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Mishnayos Zevachim Perek 13 Mishnah 3

זבחים פרק י"ג משנה ג׳


There is a greater stringency with regard to slaughtering outside the Temple courtyard than with regard to offering up outside, and there is a greater stringency with regard to offering up outside than with regard to slaughtering outside. The mishna elaborates: The greater stringency with regard to slaughtering outside is that one who slaughters an offering outside the Temple courtyard even for the sake of an ordinary purpose, not for the sake of God, is liable. But one who offers up an offering outside the courtyard for the sake of an ordinary purpose is exempt. The greater stringency with regard to offering up outside is that two people who grasped a knife and together slaughtered an offering outside the courtyard are exempt. But if two grasped a limb from an offering and together offered it up outside, they are liable. If one unwittingly offered up part of an offering outside the courtyard and then in a different lapse of awareness offered up other parts of that offering and then again, in another lapse of awareness, offered up yet other parts, he is liable to bring a sin offering for each act of offering up; this is the statement of Rabbi Shimon. Rabbi Yosei says: He is liable to bring only one sin offering. Rabbi Yosei adds: And one is liable for offering up an offering outside the courtyard only once he offers it up at the top of an altar that was erected there. Rabbi Shimon says: Even if he offered it up on a rock or on a stone, not an altar, he is liable.

חֹמֶר בַּשְּׁחִיטָה מִבָּעֲלִיָּה, וּבָעֲלִיָּה מִבַּשְּׁחִיטָה. חֹמֶר בַּשְּׁחִיטָה, שֶׁהַשּׁוֹחֵט לְהֶדְיוֹט, חַיָּב, וְהַמַּעֲלֶה לְהֶדְיוֹט, פָּטוּר. חֹמֶר בָּעֲלִיָּה, שְׁנַיִם שֶׁאָחֲזוּ בְסַכִּין וְשָׁחֲטוּ, פְּטוּרִים. אָחֲזוּ בְאֵבָר וְהֶעֱלוּהוּ, חַיָּבִין. הֶעֱלָה, וְחָזַר וְהֶעֱלָה, וְחָזַר וְהֶעֱלָה, חַיָּב עַל כָּל עֲלִיָּה וַעֲלִיָּה, דִּבְרֵי רַבִּי שִׁמְעוֹן. רַבִּי יוֹסֵי אוֹמֵר, אֵינוֹ חַיָּב אֶלָּא אַחַת, וְאֵינוֹ חַיָּב עַד שֶׁיַּעֲלֶה לְרֹאשׁ הַמִּזְבֵּחַ. רַבִּי שִׁמְעוֹן אוֹמֵר, אֲפִלּוּ הֶעֱלָה עַל הַסֶּלַע אוֹ עַל הָאֶבֶן, חַיָּב:


שהשוחט להדיוט כו' - a person who ritually slaughters Holy Things outside [the Temple courtyard] for consumption by an ordinary person [as opposed to for God alone], is liable.

המעלה בחוץ – for the needs of an ordinary person, is exempt because of offering it up outside [the Temple courtyard]. For regarding ritual slaughter, it is written (Leviticus 17:4): “[And does not bring it to the entrance of the Tent of Meeting to present it as an offering to the LORD, before the LORD’s Tabernacle,] bloodguilt shall be imputed to that man, [he has shed blood; that man shall be cut off from among his people],” even a person who does ritual slaughter for a person. And regarding offering it up, it is written (Leviticus 17:9): “[and does not bring it to the entrance of the Tent of Meeting] to offer it to the LORD, [that person shall be cut off from his people],” he is not liable when he offers it up outside [the Temple courtyard] until he should intend it to be for God.

ושחטו פטורים – as it is written (Leviticus 17:4): “ דם יחשב לאיש ההוא/bloodguilt shall be imputed to that man – האיש ההוא" ,” one person and not two.

והעלוהו חייבין – as it is written (Leviticus 17:8): “[Say to them further:] If anyone/איש איש of the house of Israel ]or of the strangers who reside among them[ אשר יעלה/offers a burnt offering or sacrifice,” for the inference does not teach us "איש איש"/if anyone – other than to include two who took hold of a limb and offered it up, that they are liable.

העלה – and it became known to him.

וחזר והעלה – from the same animal itself, he is liable [for a sin offering] for each and every time.

עד שיעלה לראש המזבח – as it is written (Genesis 8:20): “Then Noah built an altar to the LORD [and, taking of every pure animal and of every pure bird, he offered burnt offerings on the altar],” so we see even the temporary altar of an individual that is outside is not offering up without an altar.

אפילו העלה על הסלע – as it is written (Leviticus 17:6): “that the priest may dash the blood against the altar of the LORD at the entrance of the Tent of Meeting [to offer it to the LORD, that person shall be cut off from his people],” but not at the altar of a temporary personal altar. And it is written in the portion of one offering outside [the Temple courtyard]. But the Halakha is according is according to Rabbi Yossi.

שהשוחט להדיוט כו׳. השוחט קדשים בחוץ לאכילת הדיוט חייב:

המעלה בחוץ. לצורך הדיוט, פטור משום העלאת חוץ. דגבי שחיטה כתיב דם יחשב לאיש, אפילו השוחט לאיש. וגבי העלאה כתיב לעשות אותו לה׳, אינו חייב כשמעלהו בחוץ עד שיכוין בו לה׳:

ושחטו פטורים. דכתיב (שם י״ז) דם יחשב לאיש ההוא, אחד ולא שנים:

והעלוהו חייבין. דכתיב (שם) איש איש וגו׳ אשר יעלה כו׳, שאין תלמוד לומר איש איש, אלא לרבות שנים שאחזו באבר והעלוהו, שהן חייבין:

העלה. ונודע לו:

וחזר והעלה. מאותה בהמה עצמה, חייב על כל אחת ואחת:

עד שיעלה לראש המזבח. דכתיב (בראשית ח׳) ויבן נח מזבח לה׳. אלמא אפילו במת יחיד שהיא בחוץ אינה העלאה בלא מזבח:

אפילו העלה על הסלע. דכתיב (ויקרא י״ז) וזרק הכהן את הדם על מזבח ה׳ פתח אהל מועד, ולא מזבח בבמת יחיד. ובפרשת המעלה בחוץ כתיב. והלכה כר׳ יוסי: