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Mishnayos Shevuos Perek 4 Mishnah 5

שבועות פרק ד׳ משנה ה׳


In a case where the plaintiff said to the witnesses: I administer an oath to you concerning your refusal to testify if you do not come and testify on my behalf that I have in the possession of so-and-so a deposit, and an outstanding loan, and a stolen item, and a lost item, and they lied in reply: On our oath we do not know any testimony on your behalf, they are liable for taking only one false oath of testimony. But if they lied in reply: On our oath we do not know that you have in the possession of so-and-so a deposit, and an outstanding loan, and a stolen item, and a lost item, they are liable for each and every one of the components of the claim. It is as though they took a separate oath with regard to each of the details of the claim. In a case where the plaintiff said to the witnesses: I administer an oath to you concerning your refusal to testify if you do not come and testify that I have in the possession of so-and-so a deposit of wheat, and barley, and spelt, and they lied in reply: On our oath we do not know any testimony on your behalf, they are liable for taking only one false oath of testimony. But if they lied in reply: On our oath we do not know any testimony on your behalf that you have in the possession of so-and-so wheat, and barley, and spelt, they are liable for each and every one of the components of the claim.

מַשְׁבִּיעַ אֲנִי עֲלֵיכֶם אִם לֹא תָבֹאוּ וּתְעִידוּנִי שֶׁיֵּשׁ לִי בְיַד פְּלוֹנִי פִּקָּדוֹן וּתְשׂוּמֶת יָד וְגָזֵל וַאֲבֵדָה. שְׁבוּעָה שֶׁאֵין אָנוּ יוֹדְעִין לְךָ עֵדוּת, אֵין חַיָּבִין אֶלָּא אַחַת. שְׁבוּעָה שֶׁאֵין אָנוּ יוֹדְעִין שֶׁיֵּשׁ לְךָ בְיַד פְּלוֹנִי פִּקָּדוֹן וּתְשׂוּמֶת יָד וְגָזֵל וַאֲבֵדָה, חַיָּבִין עַל כָּל אַחַת וְאֶחָת. מַשְׁבִּיעַ אֲנִי עֲלֵיכֶם אִם לֹא תָבֹאוּ וּתְעִידוּנִי שֶׁיֵּשׁ לִי בְיַד פְּלוֹנִי פִּקְדוֹן חִטִּין וּשְׂעֹרִין וְכֻסְּמִין. שְׁבוּעָה שֶׁאֵין אָנוּ יוֹדְעִין לְךָ עֵדוּת, אֵין חַיָּבִין אֶלָּא אַחַת. שְׁבוּעָה שֶׁאֵין אָנוּ יוֹדְעִין לְךָ עֵדוּת שֶׁיֵּשׁ לְךָ בְיַד פְּלוֹנִי חִטִּין וּשְׂעֹרִין וְכֻסְּמִין, חַיָּבִין עַל כָּל אַחַת וְאֶחָת:


תשומת יד – a loan, that he placed money in his hand.

חטין ושעורין וכוסמין – the first clause [of the Mishnah] teaches us of one species and disputed claims, and the concluding clause [of the Mishnah] teaches us of one claim all of them are deposits, and disputed species.

תשומת יד. הלואה. ששם בידו ממון:

ואבידה. שמצא אבידתי:

חטין ושעורין וכוסמין. רישא אשמועינן מין אחד ותביעות חלוקות. וסיפא אשמועינן תביעה אחת כולם פקדון, ומינין חלוקים: