Today's Mishnah Yomi
Shevuos 1:4 - 1:5
The Mishnah Yomi for Tuesday, February 11, 2025 is Shevuos 1:4 - 1:5
Mishnah 1
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Mishnayos Shevuos Perek 1 Mishnah 4
שבועות פרק א׳ משנה ד׳
And for cases in which one did not have awareness, neither at the beginning nor at the end, the goats brought as sin-offerings for the additional offerings of the Festivals and the goats brought as sin-offerings for the additional offerings of the New Moons atone. This is the statement of Rabbi Yehuda. Rabbi Shimon says: The goats of the Festivals atone for cases in which one never had awareness of the transgression, but the goats of the New Moons do not. But if so, for what do the goats of the New Moons atone? They atone for a ritually pure person who unwittingly partook of ritually impure sacrificial food. Rabbi Meir says: With regard to all the goats offered as additional offerings, those of the New Moons, Festivals, and Yom Kippur, their atonement, i.e., the atonement that they effect, is the same; they all atone for the defiling of the Temple by entering it while impure, or for the defiling of its sacrificial foods by partaking of them while impure. Rabbi Shimon would say, delineating his opinion as the mishna expresses it above: The goats of the New Moons atone for a ritually pure person who unwittingly partook of ritually impure sacrificial food. And with regard to the defiling of the Temple or its sacrificial foods, the goats of the Festivals atone for cases in which one did not have awareness, neither at the beginning nor at the end, and the goats of the additional offerings of Yom Kippur atone for cases in which one did not have awareness at the beginning but did have awareness at the end. The Rabbis said to him: What is the halakha with regard to whether goats consecrated for different days may be sacrificed, this one in place of that one? For example, if a goat was initially consecrated to be sacrificed as part of the Yom Kippur additional offerings, may it be sacrificed as part of the Festival additional offerings instead? Rabbi Shimon said to them: They may be sacrificed. They said to him: Since, according to you, their atonement is not the same, how could they possibly be sacrificed, this one in place of that one? Rabbi Shimon said to them: They can be interchanged, since ultimately all of them come to atone for the defiling of the Temple or its sacrificial foods.
וְעַל שֶׁאֵין בָּהּ יְדִיעָה לֹא בַתְּחִלָּה וְלֹא בַסּוֹף, שְׂעִירֵי הָרְגָלִים וּשְׂעִירֵי רָאשֵׁי חֳדָשִׁים מְכַפְּרִים, דִּבְרֵי רַבִּי יְהוּדָה. רַבִּי שִׁמְעוֹן אוֹמֵר, שְׂעִירֵי הָרְגָלִים מְכַפְּרִין, אֲבָל לֹא שְׂעִירֵי רָאשֵׁי חֳדָשִׁים. וְעַל מַה שְׂעִירֵי רָאשֵׁי חֳדָשִׁים מְכַפְּרִין, עַל הַטָּהוֹר שֶׁאָכַל אֶת הַטָּמֵא. רַבִּי מֵאִיר אוֹמֵר, כָּל הַשְּׂעִירִים כַּפָּרָתָן שָׁוָה עַל טֻמְאַת מִקְדָּשׁ וְקָדָשָׁיו. הָיָה רַבִּי שִׁמְעוֹן אוֹמֵר, שְׂעִירֵי רָאשֵׁי חֳדָשִׁים מְכַפְּרִין עַל הַטָּהוֹר שֶׁאָכַל אֶת הַטָּמֵא, וְשֶׁל רְגָלִים מְכַפְּרִין עַל שֶׁאֵין בָּהּ יְדִיעָה לֹא בַתְּחִלָּה וְלֹא בַסּוֹף, וְשֶׁל יוֹם הַכִּפּוּרִים מְכַפֵּר עַל שֶׁאֵין בָּהּ יְדִיעָה בַתְּחִלָּה אֲבָל יֶשׁ בָּהּ יְדִיעָה בַסּוֹף. אָמְרוּ לוֹ, מַהוּ שֶׁיִּקְרְבוּ זֶה בָזֶה. אָמַר לָהֶם, יִקְרָבוּ. אָמְרוּ לוֹ, הוֹאִיל וְאֵין כַּפָּרָתָן שָׁוָה, הֵיאַךְ קְרֵבִין זֶה בָזֶה. אָמַר לָהֶן, כֻּלָּן בָּאִין לְכַפֵּר עַל טֻמְאַת מִקְדָּשׁ וְקָדָשָׁיו:
שעירי הרגלים. בכל הרגלים נאמרו שעירי חטאת במוספין:
ושעירי ראשי חדשים מכפרים. דכתיב בשעיר ראש חודש (שם כ״ה) לחטאת לה׳, חטא שאין מכיר בו אלא ה׳ שעיר זה יהא מכפר, והיינו שאין בו ידיעה לא בתחלה ולא בסוף. ושעירי רגלים ילפינן משעיר ר״ח בהיקש, דשעיר הוה מצי למכתב בכולהו רגלים, וכתב ושעיר, וא״ו מוסיף על ענין ראשון, להקיש שעל מה שזה מכפר אלו מכפרים:
כל השעירים כפרתן שוה. כל שעירי המוספין, בין שעירי רגלים בין שעיר ר״ח בין שעיר הנעשה בחוץ ביוה״כ, כפרתן שוה, שהם מכפרין בין על שאין בה ידיעה בתחלה ויש בה ידיעה בסוף בין על שאין בה ידיעה לא בתחלה ולא בסוף, בין על טהור שאכל את הטמא, ונפקא מינה לטומאה שאירעה בין זו לזו. אבל שעיר הנעשה בפנים ביום הכיפורים לא נחלקו עליו שהוא תולה על שיש בה ידיעה בתחלה ואין בה ידיעה בסוף, כדאמרינן:
היה ר׳ שמעון אומר. האי דהדר נקט לה, משום דבעי למימר אמרו לו מהו שיקרבו זה בזה:
מהו שיקרבו. אם אבד שעיר שהופרש ליום הכפורים, ונתכפרו באחר, ונמצא זה ברגל או בר״ח, מהו שיקריב לשם שעירו של יום:
אמרו לו הואיל ואין כפרתן שוה. ר׳ מאיר הוא דקאמר ליה לרבי שמעון, בשלמא אי אמרת כולן כפרתם שוה, יקרב, שהרי כולן כפרה אחת הן מכפרים, אלא לדידך, זו שהופרשה לכפר על שאין בה ידיעה בתחלה ויש בה ידיעה בסוף היאך יקרב ברגל לכפר על שאין בה ידיעה לא בתחלה ולא בסוף, או בר״ח לכפר על הטהור שאכל את הטמא:
לכפר על טומאת מקדש וקדשיו. וכיון דבזה שוין, אע״פ שכפרתן חלוקות יכול הוא ליקרב:
Mishnah 2
Mishnayos Shevuos Perek 1 Mishnah 5
שבועות פרק א׳ משנה ה׳
Rabbi Shimon ben Yehuda says in the name of Rabbi Shimon a tradition of his opinion that differs from the way the mishna expresses it above: The goats of the New Moons atone for a ritually pure person who unwittingly partook of ritually impure sacrificial food. The goats of the Festivals exceed them, as they atone both for a pure person who partook of impure sacrificial food and also for cases of defiling the Temple or its sacrificial foods in which one did not have awareness, neither at the beginning nor at the end. The goats of Yom Kippur further exceed them, as they atone both for a ritually pure person who partook of ritually impure sacrificial food and for cases of defiling the Temple or its sacrificial foods in which one did not have awareness, neither at the beginning nor at the end; and they also atone for cases in which one did not have awareness at the beginning but did have awareness at the end. The Rabbis said to him: What is the halakha with regard to whether goats consecrated for different days may be sacrificed, this one in place of that one? Rabbi Shimon said to them: Yes, they can be interchanged. They said to him: If what you say is so, granted that the goats of Yom Kippur may be sacrificed on the New Moons, but how could the goats of the New Moons be sacrificed on Yom Kippur when they will need to effect atonement for that which they were not consecrated for? Rabbi Shimon said to them: They can all be interchanged, since ultimately all of them come to atone for the defiling of the Temple or its sacrificial foods, even if each one atones for a different case.
רַבִּי שִׁמְעוֹן בֶּן יְהוּדָה אוֹמֵר מִשְּׁמוֹ, שְׂעִירֵי רָאשֵׁי חֳדָשִׁים מְכַפְּרִין עַל טָהוֹר שֶׁאָכַל אֶת הַטָּמֵא. מוֹסִיף עֲלֵיהֶם שֶׁל רְגָלִים, שֶׁמְּכַפְּרִין עַל טָהוֹר שֶׁאָכַל אֶת הַטָּמֵא וְעַל שֶׁאֵין בָּהּ יְדִיעָה לֹא בַתְּחִלָּה וְלֹא בַסּוֹף. מוֹסִיף עֲלֵיהֶם שֶׁל יוֹם הַכִּפּוּרִים, שֶׁהֵן מְכַפְּרִין עַל הַטָּהוֹר שֶׁאָכַל אֶת הַטָּמֵא, וְעַל שֶׁאֵין בָּהּ יְדִיעָה לֹא בַתְּחִלָּה וְלֹא בַסּוֹף, וְעַל שֶׁאֵין בָּהּ יְדִיעָה בַתְּחִלָּה אֲבָל יֶשׁ בָּהּ יְדִיעָה בַסּוֹף. אָמְרוּ לוֹ, מַהוּ שֶׁיִּקְרְבוּ זֶה בָזֶה. אָמַר לָהֶם, הֵן. אָמְרוּ לוֹ, אִם כֵּן, יִהְיוּ שֶׁל יוֹם הַכִּפּוּרִים קְרֵבִין בְּרָאשֵׁי חֳדָשִׁים, אֲבָל הֵיאַךְ שֶׁל רָאשֵׁי חֳדָשִׁים קְרֵבִין בְּיוֹם הַכִּפּוּרִים לְכַפֵּר כַּפָּרָה שֶׁאֵינָהּ שֶׁלָּהּ. אָמַר לָהֶן, כֻּלָּן בָּאִין לְכַפֵּר עַל טֻמְאַת מִקְדָּשׁ וְקָדָשָׁיו:
משמו – of Rabbi Shimon. And the anonymous Rabbi Shimon (without his patronymic) is Rabbi Shimon bar Yohai.
משמו. של ר׳ שמעון. וסתם ר׳ שמעון הוא ר׳ שמעון בן יוחאי:
Mishnah Yomi FAQ
What is Mishnah Yomi?
Mishnah Yomi is a daily study program where participants study two mishnayot (individual teachings from the Mishnah) every day. By following this program, one can complete the entire Mishnah in about six years.
What is the Mishnah?
The Mishnah is the first major written collection of Jewish oral traditions, forming the basis of the Talmud. It dates back to around 200 CE and consists of teachings and discussions of Jewish law by various rabbis.
Who started the Mishnah Yomi program?
In 1934, the Kozoglover Gaon, Rav Aryeh Tzvi Frommer, who took over from Rav Meir Shapiro (the founder of Daf Yomi) as the head of Yeshivas Chachmei Lublin, initiated the Mishnah Yomi cycle, focusing on Seder Zeraim and Seder Taharos. After World War II, in 1947, Rav Yonah Sztencl, a disciple of Rav Frommer, expanded the program, advocating for a comprehensive study of Shishah Sidrei Mishnah. The idea of studying two Mishnayos daily gained the support of figures like Rav Isser Zalman Meltzer, the Tchebiner Rov, and the Gerer Rebbe, marking the formal inception of Mishnah Yomi.
How long does it take to complete the Mishnah with Mishnah Yomi?
Following the Mishnah Yomi program, one can complete the Mishnah in approximately six years.
Can anyone join Mishnah Yomi?
Yes, anyone interested in studying the Mishnah can start the Mishnah Yomi cycle. There’s no need for prior knowledge; beginners are welcome.
Do I need to know Hebrew to study Mishnah Yomi?
While the Mishnah is originally in Hebrew, there are numerous translations and commentaries available in various languages, making it accessible to anyone interested in studying.
Is there a specific time of day to study Mishnah Yomi?
There’s no designated time. Participants can choose a time that best fits their schedule.
Can I study Mishnah Yomi with a group?
Yes, many communities and synagogues organize group study sessions for Mishnah Yomi. Studying in a group can enhance understanding and foster camaraderie.
What if I miss a day?
If you miss a day, you can catch up by studying the missed mishnayot alongside the current day’s study or by dedicating some extra time until you’re back on track.
שעירי הרגלים – On all the Festivals, it was stated, “the oats as a sin offering”” (see, for example, Numbers 28:22 for Passover).
ושעירי ראשי חדשים מכפרים – as it is written with regard to the goat on the New Moon/Rosh Hodesh (Numbers 28:15): “And there shall be one goat as a sin offering,” a sin that one doesn’t recognize other than God [Himself], this goat will atone, and that means that he has no awareness neither at the beginning nor at the end. And the goats of the Festivals, we learn from the goat for the New Moon through a juxtaposition, for “goat” could have been written in all the Festivals, and it (i.e., the Torah) wrote, “and a goat”, and the VAV adds on the first matter, to make the juxtaposition that just as this one expiates/atones, so all of the others atone.
כל השעירים כפרתן שוה – all the goats of the Musaf [sacrificial] service, whether they are the goats of the festival or the goat of the New Moon, whether the goat that is offered outside on Yom Kippur, their expiation/atonement is equivalent, for they atone whether there was no awareness at the at the beginning but there is awareness at the end, or whether there is no awareness either neither at the beginning nor at the end, whether about someone pure who ate something ritually impure, and we derive from it, for a defilement that occurred whether for one or the other. But a goat that is prepared for sacrifice inside on Yom Kippur, they did not disagree about, for it is assigned to the case where he has awareness at the beginning but does not have awareness of it at the end, as we have stated.
היה רבי שמעון אומר – this is for one who retracted, that it [i.e., the Mishnah] took it, because it was necessary to state that they said to him: what is the Halakha if they are offered together?
מהו שיקרבו – if he lost a goat that was set aside for Yom Kippur, and they were expiated with another [goat] and this one (i.e., the original goat) was found on the Festival (i.e. Sukkot) or on Rosh Hodesh, what is the law regarding that it be offered for the purpose of the goat [of the sin offering] of that day?
אמרו לו הואיל ואין כפרתן שוה – It is Rabbi Meir who says to Rabbi Shimon, it is all well if you said that all of them their expiation is equivalent, then let it be offered, for all of them are atone for one expiation, but according to you, this one that was set aside/separated to expiate for a case where he had no awareness at first, and there is awareness of it at the conclusion, how can he sacrifice [it] on the Festival to expiate where he had no awareness [of having sinned through uncleanness] either at the beginning or at the conclusion, or on Rosh Hodesh to atne for a pure person who ate something impure/unclean?
לכפר על טומאת מקדש וקדשיו – because in this, they are equivalent, even though their expiations are divided, he can offer it up.