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Mishnayos Yevamos Perek 2 Mishnah 7

יבמות פרק ב׳ משנה ז׳


Furthermore, in the case of two unrelated men who betrothed two sisters: If this one does not know which sister he betrothed and that one does not know which sister he betrothed, this one gives two bills of divorce, one to each of the women, and that one gives two bills of divorce. If the two men died before they divorced, and this one had a brother and that one had a brother, then this brother performs ḥalitza with both of them, and that brother performs ḥalitza with both of them. If this one had one brother and that one had two brothers, the single brother performs ḥalitza with both of them, and of the two brothers, one performs ḥalitza and one performs levirate marriage if he so desires. If they married the sisters before consulting the court, the court does not remove them from the marriage and they are not told to divorce them. If this one had two brothers and that one had two brothers, the brother of this one performs ḥalitza with one sister, and the brother of that one performs ḥalitza with one sister. The brother of this one who performed ḥalitza may take the woman who performed ḥalitza [ḥalutza] of that other’s brother in levirate marriage, and the brother of that second one who performed ḥalitza may take the ḥalutza of that other’s brother in levirate marriage. If the two brothers performed ḥalitza with both wives before consulting the court, the two brothers of the second man may not take sisters in levirate marriage lest one marry the sister of a woman who with whom he had a levirate bond. Rather, one performs ḥalitza and one performs levirate marriage if he so desires. If they married their wives before consulting the court, the court does not remove them from the marriage.

שְׁנַיִם שֶׁקִּדְּשׁוּ שְׁתֵּי אֲחָיוֹת, זֶה אֵינוֹ יוֹדֵעַ אֵיזוֹ קִדֵּשׁ, וְזֶה אֵינוֹ יוֹדֵעַ אֵיזוֹ קִדֵּשׁ, זֶה נוֹתֵן שְׁנֵי גִטִּין, וְזֶה נוֹתֵן שְׁנֵי גִטִּין. מֵתוּ, לָזֶה אָח, וְלָזֶה אָח, זֶה חוֹלֵץ לִשְׁתֵּיהֶן, וְזֶה חוֹלֵץ לִשְׁתֵּיהֶן. לָזֶה אֶחָד וְלָזֶה שְׁנַיִם, הַיָּחִיד חוֹלֵץ לִשְׁתֵּיהֶן, וְהַשְּׁנַיִם, אֶחָד חוֹלֵץ וְאֶחָד מְיַבֵּם, קָדְמוּ וְכָנְסוּ, אֵין מוֹצִיאִין מִיָּדָם. לָזֶה שְׁנַיִם וְלָזֶה שְׁנַיִם, אָחִיו שֶׁל זֶה חוֹלֵץ לְאַחַת, וְאָחִיו שֶׁל זֶה חוֹלֵץ לְאַחַת, אָחִיו שֶׁל זֶה מְיַבֵּם חֲלוּצָתוֹ שֶׁל זֶה, וְאָחִיו שֶׁל זֶה מְיַבֵּם חֲלוּצָתוֹ שֶׁל זֶה. קָדְמוּ שְׁנַיִם וְחָלְצוּ, לֹא יְיַבְּמוּ הַשְּׁנַיִם, אֶלָּא אֶחָד חוֹלֵץ וְאֶחָד מְיַבֵּם. קָדְמוּ וְכָנְסוּ, אֵין מוֹצִיאִין מִיָּדָם:


שנים שקדשו שתי אחיות – two strangers (i.e., not related to each other).

זה חולץ לשתיהן כו' – because each of them is prohibited to perform levirate marriages for perhaps eah one of them came in contact with the sister of his levirate connection.

היחיד חולץ לשתיהן – for it is impossible for him to perform levirate marriage not prior to the Halitzah of the second because of [the prohibition of] the sister of his levirate relation, but not after Halitzah because of the sister of the woman undergoing Halitzah; therefore, since it is prohibited to perform levirate marriage, he should perform Halitzah to both of them in order to remove her [i.e., the woman] who is his Yevamah /widow of her deceased husband who died without issue from the prohibition of a woman who is the widow of a deceased husband who died without issue from the general public.

והשנים אחד חולץ – to cause a release of the levirate relation from his brother, if this woman is his Yevama/widow of his dead brother who died without issue, and permit her sister to the second [brother] whatever you want, if she is his sister-in-law/Yevamah, fine, and if she is her sister, you have released the levirate relation of the sister-in-law from him through the ac of Halitzah by his brother.

אחיו של זה מייבם חלוצתו של זה – whatever you want if this is his sister-in-law, he marries her and it is well and good, for his brother did not perform Halitzah on that one but rather on her sister, who was not his sister-in-law and is not anything [to him] and if she is not his sister-in-law , he has done well by marrying a stranger (i.e., unconnected woman), for if it were because she is the sister of the levirate relation, it is nothing, since his brother performed on Halitzah with her sister who is his sister-in-law/Yevamah, and the levirate relation of the sister-in-law has been released, but if it was because it was an entrance to the open marketplace, this one has performed Halitzah with the brothers of her husband.

קדמו שני אחין – of one of them and they performed Halitzah with both of them (i.e., the women) to his a

לא ייבמו – the two [other] brothers, one with this [woman] and that one (i.e., brother) with the other [woman] because the first one that marries, is able to say, this woman is the sister of his levirate relation, but rather, one [brother] performs Halitzah first to one of

ואחד מיבם – and the other [brother] performs levirate marriage with the second, whatever you want, if he is sister-in-law, fine, and if not, he has not come in contact with the sister of his levirate relation for his brother performed Halitzah and a sister-in-law in the free market does not happen, for she underwent Halitzah from the brothers of her husband.

ואם קדמו – these latter two [brothers] and married after the Halitzah of the two other [women] and they did not come to take council with the Jewish court, we don’t remove them from their hands as we have explained, for here is nothing here other than a doubtful prohibition of the sister of one’s levirate relation om the first marriage, and one can state that the first that married his sister-in-law and it is well tha the married, and the latter, also did well by marrying strange (i.e., unattached) woman, or alternatively, if if they married in reverse, that the father-in-law came in contact with the sister of his levirate relation and since he second [brother] came and performed levirate marriage, her levirate connection has been severed from his brother and she is permitted to him as his wife, but the prohibition that he performed was performed.

שנים שקידשו שתי אחיות. והם נכרים:

זה חולץ לשתיהן כו׳ משום דכל חד מינייהו אסור ליבומי, דדלמא כל חד וחד פגע באחות זקוקתו:

היחיד חולץ לשתיהן. שאי אפשר לו ליבם, לא קודם חליצה של שניה משום אחות זקוקה, ולא לאחר חליצה משום אחות חלוצה. לפיכך הואיל ואסור ליבם יחלוץ תחלה לשתיהן, כדי להוציא אותה שהיא יבמתו מאיסור יבמה לשוק:

והשנים אחד חולץ. לאפקועי זיקה מאחיו אם זו יבמתו, ותשתרי אחותה לשני ממה נפשך, אי יבמתו היא, שפיר, ואי אחותה היא הא פקעה זיקת היבמה מיניה בחליצת אחיו:

אחיו של זה מייבם חלוצתו של זה. ממה נפשך, אם זו יבמתו שפיר נסיב, שהרי אחיו לא חלץ לזו אלא לאחותה שלא היתה יבמתו ואינה כלום. ואי לאו יבמתו היא שפיר נסיב, נכריה היא, דאי משום אחות זקוקה ליכא, שהרי חלץ אחיו את אחותה שהיא יבמתו ופקעה זיקה. ואי משום יבמה לשוק, הרי חלצה זו מאחי בעלה:

קדמו שני אחין. של אחד וחלצו לשתיהן משום דלא ידעי איזו היא יבמתו:

לא ייבמו. שני אחים האחרים זה את זו וזה את זו, משום דקמא דנסיב אית ליה למימר זו היא אחות זקוקתו: אלא אחד חולץ תחלה, לאחת:

ואחד מיבם. לשניה, ממה נפשך, אי יבמתו היא שפיר, ואי לאו, באחות זקוקה לא פגע, שהרי חלץ אחיו ליבמתו. ויבמה לשוק לא הוי, שהרי חלצה מאחי בעלה:

ואם קדמו. אלו ב׳ אחרונים וכנסו אחר חליצת שנים האחרים ולא באו לימלך בב״ד, אין מוציאין מידן, כדפרישית, שהרי אין כאן אלא ספק איסור אחות זקוקה בנישואי ראשונה, ואיכא למימר קמא דנסיב יבמתו היא ושפיר נסיב, ובתרא נמי שפיר נסיב נכריה, ואי נמי הוי אינסיבא איפכא וקמא פגע באחות זקוקה ; כיון שבא שני ויבם פקעה זיקתה מאחיו והותרה לו אשתו, ואיסורא דעבד עבד: