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Mishnayos Yevamos Perek 5 Mishnah 1

יבמות פרק ה׳ משנה א׳


Rabban Gamliel says: A bill of divorce [get] is not effective when given after a bill of divorce was previously given to a yevama. Once a yevama receives a bill of divorce from a yavam, no bill of divorce given by that yavam to her rival wife or a bill of divorce given to her by a different yavam is of any effect. And levirate betrothal is not effective after a previous levirate betrothal was performed, and intercourse with a second yevama is not effective after intercourse with the first one, and ḥalitza is not effective after ḥalitza was previously performed. But the Rabbis say: A bill of divorce is effective when given after a bill of divorce, and levirate betrothal is effective after levirate betrothal, but nothing is effective after intercourse or after ḥalitza. If a yavam has relations with the yevama or performs ḥalitza with her, no other action performed afterward is effective, whether performed by that yavam toward a different yevama or by any yavam with the original yevama.

רַבָּן גַּמְלִיאֵל אוֹמֵר, אֵין גֵּט אַחַר גֵּט, וְלֹא מַאֲמָר אַחַר מַאֲמָר, וְלֹא בְעִילָה אַחַר בְּעִילָה, וְלֹא חֲלִיצָה אַחַר חֲלִיצָה. וַחֲכָמִים אוֹמְרִים, יֵשׁ גֵּט אַחַר גֵּט, וְיֵשׁ מַאֲמָר אַחַר מַאֲמָר, אֲבָל לֹא אַחַר בְּעִילָה וְלֹא אַחַר חֲלִיצָה כְּלוּם:


רבן גמליאל. אין גט אחר גט – two widows without children from a deceased husband awaiting a levirate connection of one levir from one brother, and he gave a Jewish bill of divorce to the first, and then returned and gave a Jewish bill of divorce to the second [woman], the female relatives of the second are not prohibited to him , for that would be like his divorced wife. For when he gives a Jewish bill of divorce to the first [woman], the levirate relationship has no legal effect on both of them from him for the Jewish bill of divorce is beneficial for the widow without children from a deceased husband to maintain her [with the Biblical verse] (Deuteronomy 25:9): “who will not build up [his brother’s house],” and furthermore, he will not perform levirate marriage, neither him nor his other brothers not for the Yevamah/widow whose husband died without issue nor her co-wife. Therefore, when he returns and gives a second Jewish bill of divorce to the second [widow], there is nothing in his actions, and it is like he is giving a Jewish bill of divorce to a mere stranger. And similarly, two levirs to one widow without children whose husband is deceased and this one [levir] gave a Jewish bill of divorce and that [levir] gave a Jewish bill of divorce, the latter is not anything and he is permitted to her female relatives.

ולא מאמר אחר מאמר -.between two levirs and one widow whose husband died without children, or with one levir and two widows. The latter is nothing and she doesn’t require from him a Jewish bill of divorce and he is permitted to her female relatives.

יש גט אחר גט – the first [Jewish bill of divorce] did not supersede her levirate relationship completely for she requires Halitzah; therefore, there is still one-half of her levirate relationship and the second Jewish bill of divorce to the second [widow] is beneficial for his divorced wife and he is prohibited to her relatives, and such is the Halakha.

רבן גמליאל. אין גט אחר גט. שתי יבמות ליבם אחד מאח אחד, ונתן גט לראשונה וחזר ונתן גט לשניה, לא נאסרו קרובות השניה עליו למיהוי כגרושתו, דמכי יהיב גט לראשונה פקעה זיקת שתיהן מעליו, דגט מהני ביבמה למיקם עלה בלא יבנה, ושוב לא ייבם לא הוא ולא שאר האחים לא ליבמה שקבלה הגט ולא לצרתה, הלכך כי הדר ויהיב גט שני לשניה אין במעשיו כלום והוי כנותן גט לאשה נכרית דעלמא. וכן שני יבמין ליבמה אחת ונתן זה גט וזה גט. האחרון אינו כלום ומותר בקרובותיה:

ולא מאמר אחר מאמר. בין שני יבמין ליבמה אחת בין ביבם אחד ושתי יבמות, האחרון אינו כלום ואינה צריכה ממנו גט ומותר בקרובותיה:

יש גט אחר גט. דקמא לא דחה זיקתה לגמרי דהא בעיא חליצה, הלכך אכתי איכא פלגא זיקה ואהני גט שני לשניה למיהוי גרושתו ואסור בקרובותיה. וכן הלכה: