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Mishnayos Zevachim Perek 7 Mishnah 3

זבחים פרק ז׳ משנה ג׳


And all of the offerings enumerated in the previous mishna, even those that are disqualified and may not be eaten or sacrificed, still differ from carcasses of unslaughtered kosher birds in that they do not render one who swallows their meat ritually impure when the meat is in the throat. This is because the pinching of the napes of bird offerings, like the slaughter of animals, prevents them from assuming the status of a carcass. But nevertheless, since they are forbidden to the priests, one who derives benefit from any of them is liable for misusing consecrated property. This is the halakha in all cases except for the bird sin offering that one sacrificed below the red line according to the procedure of the sin offering and for the sake of a sin offering. Since it was sacrificed properly and it is permitted for priests to partake of a fit sin offering, there is no liability for misuse of consecrated property.

וְכֻלָּן אֵינָן מְטַמְּאוֹת בְּבֵית הַבְּלִיעָה, וּמוֹעֲלִין בָּהֶן, חוּץ מֵחַטַּאת הָעוֹף שֶׁעֲשָׂאָהּ לְמַטָּה, כְּמַעֲשֵׂה חַטָּאת לְשֵׁם חַטָּאת:


וכולן אינן מטמאות בבית הבליעה (and all of them – which are invalid – do not impart uncleanness to the esophagus/gullet) – even though they were invalidated, their pinching of the bird’s head purifies them from having ritual impurity imparted by an un-slaughtered carcass, and they don’t become ritually impure in the gullet/esophagus according to the law of the un-slaughtered carcass of a pure bird for a person who consumes it, even though he did not touch it, as for example, that his fellow inserted it in his esophagus, it becomes ritually defiled in a more serious manner to defile the clothing that is upon him, but these, even though that their pinching of the bird’s head does not permit them for eating because of the defilement that occurred to them, nevertheless, it purifies them and removes them from being an un-slaughtered carcass.

ומועלין בהן – he who derives a penny’s worth of benefit from them brings a sacrifice of sacrilege according to the law of all who derive benefit from that which is dedicated to the Temple. And even a sin-offering, because it was defiled and there was no time period of permissibility to the Kohanim, he did not depart from religious sacrilege.

חוץ מחטאת העוף שעשאה למטה כמעשה חטאת לשם חטאת – which is fit/valid and there is a period of permissibility for the Kohanim, and furthermore, there is no religious sacrilege involved even for a non-Kohen (literally: “a foreigner”).

וכולן אינן מטמאות בבית הבליעה. אע״פ שנפסלו, מליקתן מטהרתן מידי נבילה, ואין מטמאין בבית הבליעה כדין נבלת עוף טהור שהאוכלה אע״פ שלא נגע בה כגון שתחבה לו חבירו בבית הבליעה נטמא טומאה חמורה לטמא בגדים שעליו, אבל אלו אף על פי שאין מליקתן מתירתן באכילה מפני הפסול שאירע בהן, מכל מקום מטהרתן ומוציאתן מידי נבילה:

ומועלין בהן. הנהנה מהן בשוה פרוטה מביא קרבן מעילה כדין כל נהנה מן ההקדש. ואפילו חטאת, הואיל ונפסלה ולא היה בה שעת היתר לכהנים, לא יצאה מידי מעילה:

חוץ מחטאת העוף שעשאה למטה כמעשה חטאת לשם חטאת. דכשרה היא ויש בה שעת היתר לכהנים, ושוב אין בה מעילה אפילו לזר: