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Mishnayos Terumos Perek 1 Mishnah 6

תרומות פרק א׳ משנה ו׳


Five may not give terumah, but if they do, their terumah is terumah.A mute person; A drunken person; One who is naked; A blind person; Or one who has had a seminal emission. They may not give terumah, but if they do their terumah is valid.

חֲמִשָּׁה לֹא יִתְרֹמוּ, וְאִם תָּרְמוּ, תְּרוּמָתָן תְּרוּמָה. הָאִלֵּם, וְהַשִּׁכּוֹר, וְהֶעָרוֹם, וְהַסּוּמָא, וּבַעַל קֶרִי. לֹא יִתְרֹמוּ, וְאִם תָּרְמוּ, תְּרוּמָתָן תְּרוּמָה:


חמשה לא יתרומו – This number excludes from what Rabbi Yehuda said [in Mishnah 3] that a minor who donated the priest’s due/heave-offering, his donation is an offering.

האלם – and he hears but stopped speaking as a result of illness, he should not donate priest’s due because he is unable to recite the Blessing. And similarly, is unable to recite the blessing , as it is written (Deuteronomy 23:15): “[Since the LORD your God moves about in your camp to protect you…]; let Him not find anything unseemly among you [and turn away from you];” at the time when you speak about it, He will not find anything unseemly.

ובעל קרי – also at the time of the ordinance in His presence for since his ritual immersion has been nullified, he was not able to recite the blessing as it is taught in the Mishnah [i.e. Berakhot, Chapter 3, Mishnah 4] that one to whom a pollution (i.e., nocturnal emission) occurred, only thinks (i.e., recites the Shema] in his heart (which, according to Talmud Berakhot 20b – that reviewing a passage in one’s mind is as good as loud recitation).

והשכור והסומא – who do not know how to single out/sift from that which is fine and we require that the person who donates the priest’s due/Terumah sift and donate that which is fine, as it is written (Numbers 18:29): “from each thing its best portion, [the part thereof that is to be consecrated];” and a drunk person is called such as all who are unable to speak in the presence of the King as a result of his drunkenness.

חמשה לא יתרומו. מנינא למעוטי מדרבי יהודה, דאמר קטן שתרם תרומתו תרומה:

האלם. והוא ששומע אלא שנשתתק מחמת חולי, לא יתרום, לפי שאינו יכול לברך. וכן הערום אינו יכול לברך דכתיב (דברים כג) ולא יראה בך ערות דבר, בשעה שאתה מדבר בו לא יראה בך ערוה:

ובעל קרי. נמי בזמן התקנה מקמי דבטלוה לטבילותא לא הוה מצי לברך, דתנן בעל קרי מהרהר בלבו:

והשכור והסומא. אינם יודעים לברור מן היפה, ואנן בעינן שיהא התורם בורר ותורם מן היפה דכתיב (במדבר יח) מכל חלבו את מקדשו. ושכור מקרי כל שאינו יכול לדבר בפני המלך מחמת שכרותו: