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Mishnayos Yadayim Perek 2 Mishnah 4

ידים פרק ב׳ משנה ד׳


If there was a doubt whether any work has been done with the water or not, a doubt whether the water contains the requisite quantity or not, a doubt whether it is unclean or clean, in these cases the doubt is considered to be clean because they have said in a case of doubt concerning hands as to whether they have become unclean or have conveyed uncleanness or have become clean, they are considered to be clean. Rabbi Yose says: in a case [of doubt as to] whether they have become clean they are considered to be unclean. How so? If his hands were clean and there were two unclean loaves before him and there was a doubt whether he touched them or not; Or if his hands were unclean and there were two clean loaves before him and there was a doubt whether he touched them or not; Or if one of his hands was unclean and the other clean and there were two clean loaves before him and he touched one of them and there was a doubt whether he touched it with the unclean hand or with the clean hand; Or if his hands were clean and there were two loaves before him one of which was unclean and the other clean and he touched one of them and there was a doubt whether he touched the unclean one or the clean one; Or if one of his hands was unclean and the other clean and there were two loaves before him one of which was unclean and the other clean, and he touched both of them, and there is a doubt whether the unclean hand touched the unclean loaf or whether the clean hand touched the clean loaf or whether the clean hand touched the unclean loaf or whether the unclean hand touched the clean loaf The hands remain in the same state as they were before and the loaves remain in the same state as they were before.

סָפֵק נַעֲשָׂה בָהֶם מְלָאכָה סָפֵק לֹא נַעֲשָׂה בָהֶם מְלָאכָה, סָפֵק יֵשׁ בָּהֶם כַּשִּׁעוּר סָפֵק שֶׁאֵין בָּהֶם כַּשִּׁעוּר, סָפֵק טְמֵאִים סָפֵק טְהוֹרִין, סְפֵקָן טָהוֹר, מִפְּנֵי שֶׁאָמְרוּ, סְפֵק הַיָּדַיִם לִטָּמֵא וּלְטַמֵּא וְלִטָּהֵר, טָהוֹר. רַבִּי יוֹסֵי אוֹמֵר, לִטָּהֵר, טָמֵא. כֵּיצַד. הָיוּ יָדָיו טְהוֹרוֹת וּלְפָנָיו שְׁנֵי כִכָּרִים טְמֵאִים, סָפֵק נָגַע סָפֵק לֹא נָגַע, הָיוּ יָדָיו טְמֵאוֹת וּלְפָנָיו שְׁנֵי כִכָּרִים טְהוֹרִים, סָפֵק נָגַע סָפֵק לֹא נָגַע. הָיוּ יָדָיו אַחַת טְמֵאָה וְאַחַת טְהוֹרָה וּלְפָנָיו שְׁנֵי כִכָּרִים טְהוֹרִים, נָגַע בְּאַחַד מֵהֶם, סָפֵק בַּטְּמֵאָה נָגַע סָפֵק בַּטְּהוֹרָה נָגַע. הָיוּ יָדָיו טְהוֹרוֹת וּלְפָנָיו שְׁנֵי כִכָּרִים, אֶחָד טָמֵא וְאֶחָד טָהוֹר, נָגַע בְּאַחַד מֵהֶן, סָפֵק בַּטָּמֵא נָגַע סָפֵק בַּטָּהוֹר נָגַע. הָיוּ יָדָיו אַחַת טְמֵאָה וְאַחַת טְהוֹרָה וּלְפָנָיו שְׁנֵי כִכָּרִים אֶחָד טָמֵא וְאֶחָד טָהוֹר, נָגַע בִּשְׁתֵּיהֶן, סָפֵק טְמֵאָה בַטָּמֵא וּטְהוֹרָה בַטָּהוֹר, אוֹ טְהוֹרָה בַטָּמֵא וּטְמֵאָה בַטָּהוֹר, הַיָּדַיִם כְּמוֹ שֶׁהָיוּ וְהַכִּכָּרִים כְּמוֹת שֶׁהָיוּ:


ספק נעשה בהן מלאכה – for work defiles the water for pouring, as is taught in the first chapter [of Tractate Yadayim, see Mishnah 3].

טמאים – invalid for pouring [water for ritual cleansing of the hands].

ספיקו טהור – even if there is with the water that he poured [for the ritual cleansing of the hands] so many of these doubts. And is the doubt of its being purified as the Rabbis and Rabbi Yossi argue in the concluding clause [of the Mishnah]. But the Halakha is not according to Rabbi Yossi.

ספק ידים ליטמא ולטמא – (see Tractate Taharot, Chapter 4, Mishnah 7 as this Mishnah explains the general principle learned there) further on in the other segment [of the Mishnah] it explains it].

שני ככרים טמאים - that impure foods defile the hands, as it is taught in the Mishnah [of Tractate Yadayim] in Chapter 3 [Mishnah 2]: “Whatever imparts unfitness to heave-offering imparts uncleanness to the hands to become second-degree of ritual uncleanness.”

שני ככרים טהורים – we are speaking of Terumah/heave-offering, that the hands invalidate the heave-offering.

הידים כמו שהיו והככרים כמות שהיו – that which is defiled in its defilement and that which is pure in its purity.

ספק נעשה בהן מלאכה. דמלאכה פוסלת מים לנטילה, כדתנן בפרק קמא:

טמאים. פסולים לנטילה:

ספיקן טהור אפילו יש במים שנטל כל הנך ספיקות. והיינו ספק ליטהר דפליגי בסיפא רבנן ור׳ יוסי. ואין הלכה כר׳ יוסי:

ספק ידים ליטמא ולטמא. לקמן באידך בבא מפרש לה:

שני ככרים טמאים. דאוכלים טמאים מטמאים את הידים, כדתנן לקמן בפרק ג׳ [משנה ב׳], כל הפוסל את התרומה מטמא את הידים להיות שניות:

שני ככרים טהורים. בשל תרומה איירי. שהידים פוסלות את התרומה:

הידים כמו שהיו והככרים כמות שהיו. הטמא בטומאתו והטהור בטהרתו: