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Mishnayos Shekalim Perek 8 Mishnah 4

שקלים פרק ח׳ משנה ד׳


With regard to a curtain that became ritually impure from a secondary source of impurity, since its ritual impurity is by rabbinic law and not Torah law, there is no need to remove it from the Temple. Rather, it is immersed inside the Temple. And if it were removed to outside the courtyard in order to immerse it, it can be brought back into the courtyard immediately. Since it is ritually impure only by rabbinic law, there is no need to wait until sunset before returning it. But if it became impure from a primary source of impurity, e.g., it came into contact with the carcass of one of the eight creeping animals that confer impurity by Torah law, it is immersed outside the courtyard and is spread out to dry on the rampart. This is the low wall surrounding the Temple courtyard and the buildings within it, which has a lower level of holiness than the courtyard. The reason for this policy is because the sun needs to set on it. Immersion does not confer ritual purity on an item that became impure by Torah law until after the sun has set. And if this curtain were new, it is spread out to dry on top of the bench [itztabba], a prominent place on the Temple Mount, so that the people will see its craftsmanship and perceive its beauty.

פָּרֹכֶת שֶׁנִּטְמֵאת בִּוְלַד הַטֻמְאָה, מַטְבִּילִין אוֹתָהּ בִּפְנִים וּמַכְנִיסִין אוֹתָהּ מִיָּד. וְאֶת שֶׁנִּטְמֵאת בְּאַב הַטֻמְאָה, מַטְבִּילִין אוֹתָהּ בַּחוּץ וְשׁוֹטְחִין אוֹתָהּ בַּחֵיל. וְאִם הָיְתָה חֲדָשָׁה, שׁוֹטְחִין אוֹתָהּ עַל גַּג הָאִצְטַבָּא, כְּדֵי שֶׁיִּרְאוּ הָעָם אֶת מְלַאכְתָּהּ שֶׁהִיא נָאָה:


פרוכת שנטמת בולד הטומאה – [the Curtain] that touched ritually impure liquids that the Sages decreed regarding these liquids that they defile utensils, as a decree because of the liquid of a man or woman with a flux, such as his spittle or nocturnal emission, which are one of the original or direct causes of Levitical uncleanness, and from the Torah, they defile humans and utensils.

מטבילין אותה בפנים – and it does not require being sent outside of the camp of the Divine Majesty (from the entrance of the court and further), because it is was not defiled other than by a secondary cause of Levitical uncleanness.

ומכניסין אותה מיד – and it does not require having a sunset (after immersion) for complete purification.

נטמאת באב הטומאה – with an unclean reptile or a carrion.

מטבילין אותה בחוץ – we immerse it outside for it requires being sent out [of the camp] as we state in the last chapter of Tractate Eruvin (Chapter 10, Mishnah 15; Talmud Eruvin 104b), that a person who brings in an unclean reptile in the Temple is liable.

פרוכת שנטמאת בולד הטומאה. שנגעה במשקין טמאים, שחכמים גזרו על המשקין שמטמאין כלים, גזירה משום משקה דזב וזבה כגון רוקו ושכבת זרעו שהם אב הטומאה ומטמאין אדם וכלים מדאורייתא:

מטבילין אותה בפנים. ואינה טעונה שילוח מחוץ למחנה שכינה כיון שלא נטמאת אלא בולד הטומאה:

ומכניסין אותה מיד. שאינה טעונה הערב שמש:

נטמאת באב הטומאה. בשרץ או בנבלה:

מטבילין אותה בחוץ. דטעונה שילוח, כדאמרינן בפרק בתרא דעירובין, המכניס טמא שרץ במקדש חייב:

ושוטחין אותה בחיל. חוץ לעזרה: