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Mishnayos Yevamos Perek 7 Mishnah 4

יבמות פרק ז׳ משנה ד׳


With regard to the fetus of a divorcée or a widow whose husband left her pregnant; and a man whose married brother died childless [yavam]; and betrothal; and a married deaf-mute; and a nine-year-and-one-day-old boy who engaged in intercourse with a woman; if any of these men are Israelites and the woman is the daughter of a priest, they disqualify her from partaking of teruma. But if she is an Israelite and they are priests, they do not enable her to partake of teruma. Likewise, in the case of a boy with regard to whom there is uncertainty as to whether he is nine years and one day old and uncertainty whether he is not, who engaged in intercourse with a woman; and in the case of a boy who betrothed a woman, with regard to whom there is uncertainty as to whether he has grown two pubic hairs and is considered an adult and uncertainty whether he has not grown, they too can disqualify the woman from partaking of teruma and cannot enable her to partake, as in the previous cases. If the house fell upon a man and upon his brother’s daughter, to whom he was married, and it is unknown which of them died first, her rival wife performs ḥalitza and does not enter into levirate marriage. Entering into levirate marriage is not possible, as, if the wife died after her husband, the surviving wife would be rendered the rival wife of a forbidden relative, since the yavam is the father of the wife who died. This status prevents the creation of a levirate bond between him and the surviving wife as well. On the other hand, ḥalitza is necessary in case the wife died before her husband, thereby allowing the creation of a levirate bond between her rival wife and her father, the yavam.

הָעֻבָּר, וְהַיָּבָם, וְהָאֵרוּסִין, וְהַחֵרֵשׁ, וּבֶן תֵּשַׁע שָׁנִים וְיוֹם אֶחָד, פּוֹסְלִין וְלֹא מַאֲכִילִין. סָפֵק שֶׁהוּא בֶן תֵּשַׁע שָׁנִים וְיוֹם אֶחָד סָפֵק שֶׁאֵינוֹ, סָפֵק הֵבִיא שְׁתֵּי שְׂעָרוֹת סָפֵק שֶׁלֹּא הֵבִיא, נָפַל הַבַּיִת עָלָיו וְעַל בַּת אָחִיו וְאֵין יָדוּעַ אֵי זֶה מֵת רִאשׁוֹן, צָרָתָהּ חוֹלֶצֶת וְלֹא מִתְיַבֶּמֶת:


העובר והיבם וכו' -this fetus if [it is the product of] the daughter of a Kohen and an Israelite [male], it disqualifies her [from eating Terumah] as it is written (Leviticus 22:13): “[But if the priest’s daughter is widowed or divorced and without offspring, and is back in her father’s house] as in her youth, [she may eat of her father’s food],” excluding someone pregnant, if she is an Israelite woman [awaiting the act of a levir] to a Kohen, he does not feed [Terumah] and that which is not born does not cause feed [either].

והיבם – if the daughter of a Kohen is [to engage in a levirate marriage] with an Israelite man, he disqualifies her [from partaking of Terumah] as it is written (Leviticus 22:13): “and is back in her father’s house,” excluding the widow waiting for her brother-in-law to act, who is not able to return [to her father’s house] because she is in union with the widow waiting for her brother-in-law to act and if it is the daughter of an Israelite [who is to engage in a levirate marriage] with a Kohen, he does not feed her [Terumah]. The All-Merciful said (Leviticus 22:11): “[But a person who is a priest’s] property by purchase [may eat of them],” but this is the purchase of his brother.

והאירוסין – if she [the widow waiting for her brother-in-law to act] is the daughter of Kohen [to undergo levirate marriage with] with an Israelite [male], he disqualifies her, as he acquires her through “becoming,” and from the time of “becoming” he disqualifies her, as it is written (Leviticus 22:12): “If a priest’s daughter marries a layman, [she may not eat of the sacred gifts],” if it is the daughter of an Israelite [to be taken through levirate marriage] to a Kohen, he does not feed her [Terumah], as a decree lest they pour for her a cup of wine of Terumah in the house of her father and she causes her brothers and sisters to drink of it [as well]

והחרש – if the daughter of a Kohen is [the widow waiting for her brother-in-law to act] [to be married by levirate marriage] to an Israelite male, he disqualifies her [from eating Terumah] for he has acquired her through the Rabbinic ordinance, and if it is a daughter of an Israelite man [who is the widow waiting for her brother-in-law to act] and he is a Kohen, he does not feed her [Terumah] for she is his “property by purchase”(Leviticus 22:11), but a deaf-mute, according to the Torah does not acquire.

ובן תשע שנים ויום אחד וכו' – one those who are ineligible to be married into the priesthood when he is nine years and one day old and comes upon the daughter of a Kohen or upon the daughter of a Levite, or upon the daughter of an Israelite he has disqualified her from eating Terumah for someone who is nine years and one day old, his act of sexual intercourse is considered sexual intercourse, and he has profaned/degraded her through his act of sexual intercourse. But if the daughter of an Israelite is married to a Kohen who is nine years and one day old, he does not feed her Terumah/priest’s due, for his acquisition is not a complete acquisition.

וכן ספק בן תשע שנים וכו' – his law is like someone who is definitely nine [years old an one day] and he disqualifies her [from eating Terumah – if he is a Kohen].

ספק הביא שתי שערות ספק לא הביא – a minor who betrothed a woman – it is doubtful if he had brought forth two [pubic] hairs or not, and her betrothal is a doubtful betrothal. His wife may remove the shoe of the brother of her dead husband, but she may not be placed in a levirate marriage.

נפל הבית עליו ובת אחיו – and she is his wife, it is doubtful if he died first and both of them fell to a levirate marriage in the presence of his brother, but she exempts her rival wife because it is doubtful if the daughter’s associate died first, and a the time when she fell to the levirate marriage, her rival wife was not forbidden on account of consanguinity as it teaches in the Mishnah, and if they died, or refuses, their rival wives are permitted [to marry]; her rival wife undergoes Halitzah but does not enter into a levirate marriage and since we are speaking of doubtful cases, it is taught stringently in their presence.

העובר והיבם וכו׳ האי עובר אי בת כהן לישראל היא, פוסל, דכתיב כנעוריה, פרט למעוברת. אי בת ישראל לכהן היא, לא מאכיל, דשאינו ילוד אינו מאכיל:

והיבם. אי בת כהן לישראל היא, פוסל לה, ושבה אל בית אביה כתיב (שם) פרט לשומרת יבם שאינה יכולה לשוב שהיא אגודה ביבמה. ואי בת ישראל לכהן, לא מאכיל לה, קנין כספו אמר רחמנא וזו קנין אחיו היא:

והארוסין. אי בת כהן לישראל היא, פסיל לה, דקני לה בהויה, ומשעת הויה אפסילה לה, כדכתיב (שם) ובת כהן כי תהיה לאיש זר. אי בת ישראל לכהן, לא מאכיל לה, גזירה שמא ימזגו לה כוס יין של תרומה בבית אביה ותשקה לאחיה ולאחיותיה:

והחרש. אי בת כהן לישראל היא, פסל לה, דהא קנאה בתקנתא דרבנן. ואי בת ישראל לכהן היא, לא מאכיל לה, דקנין כספו אמר רחמנא וחרש מדאורייתא לא קני:

ובן תשע שנים ויום אחד וכו׳ אחד מן הפסולים לכהונה שהוא בן תשע שנים ויום אחד ובא על הכהנת או על הלויה או על בת ישראל, פסלה מלאכול בתרומה, שבן תשע שנים ויום אחד ביאתו ביאה ונתחללה בבעילתו. ואי בת ישראל נישאת לכהן בן תשע שנים ויום אחד, אינו מאכילה בתרומה, שאין קנינו קנין גמור:

וכן ספק בן תשע שנים וכו׳ דינו כבן תשע ודאי ופוסל:

ספק הביא שתי שערות ספק לא הביא. קטן שקידש את האשה, ספק הביא שתי שערות ספק לא הביא וקדושיה קדושי ספק, אשתו חולצת ולא מתיבמת:

נפל הבית עליו ועל בת אחיו. שהיא אשתו. ספק הוא מת ראשון ונפלו שתיהן ליבום לפני אחיו ופטורה צרתה משום צרת הבת, ספק היא מתה ראשונה ובשעת נפילה ליבום לא הואי צרתה צרת ערוה כדתנן וכולן אם מתו או מיאנו וכו׳ צרותיהן מותרות. צרתה חולצת ולא מתיבמת. ואיידי דאיירי בספיקי לחומרא תני להא בהדייהו: