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Mishnayos Tamid Perek 6 Mishnah 3

תמיד פרק ו׳ משנה ג׳


The priest who won the right to burn the incense would take the smaller vessel containing the incense from within the spoon, and would give it to a priest who is his friend or his relative, whom he designated to assist him, and enter the Sanctuary with him. If the incense was scattered from the smaller vessel into the spoon, the priest accompanying him would give the incense to the priest burning the incense in his handfuls. And the experienced priests would teach the priest burning the incense: Be careful, because if you are not careful you might begin scattering the incense on the side of the altar that is before you; rather, start scattering on the far side of the altar, so that you will not be burned by the burning incense when you are scattering it. The priest began flattening it, distributing the incense evenly on the coals on the altar, and when the Sanctuary would become filled with the smoke of the incense, he would emerge from the Sanctuary. The priest burning the incense would not burn it until the appointed priest would say to him: Burn the incense. And if it was the High Priest who was burning the incense, the appointed priest would say to him deferentially: My master, the High Priest, burn the incense. It is derived from the verse: “And there shall be no man in the Tent of Meeting when he goes in to make atonement in the Sanctuary, until he comes out” (Leviticus 16:17), that no one may be standing between the Entrance Hall and the outer altar when the priest burns the incense. Therefore, the people, i.e., the priests, left that area. And the priest burned the incense on the inner altar and prostrated himself and emerged from the Sanctuary.

מִי שֶׁזָּכָה בַקְּטֹרֶת, הָיָה נוֹטֵל אֶת הַבָּזָךְ מִתּוֹךְ הַכַּף וְנוֹתְנוֹ לְאוֹהֲבוֹ אוֹ לִקְרוֹבוֹ. נִתְפַּזֵּר מִמֶּנּוּ לְתוֹכוֹ, נוֹתְנוֹ לוֹ בְחָפְנָיו. וּמְלַמְּדִים אוֹתוֹ, הֱוֵי זָהִיר שֶׁמָּא תַתְחִיל לְפָנֶיךָ, שֶׁלֹּא תִכָּוֶה. הִתְחִיל מְרַדֵּד וְיוֹצֵא. לֹא הָיָה הַמַּקְטִיר מַקְטִיר עַד שֶׁהַמְמֻנֶּה אוֹמֵר לוֹ, הַקְטֵר. אִם הָיָה כֹהֵן גָּדוֹל, הַמְמֻנֶּה אוֹמֵר, אִישִׁי כֹהֵן גָּדוֹל, הַקְטֵר. פָּרְשׁוּ הָעָם, וְהִקְטִיר וְהִשְׁתַּחֲוָה וְיָצָא:


ונותנו – into the spoon.

לאוהבו – that came with him to the hall containing the golden altar for this this purpose. If there scattered from incense that was in the dish/vessel into the pan/censer, because the censer/dish was full and overflowing, and sometimes, it would fall from him into the pan/censer, he would give the incense to his friend/fellow when it had scattered into the palm of the handfuls of the person offering the incense.

ומלמדין אותו – because he had never offered incense before, as is taught in the Mishnah above (see Tractate Tamid, Chapter 5, Mishnah 2): “Those who are new [to the preparation of] the incense, come and cast lots,” therefore, they had to teach him.

שלא תתחיל לפניך לפניך שלא תכוה – he would pour the incense on the coals on the western side far from him, and when it would scatter to his side, he would heap it up, as we have stated in [Tractate] Yoma [49b] so that its smoke would delay in coming, and this is the honor/glory that he would tarry/delay during the [Divine] Service. And he would heap up and make a pile on the western side, and when he would come to drag the incense that is adjacent/near him, he would pile it up to the western side far from him, and he wouldn’t be burned from the incense that would be bunrf. Bu if he had made the pile in front of him, when he gathered the incense that had scattered outside of him and he brought it near him, it would be that his arm would be singed/burned by the gathering of the incense that is burning in front of him. That is what is taught in the Baraitha in the chapter [five of Tractate Yoma], “They brought out for him” [at the bottom of 52b] that he would gather in front of him which is outside of him.

התחיל מרדד ויוצא (he flattened the heap of coals and went out) – meaning to say, immediately that he flattened the incense on top of the coals, he went out.

פרשו העם – all of the Kohanim depart from between the hall with the golden altar and the Altar at the time of the offering of the incense, as it is written (Leviticus 16:17): “When he goes in to make expiation in the Shrine, no one else shall be in the Tent of Meeting [until he comes out],” all atonement is made holy, no person shall be in the Tent of Meeting, therefore, whether at the time of the incense, whether at the time of the giving of the blood of the bullock of the anointed Priest or the bull for an unwitting communal sin and the goats of idolatry, the Kohanim would leave from the area between the Entrance hall and the altar. But at the time of the offering of the incense of Yom Kippur, they would not leave other than from the hall containing the golden altar, because the incense of Yom Kippur was not outside in the hall of the golden altar on the golden altar, but rather in the innermost section in the house of the Holy of Holies, therefore, there is no need that they should leave from between the Entrance hall and the altar, other than from the hall of the golden altar alone.

ונותנו. לכף:

לאוהבו. שבא שם עמו להיכל לצורך כך. ואם נתפזר מן הקטורת שבבזך לתוך הכף, לפי שהבזך היה מלא וגדוש ופעמים נופל ממנו לתוך הכף, נותן אוהבו את הקטורת שנתפזר בתוך הכף בחפניו של מקטיר:

ומלמדים אותו. לפי שלא הקטיר מעולם, כדתנן לעיל חדשים לקטורת בואו והפיסו, לפיכך הוצרכו ללמדו:

שלא תתחיל לפניך שלא תכוה. היה שופך הקטורת על הגחלים לצד מערב רחוק ממנו, וכשהיה מתפזר לצד עצמו היה צוברו, כדאמרינן ביומא [דף מ״ט] כדי שתהא עשנה שוהה לבוא, וזהו כבוד שיהא שוהה בעבודה. והיה צובר ועושה הגל לצד מערב, שכשבא לגרור הקטורת הסמוך לו הוא צוברו לצד מערב רחוק ממנו ואינו נכוה מן הקטורת שנשרף. אבל אם היה עושה הגל לפניו, כשיאסף הקטורת שנתפזר חוצה לו ומביאו אצלו, נמצא זרועו נכוה בציבור הקטורת ששורף לפניו. והיינו דתניא בפרק הוציאו לו (סוף יומא דף נ״ב) צובר פנימה שהוא חוצה לו:

התחי, ל מרדד ויוצא. כלומר מיד שרידד הקטורת על גבי גחלים יצא:

פרשו העם. כל הכהנים פורשים מבין האולם ולמזבח בשעת הקטרת הקטורת, דכתיב (ויקרא ט״ז) וכל אדם לא יהיה באוהל מועד בבואו לכפר בקודש, כל כפרה שנעשית בקודש, כל אדם לא יהיה באוהל מועד, הלכך בין בשעת הקטרה בין בשעת מתן דמים של פר כהן משיח ופר העלם דבר של ציבור ושעירי עבודה זרה, היו הכהנים פורשים מבין האולם ולמזבח. אבל בשעת הקטרת קטורת של יוה״כ לא היו פורשים אלא מן ההיכל בלבד, לפי שקטורת של יוה״כ לא היה בחוץ בהיכל על מזבח הזהב, אלא לפני ולפנים בבית קודש הקדשים, הלכך אין צריך שיפרשו מבין האולם ולמזבח אלא מן ההיכל בלבד: