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Mishnayos Zevachim Perek 8 Mishnah 4

זבחים פרק ח׳ משנה ד׳


In the case of the limbs of a sin offering, which are eaten by priests and may not be burned on the altar, that were intermingled with the limbs of a burnt offering, which are burned on the altar, Rabbi Eliezer says: The priest shall place all the limbs above, on the altar, and I view the flesh of the limbs of the sin offering above on the altar as though they are pieces of wood burned on the altar, and not as though they are an offering. And the Rabbis say: One should wait until the form of all the intermingled limbs decays and they will all go out to the place of burning in the Temple courtyard, where all disqualified offerings of the most sacred order are burned.

אֵבְרֵי חַטָּאת שֶׁנִּתְעָרְבוּ בְאֵבְרֵי עוֹלָה, רַבִּי אֱלִיעֶזֶר אוֹמֵר, יִתֵּן לְמַעְלָן, וְרוֹאֶה אֲנִי אֶת בְּשַׂר הַחַטָּאת מִלְמַעְלָן כְּאִלּוּ הוּא עֵצִים. וַחֲכָמִים אוֹמְרִים, תְּעֻבַּר צוּרָתָן וְיֵצֵא לְבֵית הַשְּׂרֵפָה:


אברי חטאת – whose flesh/meat is consumed by the Kohanim.

שנתערבו באברי עולה – that is entirely burned up.

יתן למעלן – he should place the limbs of the entire mixture on the wood. And the reason of Rabbi Eliezer is as Scripture states (Leviticus 2:11): “for no leaven or honey may be turned into smoke as a gift to the LORD,” and this is the logical implication of the Biblical verse (ibid.,): “for no leaven or honey may be turned into smoke,” and you should not turn into smoke anything that from which is a fire-offering to God, which is the residue of the sacrifice. “You may bring them to the LORD as an offering of choice products” (Leviticus 2:12), from the leaven and honey to God, the two loaves from the leaven and the honey from the First Fruits from the fruit of the trees which are figs and dates. [And the words], “upon the altar” (ibid.), we expound it, whether it is the leaven or the honey or whether it is the residue, for a pleasing odor [to God] you do not offer them up, but you do offer them up for the sake of wood, and this is what is stated, “and I regard the meat of the sin-offering [which is] on top [of the fires] as if it were wood.”

וחכמים אומרים תעובר צורתן – that is to say, he should leave them until they become disqualified and they would go out to the place of burning [as remnant] like the rest of the consecrated animals that are disqualified, and he doesn’t offer them up on the altar, for he has transgressed because of all that from it were to be burnt-offerings (Leviticus 2:11): “for no heaven or honey may be turned into smoke as a gift to the LORD,” – which he violated not turning it into smoke, but the sin-offering and the portions of the offering placed upon the altar are offered as burnt-offerings, the flesh comes under the ban against not turning it into smoke. And the Halakha is according to the Sages.

אברי חטאת. שבשרה נאכל לכהנים:

שנתערבו באברי עולה. שכולה כליל:

יתן למעלן. יתן אברי התערובות כולן על העצים. וטעמא דר׳ אליעזר, דאמר קרא (ויקרא ב׳:י״א) כי כל שאור וכל דבש לא תקטירו ממנו אשה לה׳, והכי משמעותא דקרא, כי כל שאור וכל דבש לא תקטירו, ולא תקטירו כל שממנו אשה לה׳, דהיינו השיריים של קרבן. קרבן ראשית תקריבו מן השאור והדבש לה׳, שתי לחם מן השאור ודבש מן הביכורים מפרי העץ שהם תאנים ותמרים. ואל המזבח דרשינן ליה בין אשאור ודבש בין אשיריים, לריח ניחוח אי אתה מעלה אבל אתה מעלה לשם עצים. והיינו דקאמר ורואה אני את בשר חטאת כאילו הן עצים:

וחכמים אומרים תעובר צורתן. כלומר יניח אותן עד שיפסלו ויצאו לבית השריפה כשאר פסולי המוקדשים, ואינו מעלן למזבח, דהא עבר משום כל שממנו לאישים הרי הוא בבל תקטירו, וחטאת דאימוריו קרבים לאישים הרי הבשר בבל תקטירו. והלכה כחכמים: