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Mishnayos Shekalim Perek 6 Mishnah 5

שקלים פרק ו׳ משנה ה׳


There were thirteen collection horns in the Temple, and the intended use of the funds was written upon each one, as follows: New shekels, old shekels, pairs of birds, fledglings designated for burnt-offerings, wood for the arrangement on the altar, frankincense that accompanied meal-offerings, and gold donated for the Ark cover. The remaining six horns were designated for communal free-will offerings. The horn labeled new shekels was designated for the half-shekel donation that was brought every year for the needs of that year. The horn labeled old shekels was for one who did not bring his half-shekel the previous year, who would contribute his shekel for the following year. The funds in the horn labeled pairs of birds are designated for the turtledoves used for bird-offerings, and the one labeled fledglings for burnt-offerings are used to purchase young pigeons as burnt-offerings. All of these, i.e., the funds in both horns, were used exclusively for voluntary burnt-offerings. This is the statement of Rabbi Yehuda. And the Rabbis say: The funds in both the horn labeled pairs of birds and the horn labeled fledglings were for young pigeons and turtledoves. The distinction between them is that the funds in the horn labeled pairs of birds were designated for the obligatory offerings of a zav, a zava, a woman after childbirth, and a leper. These offerings included a pair of birds, one brought for a sin-offering, and the other one brought for a burnt-offering. Conversely, the funds in the horn labeled fledglings for burnt-offerings were all used exclusively for voluntary burnt-offerings.

שְׁלשָׁה עָשָׂר שׁוֹפָרוֹת הָיוּ בַּמִּקְדָּשׁ, וְכָתוּב עֲלֵיהֶם, תִּקְלִין חַדְתִין וְתִקְלִין עַתִּיקִין, קִנִּין וְגוֹזְלֵי עוֹלָה, עֵצִים, וּלְבוֹנָה, זָהָב לַכַּפֹּרֶת. שִׁשָּׁה, לִנְדָבָה. תִּקְלִין חַדְתִּין, שֶׁבְּכָל שָׁנָה וְשָׁנָה. עַתִּיקִין, מִי שֶׁלֹּא שָׁקַל אֶשְׁתָּקַד, שׁוֹקֵל לְשָׁנָה הַבָּאָה. קִנִּין, הֵם תּוֹרִים. וְגוֹזְלֵי עוֹלָה, הֵן בְּנֵי יוֹנָה. וְכֻלָּן עוֹלוֹת, דִּבְרֵי רַבִּי יְהוּדָה. וַחֲכָמִים אוֹמְרִים, קִנִּין, אֶחָד חַטָאת וְאֶחָד עוֹלָה. וְגוֹזְלֵי עוֹלָה, כֻּלָּן עוֹלוֹת:


תקלין תדתין – as it explains in on Mishnah, upon which they place the Shekaliim of this year. And when the time of Terumah offering arrives, the treasure takes out all the Shekalim that are in the horn-shaped [chest] and places them in the compartment/chamber in order that they may give Terumah from them. And the second [horn-shaped chest] has written on it “Old Shekel-dues” and whomever had not brought his Shekel in that year brings in the year after that and places it in the same horn-shaped chest, and the treasurer takes them and puts them in the remnants of the compartment/chamber. And on the third [chest] is written on it “Bird Offerings,” and they are large turtle doves. And on the fourth is written “Young Birds for Burnt Offerings,” which are small pigeons and all of them are for Burnt Offerings. But those who bring obligatory bird-offerings give the money or the birds into the hand of the Kohen, and they do not place the money in the horn-shaped chest. But the reason is explained in the Jerusalem Talmud – because of the mixing up of [the monies] lest one of the owners of the bird-offerings dies, for it is found that the waters of the sin-offering whose owners died that depart life are mixed up with them. But the Rabbis do not concern themselves with this, for they hold that in the horn-shaped [chest] for bird offerings, they place the monies of obligatory bird-offerings and with all of the monies found in it, they offer one bird sin-offering and another as a burnt offering, and the second, all of which are free-will donations and are sacrificed as burnt-offering, and the Halakha is according to the Sages.

עצים – A person who donates wood for the pile of wood on the altar in the Temple puts their monetary value into it.

לבונה – A person who donates frankincense puts monies into it and the treasurers take the monies that are in the shofar-shaped chest and purchase from them frankincense and they offer the incense on the altar.

זהב – The person who donates gold places it there, or its financial equivalent and this is for the innermost of the Temple (i.e., the Holy of Holies), that is to say, the service vessels, for the bowls out of which the sprinkling is done were called golden atonement in Ezra (1:10) and [First] Chronicles (28:17) since the Kohen would cleanse his finger with them between each sprinkling and between gifts of sin-offerings, and the left-overs that are on the finger are invalid.

ששה לנדבה – the remaining six shofar-shaped [chests] are for free-will offerings. On the first, it is written on it "מותר חטאת" – the surplus monies for sin-offerings; and the second is "מותר אשם" – the surplus money for guilt offerings. The third is מותר קיני זבים וזבות ויולדות" - the surplus money for bird-offerings of men and women who had suffered a discharge and of women after childbirth. And the fourth is "מותר קרבנות נזיר" – surplus money from the offerings of a Nazirite. The fifth is מותר אשם מצורע – surplus money from guilt offering of a leper. The sixth is "נדבה סתם" – freewill offering – voluntary contributions for offerings on the Altar. But the person who separated monies for a sin offering and purchased his sin-offering and there was surplus from the monies, he casts the surplus into the shofar-shaped [chest] that the words: “surplus monies for sin-offerings” are written upon it and similarly, surplus monies from guilt-offerings he throws into the shofar-shaped [chest] on which it is written “surplus monies for guilt-offerings,” and similarly for all of them. But the shofar-shaped chest that has “freewill offerings” written up on it, anyone who wants to donate something to the altar plces it into that one.

תקלין חדתין. כדמפרש במתניתין, שבו נותנין שקלי שנה זו, וכשמגיע זמן התרומה, הגזבר מוציא כל שקלים שבשופר ונותנם ללשכה כדי שיתרמו מהם. והשני כתוב עליו תקלין עתיקים, ומי שלא הביא שקלו באותה שנה מביאו בשנה שאחר כך ונותנו באותו שופר והגזבר נוטלם ונותנם בשיירי הלשכה. והג׳ כתוב עליו קינין, והם תורים גדולים. והד׳ גוזלי עולה, בני יונה קטנים, וכולן עולות. אבל המביאים קיני חובה נותנים המעות או העופות ליד הכהן ולא היו נותנים מעות לשופר. ומפרש טעמא בירושלמי, מפני התערובות, שמא ימות אחד מבעלי קינין, ונמצא דמי חטאת שמתו בעליה דאזלא למיתה מעורבת בהן. אבל רבנן לא חיישי להכי, וסברי דבשופר של קינין משימין דמי קיני חובה ובכל המעות הנמצאים בו מקריבין קן אחד חטאת ואחד עולה, והשני כולן נדבה וקרבים עולות. והלכה כחכמים:

עצים. והמתנדב עצים למערכה נותן דמיהן לתוכו:

לבונה. המתנדב לבונה נותן דמים לתוכו, והגזברים לוקחים המעות שבשופר וקונים מהן לבונה ומקטירים על המזבח:

זהב. המתנדב זהב נותנו שם או דמי שויו, והוא לכפורת, כלומר לכלי שרת. שהמזרקות נקראו כפורי זהב בעזרא ובדברי הימים, לפי שהכהן מקנח אצבעו בהם בין הזאה להזאה, ובין מתנות של חטאת, שהשיריים שבאצבע פסולים:

ששה לנדבה. ששה שופרות הנותרות הן לנדבה, האחד כתוב עליו מותר חטאת, השני מותר אשם, השלישי מותר קיני זבים וזבות ויולדות. והרביעי מותר קרבנות נזיר, החמישי מותר אשם מצורע, הששי נדבה סתם. ומי שהפריש מעות לחטאת וקנה חטאתו ונתותרו מן המעות, משליך המותר לשופר שכתוב בו מותר חטאת. וכן מותר אשם משליך לשופר שכתוב בו מותר אשם, וכן כולם. ושופר שכתוב בו נדבה סתם, כל מי שמתנדב דבר למזבח נותן לתוכו: