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Mishnayos Yevamos Perek 13 Mishnah 9

יבמות פרק י"ג משנה ט׳


If a man was married to two minor orphans and he died, and a yavam engaged in intercourse with the first of them to consummate the levirate marriage, and then engaged in intercourse with the second, or if his brother who is also their yavam engaged in intercourse with the second, the yavam or his brother did not disqualify the first girl from staying married to him, as her levirate marriage was consummated. Likewise, if the two wives were two female deaf-mutes, the first wife may remain married to the yavam. Intercourse with the second wife, though prohibited, has no effect: If the marriage was of uncertain status, then either the levirate marriage was concluded when he engaged in intercourse with the first, or neither wife was really married to the first husband, and they are therefore not rival wives. If the initial marriage was partial, then since both wives have the same standing, the levirate marriage with the first wife fully realizes whatever degree of levirate marriage is available. If one wife was a minor and the other a deaf-mute, and the yavam engaged in intercourse with the minor and then engaged in intercourse with the deaf-mute, or if his brother engaged in intercourse with the deaf-mute, then the yavam or his brother disqualified the minor from staying married due to the Sages’ decree, lest it be confused with a situation where the intercourse with the deaf-mute was first. If the yavam engaged in intercourse with the deaf-mute and then engaged in intercourse with the minor, or if his brother engaged in intercourse with the minor, then the yavam or his brother disqualified the deaf-mute from staying married. The marriage to the deaf-mute creates a partial acquisition that does not exempt the second wife from levirate marriage, as she, as a minor, has a different standing. Accordingly, intercourse with the second wife also creates a partial acquisition and thereby both women are prohibited to the yavam, as it is prohibited to consummate levirate marriage with more than one wife.

מִי שֶׁהָיָה נָשׂוּי לִשְׁתֵּי יְתוֹמוֹת קְטַנּוֹת, וּמֵת, בָּא יָבָם עַל הָרִאשׁוֹנָה, וְחָזַר וּבָא עַל הַשְּׁנִיָּה, אוֹ שֶׁבָּא אָחִיו עַל הַשְּׁנִיָּה, לֹא פָסַל אֶת הָרִאשׁוֹנָה. וְכֵן שְׁתֵּי חֵרְשׁוֹת. קְטַנָּה וְחֵרֶשֶׁת, בָּא יָבָם עַל הַקְּטַנָּה, וְחָזַר וּבָא עַל הַחֵרֶשֶׁת, אוֹ שֶׁבָּא אָחִיו עַל הַחֵרֶשֶׁת, לֹא פָסַל אֶת הַקְּטַנָּה. בָּא יָבָם עַל הַחֵרֶשֶׁת, וְחָזַר וּבָא עַל הַקְּטַנָּה, אוֹ שֶׁבָּא אָחִיו עַל הַקְּטַנָּה, פָּסַל אֶת הַחֵרֶשֶׁת:


לא פסל את הראשונה – for their acts of sexual intercourse are equivalent, and if the first one is acquired, she is his wife, and the sexual intercourse of the latter is fornication. But, if she is not acquired, both of hem are considered as foreigners to him for they were not acquired to his brother and he sustains the first who was not invalidated to him but not the latter one, for perhaps they were acquired, and when he comes upon the first one, he fulfills that one upon her through the prohibition of two houses.

פסל את החרשת – for perhaps the younger was acquired completely, and the acquisition of the deaf-mute woman is leftover, and he has two homes, and we reach the conclusion in the Gemara (Tractate Yevamot 111a) that a minor girl that there is a doubt if she is acquired completely for since she is worthy of sexual intercourse after a time and there is doubt if she is not acquired at all. And a woman who is a deaf-mute is acquired and she is left over, meaning to say, that she is acquired partially and is not acquired in a complete manner but nevertheless, if he comes upon a deaf-mute after he came upon a minor, he did not invalidate the minor, whichever way you turn, if the minor woman is acquired completely, he has acquired her, and the sexual act with the deaf-mute comes after that is not anything, and if she is not acquired at all, even to his brother, she was not acquired, and she is a foreigner (i.e., not related to him), but if he came first upon the deaf-mute and afterwards upon the minor, he invalidate the deaf-mute, for perhaps the acquisition of the minor was a complete acquisition, and he invalidated the acquisition of the deaf-mute which is an acquisition with something leftover. But there are books that have the reading – if he comes upon the minor girl, for we decree that because of when he came upon the deaf-mute girl and afterwards came upon the minor.

לא פסל את הראשונה. שהרי ביאתן שוה. ואי ראשונה קנויה היא הרי היא אשתו וביאת האחרונה בעילת זנות. ואי לאו קנויה היא הרי שתיהן נכריות אצלו שלא היו קנויות לאחיו, ומקיים את הראשונה שלא נפסלה עליו, אבל אחרונה לא, דילמא קנויות הוו ומשבא על הראשונה קיימא היאך עליה באסור שני בתים:

פסל את החרשת. דשמא קטנה קנויה כולה וקנין החרשת משוייר, והוה ליה שני בתים, דהכי מסקינן בגמרא דקטנה ספק אם היא קנויה לגמרי הואיל וראויה לביאה לאחר זמן, ספק אם אינה קנויה כלל. וחרשת קנויה ומשויירת, כלומר קנויה במקצת ואינה קנויה קנין גמור. ואפילו הכי אם בא על החרשת אחר שבא על הקטנה לא פסל את הקטנה, ממה נפשך, אי קטנה קנויה לגמרי הרי קנאה וביאת החרשת שאחר כן לאו כלום היא, ואי אינה קנויה כלל, אף לאחיו לא היתה קנויה ונכרית היא. אבל אם בא תחלה על החרשת ואחר כך על הקטנה, פסל את החרשת דשמא קנין הקטנה קנין גמור הוא, ופסל קנין החרשת שהוא קנין משוייר. ואית ספרים דגרסי, אם בא על הקטנה וחזר ובא על החרשת פסל את הקטנה, דגזרינן אטו כשבא על החרשת וחזר ובא על הקטנה: