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Mishnayos Temurah Perek 7 Mishnah 1

תמורה פרק ז׳ משנה א׳


There are elements that apply to animals consecrated for the altar that do not apply to items consecrated for Temple maintenance, and there are elements that apply to items consecrated for Temple maintenance that do not apply to animals consecrated for the altar. One element exclusive to animals consecrated for the altar is that animals consecrated for the altar render an animal exchanged for them a substitute, and items consecrated for Temple maintenance do not render an animal exchanged for them a substitute. In addition, if one slaughters an animal consecrated for the altar with the intention to eat it beyond its designated time, or if he ate the offering after its designated time, or if he ate the offering while ritually impure, he is liable to receive karet for eating it due to violation of the prohibitions of piggul, notar, and eating while ritually impure, respectively. If animals consecrated for the altar became pregnant and then became blemished and gave birth after redemption, their offspring and their milk are forbidden after their redemption. And one who slaughters them outside the Temple courtyard is liable to receive karet. And the Temple treasurer does not give compensation to craftsmen from money designated for purchasing animals consecrated for the altar. And in all these instances, that is not so with regard to money consecrated for Temple maintenance.

יֵשׁ בְּקָדְשֵׁי מִזְבֵּחַ מַה שֶׁאֵין בְּקָדְשֵׁי בֶדֶק הַבַּיִת. וְיֵשׁ בְּקָדְשֵׁי בֶדֶק הַבַּיִת מַה שֶּׁאֵין בְּקָדְשֵׁי מִזְבֵּחַ. שֶׁקָּדְשֵׁי מִזְבֵּחַ עוֹשִׂים תְּמוּרָה, וְחַיָּבִין עֲלֵיהֶם מִשּׁוּם פִּגּוּל, נוֹתָר, וְטָמֵא, וְלָדָן וַחֲלָבָן אָסוּר לְאַחַר פִּדְיוֹנָם, וְהַשׁוֹחֲטָם בַּחוּץ חַיָּב, וְאֵין נוֹתְנִין מֵהֶם לָאֻמָּנִים בִּשְׂכָרָן, מַה שֶּׁאֵין כֵּן בְּקָדְשֵׁי בֶדֶק הַבָּיִת:


יש בקדשי מזבח. שקדשי מזבח עושים תמורה – and specifically animals of the Holy Things of the Altar. But fowl and meal-offerings we don’t make substitutions/exchanges. And the Holy Things consecrated for Temple maintenance, we don’t make substitutions, above at the end of the first chapter [of Tractate Temurah, Mishnah 6], we exclude from Holy Things consecrated for Temple maintenance from Biblical verses and we don’t make/produce substitutions.

משום פגול ונותר וטמא – all of them are written with regard to peace-offerings, and peace-offerings were included within all of the Holy Things, and why were they excluded, to make an analogy with them, to tell you, just as peace-offerings are special Holy Things of the Altar, so too are all Holy Things of the Altar.

ולדן וחלבן אסור לאחר פדיונן (see Tractate Hullin, Chapter 10, Mishnah 2) – their milk, as it is written (Deuteronomy 12:15): “[you may slaughter and eat] meat/בשר [in any of your settlements,]” but not milk. And their offspring, such as if she became pregnant before their redemption but gave birth after their redemption, for they don’t have a remedy to offer them as a sacrifice, for out of the power of holiness that is superseded/suspended, it comes, to remove them, the matter is not strong enough to have their redemption occur. But if they became pregnant after their redemption, they are like the offspring of a deer and a ram and are permitted. But regarding the Holy Things for Temple maintenance, even if it (i.e., the animal) became pregnant before their redemption, they are permitted, for they were not sanctified other than for their monetary value and their sanctification is not so much.

אין נותנים מהם – from the Holy Things of the Altar.

לאומנים (see Tractate Shekalim, Chapter 4, Mishnayot 5-6) – that build at the Temple.

בשכרן – that they take salary from the Holy Things for Temple maintenance, for the All-Merciful stated (Exodus 25:8): “And let them make Me a sanctuary [that I may dwell among them],” "לי"/for Me, from what is Mine, which is from the Holy Things for Temple Maintenance.

יש בקדשי מזבח. שקדשי מזבח עושים תמורה. ודוקא בהמות של קדשי מזבח. אבל עופות ומנחות אין עושין תמורה. וקדשי בדק הבית אין עושין תמורה, לעיל בסוף פרק קמא ממעטינן לקדשי בדק הבית מקרא דלא עבדי תמורה:

משום פגול ונותר וטמא. כולהו בשלמים כתיבי, ושלמים בכלל כל הקדשים היו, ולמה יצאו, להקיש אליהן, לומר לך מה שלמים מיוחדים קדשי מזבח, אף כל קדשי מזבח:

ולדן וחלבן אסור לאחר פדיונן. חלבן, דכתיב בשר, ולא חלב. ולדן כגון דאיעבר לפני פדיונן ואוליד לאחר פדיונן, דלית להו תקנתא לאקרובינהו, דמכוח קדושה דחויה קא אתיא, לפרקינהו, לא אלימא מלתא למתפס פדיונן. אבל נתעברו לאחר פדיונן, כולד צבי ואיל נינהו ומותרים. ובקדשי בדק הבית אפילו איעבור קודם פדיונן מותרים, דלא אקדשינהו אלא לדמי ולא חמירא קדושתייהו כולי האי:

ואין נותנים מהם. מקדשי מזבח:

לאומנים. שבונים במקדש:

בשכרן. שהם נוטלים שכר מקדשי בדק הבית, דאמר רחמנא (שמות כ״ה:ח׳) ועשו לי מקדש, לי משלי, דהיינו מקדשי בדק הבית: