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Mishnayos Shabbos Perek 7 Mishnah 3

שבת פרק ז׳ משנה ג׳


And they stated an additional principle with regard to the halakhot of Shabbat. Anything fit to store, in the sense that it is large enough to make it worthwhile to store for future use, and people typically store items like it, and one carried it out into a prohibited domain on Shabbat, he is liable to bring a sin-offering for that action. And anything not fit to store and people typically do not store items like it, since it is too insignificant to warrant storage, and one carried it out on Shabbat, only the one who stores it is liable. By storing the item, one indicates that the item is significant to him, even though it is not significant for the typical person. Therefore, he alone is liable for carrying it out into a prohibited domain.

וְעוֹד כְּלָל אַחֵר אָמְרוּ. כָּל הַכָּשֵׁר לְהַצְנִיעַ וּמַצְנִיעִין כָּמוֹהוּ וְהוֹצִיאוֹ בְשַׁבָּת, חַיָּב עָלָיו חַטָּאת, וְכָל שֶׁאֵינוֹ כָשֵׁר לְהַצְנִיעַ וְאֵין מַצְנִיעִין כָּמוֹהוּ וְהוֹצִיאוֹ בְשַׁבָּת, אֵינוֹ חַיָּב אֶלָּא הַמַּצְנִיעוֹ:


כל הכשר להצניע – which is something that is made for usage by a human being.

ומצניעו כמוהו – that has the appropriate measurements to be stored/hidden away.

אין חייב אלא המצניעו -if something was done that was beloved by one person and he stored it away, he is liable for his removal of it if he took it out but another individual is not liable on it for concerning him it is not a [forbidden] form of work.

כל הכשר להצניע. שהוא דבר העשוי לצורך האדם:

ומצניעין כמוהו. שיש בו שעור הראוי להצניעו:

אין חייב אלא המצניעו. אם נעשה חביב על אדם אחד והצניעו, חייב על הוצאתו אם הוציאו, אבל אדם אחר אינו חייב עליו, דלגביה לאו מלאכה היא: