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Mishnayos Shevuos Perek 7 Mishnah 5

שבועות פרק ז׳ משנה ה׳


And how does this halakha apply to the storekeeper relying on his ledger? This ruling is not referring to the case where a storekeeper says to a customer: It is written in my ledger that you owe me two hundred dinars. Rather, it is referring to a case where a customer says to a storekeeper: Give my son two se’a of wheat, or: Give my laborers a sela in small coins. And later the storekeeper says: I gave it to them; but they say: We did not receive it. In such a case, where the father or employer admits that he gave those instructions and it is also recorded in the storekeeper’s ledger, the storekeeper takes an oath that he gave the son the wheat or paid the laborers, and he receives compensation from the father or employer; and the laborers take an oath that they were not paid and receive their wages from the employer. Ben Nannas said: How is it that both these and those come to take an oath in vain? One of them is certainly lying. Rather, the storekeeper receives his compensation without taking an oath, and the laborers receive their wages without taking an oath.

וְהַחֶנְוָנִי עַל פִּנְקָסוֹ כֵּיצַד, לֹא שֶׁיֹּאמַר לוֹ כָּתוּב עַל פִּנְקָסִי שֶׁאַתָּה חַיָּב לִי מָאתַיִם זוּז, אֶלָּא אָמַר לוֹ תֵּן לִבְנִי סָאתַיִם חִטִּין, תֵּן לְפוֹעֲלִי בְּסֶלַע מָעוֹת, הוּא אוֹמֵר נָתַתִּי וְהֵן אוֹמְרִים לֹא נָטַלְנוּ, (שְׁנֵיהֶן נִשְׁבָּעִים), הוּא נִשְׁבָּע וְנוֹטֵל וְהֵן נִשְׁבָּעִין וְנוֹטְלִין. אָמַר בֶּן נַנָּס, כֵּיצַד אֵלּוּ בָאִין לִידֵי שְׁבוּעַת שָׁוְא וְאֵלּוּ בָאִין לִידֵי שְׁבוּעַת שָׁוְא, אֶלָּא הוּא נוֹטֵל שֶׁלֹּא בִשְׁבוּעָה וְהֵן נוֹטְלִין שֶׁלֹּא בִשְׁבוּעָה:


שניהם נשבעים ונוטלין מבעל הבית (i.e., the storekeeper and the workers) – the storekeeper said to hi, the workers are not believable to me with an oath; you declare them as trustworthy for you did not say to me with witnesses, “give to them.” And similarly, the workers say to him: “The storekeeper is not believable to us with an oath.” But when both (i.e., the storekeeper and the workers) take an oath frand take from the owner of the house, they take an oath, one in the presence of the other, that just as that the storekeeper is frightened from the workers or the workers [are frightened] from the storekeeper.

אלו ואלו באין לידי שבועת שוא – for perforce, one of them takes a false oath and it is found that the name of Heaven is profaned. But rather, both of these (i.e., the storekeeper and the workers) take their money without an oath. But the Halakha is not according to Ben Nanos.

[שניהן נשבעין ונוטלין מבעל הבית. דאמר ליה חנוני, פועלים לא מהימנו לי בשבועה], את האמנתינהו דלא אמרת לי בסהדי הב להו. וכן פועלים אמרי ליה, חנוני לא מהימן לן בשבועה. וכששניהם נשבעין ונוטלים מבעל הבית, נשבעים זה בפני זה, כי היכי דליכסוף חנוני מפועלים או פועלים מחנוני:

אלו ואלו באין לידי שבועת שוא. שהרי על כרחך אחד מהן נשבע לשוא ונמצא שם שמים מתחלל. אלא אלו ואלו נוטלין בלא שבועה. ואין הלכה כבן ננס: