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Mishnayos Yevamos Perek 11 Mishnah 6

יבמות פרק י"א משנה ו׳


With regard to a woman who did not wait three months after separating from her husband, and remarried and gave birth to a son, and it is not known if he was born after nine months of pregnancy to the former husband or if he was born after seven months to the latter husband, if she had sons of certain patrilineage from the first husband and sons of certain patrilineage from the second one, and the son of uncertain patrilineage married and died childless, then the brothers from both husbands must perform ḥalitza with his wife, as they might be his paternal brothers. But they may not perform levirate marriage with her, in case he is only their maternal half brother, and his wife is forbidden to them. And similarly, with regard to him and their wives, if one of them dies childless, he performs ḥalitza and not levirate marriage. If he had half brothers from the first husband and half brothers from the second, not from the same mother but from the same father, he performs ḥalitza or levirate marriage with their widows. If he is indeed their paternal half brother, then the widows are his yevamot; if not, he may marry them like any other man. And similarly, with regard to them and his wife, one half brother from one father performs ḥalitza and one from the other father performs levirate marriage.

מִי שֶׁלֹּא שָׁהֲתָה אַחַר בַּעְלָה שְׁלֹשָׁה חֳדָשִׁים וְנִשֵּׂאת, וְיָלְדָה, וְאֵין יָדוּעַ אִם בֶּן תִּשְׁעָה לָרִאשׁוֹן אִם בֶּן שִׁבְעָה לָאַחֲרוֹן. הָיוּ לָהּ בָּנִים מִן הָרִאשׁוֹן וּבָנִים מִן הַשֵּׁנִי, חוֹלְצִין וְלֹא מְיַבְּמִין. וְכֵן הוּא לָהֶם, חוֹלֵץ וְלֹא מְיַבֵּם. הָיוּ לוֹ אַחִים מִן הָרִאשׁוֹן וְאַחִים מִן הַשֵּׁנִי שֶׁלֹּא מֵאוֹתָהּ הָאֵם, הוּא חוֹלֵץ וּמְיַבֵּם, וְהֵם, אֶחָד חוֹלֵץ וְאֶחָד מְיַבֵּם:


הן חולצין ולא מיבמין – to his doubtful wife. And one of the sons of the first husband performs Halitzah, lest he was the son of their father, and he does not perform levirate marriage lest he is the son of the later husband, for he is their brother from the mother and not from the father, and his wife [is prohibited] upon them by extirpation, and similarly, the sons of the last wife, and similarly he performs Halitzah to their wives and does not perform a levirate marriage.

היו לו אחים מן הראשון ומן האחרון -- not from the same mother.

הוא או חולץ או מיבם – to a wife from the first [marriage], if he is his brother, it is good, if not, she is a foreigner regarding him and as, for example if there is no brother there other than him, one doesn’t provide a sister-in-law to the marketplace and similarly regarding the wife of the last son.

והם אחד חולץ ואחד מיבם – either the son of the first [marriage] or the son of the last [marriage], he performs Halitzah to her and his colleague performs levirate marriage. If she is his sister-in-law, it is well, and if not, she is strange him, but because of having a sister-in-law in the open marketplace, one doesn’t worry for he has performed Halitzah on his sister-in-law.

הן חולצין ולא מיבמין. לאשתו של ספק. ואחד מבני הראשון חולץ שמא בן אביהם היה. ולא מיבמין, שמא בן האחרון הוא והרי הוא אחיהן מן האם ולא מן האב ואשתו עליהן בכרת. וכן בני האחרון. וכן הוא חולץ לנשותיהן ולא מיבם:

היו לו אחים מן הראשון ומן האחרון. שלא מאותה האם:

הוא או חולץ או מיבם. לאשת בן הראשון, אם אחיו הוא הרי טוב, ואם לאו, נכרית היא אצלו, וכגון שאין שם אח אלא הוא דליכא לספוקי ביבמה לשוק. וכן לאשת בן האחרון:

הם אחד חולץ ואחד מיבם. או בן הראשון או בן האחרון חולץ לה וחבירו מיבם. אם יבמתו היא הרי טוב, ואם לאו נכרית היא. ומשום יבמה לשוק ליכא למיחש שהרי חלץ לה יבמה: