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Mishnayos Sotah Perek 1 Mishnah 2

סוטה פרק א׳ משנה ב׳


The mishna asks: How does he issue a warning to her in an effective manner? If he says to her in the presence of two witnesses: Do not speak with the man called so-and-so, and she nevertheless spoke with him, she is still permitted to her home, i.e., she is permitted to engage in sexual intercourse with her husband, and if she is the wife of a priest she is still permitted to partake of teruma. However, if after he told her not to speak with so-and-so, she entered into a secluded place and remained with that man long enough to become defiled, i.e., sufficient time to engage in sexual intercourse, she is forbidden to her home from that moment until she undergoes the sota rite. And likewise, if she was the wife of a priest she is prohibited from partaking of teruma, as she was possibly disqualified by her infidelity, so long as her innocence is not proven by means of the bitter water. And if her husband dies childless before she drinks the bitter water, she perform ḥalitza with her late husband’s brother and may not enter into levirate marriage, as, if she had been unfaithful, levirate marriage is forbidden.

כֵּיצַד מְקַנֵּא לָהּ. אָמַר לָהּ בִּפְנֵי שְׁנַיִם, אַל תְּדַבְּרִי עִם אִישׁ פְּלוֹנִי, וְדִבְּרָה עִמּוֹ, עֲדַיִן הִיא מֻתֶּרֶת לְבֵיתָהּ וּמֻתֶּרֶת לֶאֱכֹל בַּתְּרוּמָה. נִכְנְסָה עִמּוֹ לְבֵית הַסֵּתֶר וְשָׁהֲתָה עִמּוֹ כְדֵי טֻמְאָה, אֲסוּרָה לְבֵיתָהּ וַאֲסוּרָה לֶאֱכֹל בַּתְּרוּמָה. וְאִם מֵת, חוֹלֶצֶת וְלֹא מִתְיַבָּמֶת:


כיצד הוא מקנא לה אמר לה בפני שנים אל תדברי עם איש פלוני כו' – In the Gemara (Talmud Sotah 5b): He said in the presence of two [witnesses], “do not speak [with him]” and she speaks [with him], or “do not speak with him” and she secludes herself [with him], and it is nothing, and she is not prohibited neither to husband nor to [partaking of] Priest’s due–Terumah (if her husband is a Kohen). If he said to her, “do not seclude yourself [with him] and she spoke with him, for she was not yet secluded, she is permitted to her husband and she is permitted to eat Terumah if she is the wife of a Kohen. If she went with him into the house of seclusion and stayed with him [long enough] that she is impure, she is forbidden to her husband and forbidden to consume Terumah. And the measurement [of time] to become ritually impure is [the time it takes] to roast the egg of a chicken and to quaff it.

אם מת חולצת ולא מתיבמת – but if her husband dies prior to causing her to drink [the bitter waters], she is released by Halitzah (i.e., she removes the shoe of her dead husband’s brother [and spits in his face]) and does not engage in a levirate marriage [with her dead husband’s brother], as it is written (Deuteronomy 24:2): “She leaves his household and becomes the wife of another man.” And they (i.e., the Rabbis) expound: “to another man” but not to the levir, and even though she is not permitted to a stranger without Halitzah, for just as if her husband were alive, she would not be permitted [to another man] without a Get–Jewish bill of divorce, so similarly, she is not permitted from the levir without Halizah.

כיצד הוא מקנא לה אמר לה בפני שנים אל תדברי עם איש פלוני כו׳ בגמרא מפרש למתניתין הכי, אמר לה בפני שנים אל תדברי ודברה, אל תדברי ונסתרה, ולא כלום הוא ואינה אסורה לא לבעלה ולא לתרומה. אמר לה אל תסתרי ודברה עמו שלא בסתר, עדיין מותרת לבעלה ומותרת לאכול בתרומה אם אשת כהן היא: נכנסה עמו לבית הסתר ושהתה עמו כדי טומאה אסורה לביתה ואסורה לאכול בתרומה. ושיעור כדי טומאה, כדי לצלות ביצת תרנגולת ולגמעה:

ואם מת חולצת ולא מתיבמת. ואם מת בעלה קודם שישקנה, חולצת ולא מתיבמת. דכתיב באשה שמצא בה ערות דבר (דברים כ״ד:ב׳) ויצאה מביתו והלכה והיתה לאיש אחר, ודרשינן לאיש אחר ולא ליבם. ואעפ״כ אינה מותרת לזר בלא חליצה, שכשם שאם היה בעלה חי לא היתה מותרת בלא גט, כך אינה מותרת מן היבם בלא חליצה: