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Mishnayos Zevachim Perek 3 Mishnah 2

זבחים פרק ג׳ משנה ב׳


If the priest fit for Temple service collected the blood in a vessel and gave the vessel to an unfit person, that person should return it to the fit priest. If the priest collected the blood in a vessel in his right hand and moved it to his left hand, he should return it to his right hand. If the priest collected the blood in a sacred vessel and placed it in a non-sacred vessel, he should return the blood to a sacred vessel. If the blood spilled from the vessel onto the floor and he gathered it from the floor, it is valid. If an unfit person placed the blood upon the ramp or on the wall of the altar that is not opposite the base of the altar, or if he placed the blood that is to be placed below the red line above the red line, or if he placed the blood that is to be placed above the red line below the red line, or if he placed the blood that is to be placed inside the Sanctuary outside the Sanctuary or the blood that is to be placed outside the Sanctuary inside the Sanctuary, then if there is blood of the soul that remains in the animal, the priest fit for Temple service should again collect the blood and sprinkle it on the altar.

קִבֵּל הַכָּשֵׁר וְנָתַן לַפָּסוּל, יַחֲזִיר לַכָּשֵׁר. קִבֵּל בִּימִינוֹ וְנָתַן לִשְׂמֹאלוֹ, יַחֲזִיר לִימִינוֹ. קִבֵּל בִּכְלִי קֹדֶשׁ וְנָתַן בִּכְלִי חֹל, יַחֲזִיר לִכְלִי קֹדֶשׁ. נִשְׁפַּךְ מִן הַכְּלִי עַל הָרִצְפָּה וַאֲסָפוֹ, כָּשֵׁר. נְתָנוֹ עַל גַּבֵּי הַכֶּבֶשׁ, שֶׁלֹּא כְנֶגֶד הַיְסוֹד, נָתַן אֶת הַנִּתָּנִין לְמַטָּה, לְמַעְלָה, וְאֶת הַנִּתָּנִים לְמַעְלָה, לְמַטָּה, אֶת הַנִּתָּנִים בִּפְנִים, בַּחוּץ, וְאֶת הַנִּתָּנִים בַּחוּץ, בִּפְנִים, אִם יֵשׁ דַּם הַנֶּפֶשׁ, יַחֲזֹר הַכָּשֵׁר וִיקַבֵּל:


יחזיר לכשר – and he will not find fault in what that he gave to the invalid individual.

נתנו – that which was invalid.

על גבי הכבש שלא כנגד היסוד – this is placement that is not in its [appropriate] place. Or that he placed that (i.e., the blood) which should be placed below [the red line] above It, the fit/kosher individual should return and receive it. And it is necessary to tell us about all of them, for it has a remedy in its return. For if it (i.e., the Mishnah) had only taught only the first clause I might think that these that were appropriate for the Divine Service of the community such as an impure person who is worthy ab-initio for the community, therefore, regarding the individual, there is a remedy through a return, but the left [hand] which is not appropriate for the Divine Service of the community, I might say that he does not have a remedy in returning it. But if we only taught the case of someone who used his left-hand, I might think that the person using his left [hand] has a remedy in returning it, for it has acceptance on Yom Kippur, for the High Priest takes the coal-pan in his right hand and the censer in is left hand. But an unconsecrated utensil, I might so not [at all]. But if he had mentioned only the unconsecrated utensil, because it is appropriate to sanctify it, but these other cases [mentioned in the Mishnah], I would say not, so it is necessary [to mention them all] (see the Gemara, Tracate Zevakhim 26b).

יחזיר לכשר. ולא מפסיל במה שנתן אותו לפסול:

נתנו. פסול:

על גבי הכבש שלא כנגד היסוד. דהויא נתינה שלא במקומה. או שנתן את הנתנים למטה למעלה, יחזור הכשר ויקבל. וצריכה לאשמועינן בכולהו דאית ליה תקנתא בחזרה. דאי אשמועינן ברישא, הוה אמינא הנך דחזו לעבודת צבור, כגון טמא דחזי לכתחילה בצבור, הלכך גבי יחיד איכא תקנתא בחזרה, אבל שמאל דלא חזיא לעבודת צבור אימא דלית ליה תקנתא בחזרה. ואי אשמעינן שמאל, הוה אמינא שמאל אית ליה תקנתא בחזרה, שכן יש בה הכשר ביום הכפורים, שכהן גדול נוטל את המחתה בימינו ואת הכף בשמאלו, אבל כלי חול אימא לא. ואי אשמועינן כלי חול, משום דחזו לקדושינהו, אבל הנך אימא לא, צריכא.