship that which would regrow there, and the tree’s trunk or limbs regrew, one removes that which has regrown and burn it. The remainder of the tree is then permitted. If one erected an object of idol worship beneath a tree and subsequently removed it, it is permitted to derive benefit from the tree. Which tree is deemed forbidden as an ashera? Any tree that has an object of idol worship beneath it. Rabbi Shimon says: Any tree that people worship. And there was an incident in Tzaidan involving a tree that people would worship, and Jews found beneath it a heap of stones. Rabbi Shimon said to them: Examine this heap of stones. And they examined it and found in it an idolatrous image. Rabbi Shimon said to them: Since it is the image that they worship, we can permit use of the tree to those who wish to derive benefit from it.
שְׁלשָׁה בָתִּים הֵן. בַּיִת שֶׁבָּנוּי מִתְּחִלָּה לַעֲבוֹדָה זָרָה, הֲרֵי זֶה אָסוּר. סִיְּדוֹ וְכִיְּרוֹ לַעֲבוֹדָה זָרָה וְחִדֵּשׁ, נוֹטֵל מַה שֶּׁחִדֵּשׁ. הִכְנִיס לְתוֹכָה עֲבוֹדָה זָרָה וְהוֹצִיאָהּ, הֲרֵי זֶה מֻתָּר. שָׁלשׁ אֲבָנִים הֵן. אֶבֶן שֶׁחֲצָבָהּ מִתְּחִלָּה לְבִימוֹס, הֲרֵי זוֹ אֲסוּרָה. סִיְּדָהּ וְכִיְּרָהּ לְשֵׁם עֲבוֹדָה זָרָה וְחִדֵּשׁ, נוֹטֵל מַה שֶּׁחִדֵּשׁ. הֶעֱמִיד עָלֶיהָ עֲבוֹדָה זָרָה וְסִלְּקָהּ, הֲרֵי זוֹ מֻתֶּרֶת. שָׁלשׁ אֲשֵׁרוֹת הֵן. אִילָן שֶׁנְּטָעוֹ מִתְּחִלָּה לְשֵׁם עֲבוֹדָה זָרָה, הֲרֵי זֶה אָסוּר. גִּדְּעוֹ וּפִסְּלוֹ לְשֵׁם עֲבוֹדָה זָרָה וְהֶחֱלִיף, נוֹטֵל מַה שֶּׁהֶחֱלִיף. הֶעֱמִיד תַּחְתֶּיהָ עֲבוֹדָה זָרָה וּבִטְּלָהּ, הֲרֵי זֶה מֻתָּר. אֵיזוֹ הִיא אֲשֵׁרָה, כֹּל שֶׁיֵּשׁ תַּחְתֶּיהָ עֲבוֹדָה זָרָה. רַבִּי שִׁמְעוֹן אוֹמֵר, כֹּל שֶׁעוֹבְדִין אוֹתָהּ. וּמַעֲשֶׂה בְצַיְדָּן בְּאִילָן שֶׁהָיוּ עוֹבְדִין אוֹתוֹ, וּמָצְאוּ תַחְתָּיו גָּל. אָמַר לָהֶן רַבִּי שִׁמְעוֹן, בִּדְקוּ אֶת הַגַּל הַזֶּה, וּבְדָקוּהוּ וּמָצְאוּ בוֹ צוּרָה. אָמַר לָהֶן, הוֹאִיל וְלַצּוּרָה הֵן עוֹבְדִין, נַתִּיר לָהֶן אֶת הָאִילָן:
שלשה בתים הם – regarding the matter of abrogation of idolatry.
בית – the beginning of its building is for idolatry. This is prohibited.
סיידו וכיירו לעבודה זרה – that it was built ab initio as a human dwelling. And plastered it – who whiten it with plaster and cementing/putting tiles, engraving and doing embroidery.
וחידש – or renewed.
נוטל מה שחידש – and all the rest of the house is permitted.
הכניס לתוכו ע"ז – by the hour, and he did not designate it for the usage of idolatry.
שלש אבנים הם – for the matter of abrogation.
אבן שחצבה מתחלה – from the mountain.
לבימוס – to place idolatry upon it.
סיידה וכיירה – and it was hewn and standing.
נוטל – an Israelite,
מה שחידש – what was new, the adornment and the stone are permitted.
העמיד עליה ע"ז – by the hour, and he did not designate the stone for a pedestal [for an idol].
וסילקה – this is permitted, and does not need abrogation.
גדעו – for the purposes of idolatry to worship the growths that took place upon it from now.
נוטל מה שהחליף – the branches that grew in place of those that he lopped off and he burned them according to the law of Asherah/tree devoted to idolatry, the remainder is permitted.
איזו היא אשרה – In the Gemara (Tractate Avodah Zarah 48a) it explains that the three Asherot that are taught in the Mishnah are referred to above and this is what is taught: There are three Asherot – two of them are held by everyone and on one there is the dispute between Rabbi Shimon and the Rabbis. And what is the Asherah that Rabbi Shimon and the Rabbis? All [trees] that have under them idolatry, for the Rabbis call them a tree devoted for idolatry and prohibits them all the while that there is idolatry underneath it, and Rabbi Shimon states that it is not Asherah but rather everyone worships it, but all [trees] which have underneath them idolatry, this is not an Asherah. But the Halakha is not according to Rabbi Shimon.
שלשה בתים הם. לענין ביטול ע״ז:
בית. שתחלת בנינו לע״ז, והיו עובדין את הבית עצמו, הרי זה אסור:
סיידו וכיירו לעבודה זרה. שהיה בנוי מתחלה לדירת אדם, וסיידו, שליבנו בסיד. וכיירו, פיתוח וציור:
וחידש. או שחידש:
נוטל מה שחידש. ושאר כל הבית מותר:
הכניס לתוכו ע״ז. לפי שעה ולא הקצהו לתשמיש ע״ז:
שלש אבנים הם. לענין בטול:
אבן שחצבה מתחלה. מן ההר:
לבימוס. להושיב ע״ז עליה:
סיידה וכיירה. והיא היתה חצובה ועומדת:
נוטל. ישראל:
מה שחידש. הנכרי, והאבן מותרת:
העמיד עליה ע״ז. לפי שעה ולא הקצה האבן לבימוס:
וסילקה, הרי זו מותרת. ואינה צריכה בטול:
גדעו. לשם עבודה זרה, לעבוד הגידולים שיגדלו בו מעתה:
נוטל מה שהחליף. הענפים שגדלו במקום אותן שגדע, ושורפן כדין אשרה, והשאר מותר:
איזו היא אשרה. בגמרא מפרש, דאשלש אשרות דתנן לעיל קאי. והכי קתני, שלש אשרות הן, שתים דברי הכל, ואחת מחלוקת רבי שמעון ורבנן, ואיזהו אשרה שנחלקו רבי שמעון ורבנן, כל שיש תחתיה ע"ז, דרבנן קרו לה אשרה ואסרי לה כל זמן שיש ע״ז תחתיה, ורבי שמעון אומר אינה אשרה אלא כל שעובדין אותה, אבל כל שיש תחתיה ע״ז אין זו אשרה. ואין הלכה כר׳ שמעון:
Mishnah Yomi FAQ
What is Mishnah Yomi?
Mishnah Yomi is a daily study program where participants study two mishnayot (individual teachings from the Mishnah) every day. By following this program, one can complete the entire Mishnah in about six years.
What is the Mishnah?
The Mishnah is the first major written collection of Jewish oral traditions, forming the basis of the Talmud. It dates back to around 200 CE and consists of teachings and discussions of Jewish law by various rabbis.
Who started the Mishnah Yomi program?
In 1934, the Kozoglover Gaon, Rav Aryeh Tzvi Frommer, who took over from Rav Meir Shapiro (the founder of Daf Yomi) as the head of Yeshivas Chachmei Lublin, initiated the Mishnah Yomi cycle, focusing on Seder Zeraim and Seder Taharos. After World War II, in 1947, Rav Yonah Sztencl, a disciple of Rav Frommer, expanded the program, advocating for a comprehensive study of Shishah Sidrei Mishnah. The idea of studying two Mishnayos daily gained the support of figures like Rav Isser Zalman Meltzer, the Tchebiner Rov, and the Gerer Rebbe, marking the formal inception of Mishnah Yomi.
How long does it take to complete the Mishnah with Mishnah Yomi?
Following the Mishnah Yomi program, one can complete the Mishnah in approximately six years.
Can anyone join Mishnah Yomi?
Yes, anyone interested in studying the Mishnah can start the Mishnah Yomi cycle. There’s no need for prior knowledge; beginners are welcome.
Do I need to know Hebrew to study Mishnah Yomi?
While the Mishnah is originally in Hebrew, there are numerous translations and commentaries available in various languages, making it accessible to anyone interested in studying.
Is there a specific time of day to study Mishnah Yomi?
There’s no designated time. Participants can choose a time that best fits their schedule.
Can I study Mishnah Yomi with a group?
Yes, many communities and synagogues organize group study sessions for Mishnah Yomi. Studying in a group can enhance understanding and foster camaraderie.
What if I miss a day?
If you miss a day, you can catch up by studying the missed mishnayot alongside the current day’s study or by dedicating some extra time until you’re back on track.
סמוך לע"ז – that one of his walls is a house for idolatry and the hose itself is worshipped.
אסור לבנותו – for he is building a house for idolatry.
כונס לתוך קרקע שלו ד' אמות – and he does not leave it empty as it is found benefitting idolatry as it extends its boundary, but he fills the place with thorns and makes there a toilet for young children.
היה שלו ושל ע"ז – for the place of the beams of the walls, half of it is his.
נדון מחצה על מחצה – that portion of idolatry does not count in the bringing it inside [within his own property] four cubits but his part counts, for if its beams are two cubits, he counts one cubit of his own and brings it [an additional] three cubits within his own.
אבניו עציו ועפריו – of that wall
מטמאין כשרץ – which defiles like an unclean reptile, and even the section of the Israelite since there is no choice.
כשרץ – that ritually defiles through contact because the defilement of idolatry is Rabbinic, they were lenient concerning it, and it does not defile like a lentil like an unclean reptile, but rather in an olive’s bulk like [contact] with the dead.
רבי עקיבא אומר כנדה – But the Halakha is not according to Rabbi Akiva even with idolatry itself, and all the more so, with those who use it.