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Mishnayos Shabbos Perek 1 Mishnah 5

שבת פרק א׳ משנה ה׳


In this mishna there is a fundamental dispute between Beit Hillel and Beit Shammai: Must one begin refraining from actions prohibited on Shabbat on Shabbat eve? Or, may one initiate an action prior to Shabbat, even if he knows that it will continue on its own on Shabbat itself? These are the details of that dispute: Beit Shammai say: One may only soak dry ink in water and dry plants, which produce dyes, in water and vetch for animal food to soften them in water on Shabbat eve, adjacent to Shabbat,if there is clearly sufficient time for them to soak for their designated purpose while it is still day, before Shabbat begins, and their continued soaking on Shabbat will have no effect. And Beit Hillel permit doing so.

בֵּית שַׁמַּאי אוֹמְרִים, אֵין שׁוֹרִין דְּיוֹ וְסַמְמָנִים וְכַרְשִׁינִים, אֶלָּא כְּדֵי שֶׁיִּשּׁוֹרוּ מִבְּעוֹד יוֹם. וּבֵית הִלֵּל מַתִּירִין:


אין שורין דיו – dyes that they make for them ink for writing.

וסממנים – to dye.

וכרשינים – food for cattle, and it is customary to soak them in water first, and we call them in Arabic “Karsena” and in the foreign tongue “vetch.” And the School of Shammai holds that a person is careful concerning observing the Sabbath abstention from labor with his utensils like the abstention form labor on the Sabbath of his animal, and it is for the same reason that we don’t give him bundles of wet flax, and that is the reason that we don’t spread out nets for traps. But the candle that burns on Shabbat and the pot that is on top of the portable stove on feet (with caves for two pots) that the School of Shammai admits to, since [he has renounced] ownership for the utensils, he furthermore is not commanded concerning their abstention from labor on the Sabbath.

וב"ה מתירין – from when he placed water in them while it was still day (i.e., on Friday), even though they are continuing to soak on the Sabbath, as they (i.e., the School of Hillel) hold that a person is warned regarding the Sabbath rest of the animals because there is the suffering of animals connected with the case (which must be relieved).

אין שורין דיו. סממנים שעושים מהם דיו לכתיבה:

וסממנים. לצבע:

וכרשינים. מאכל בהמה, ורגילים לשרות אותן במים תחלה, וקורין להם בערבי כרסנ״ה, ובלע״ז ויצ״ש, וסברי בית שמאי אדם מוזהר על שביתת כלים כמו על שביתת בהמתו, והיינו טעמא דאין נותנין אונין, והיינו טעמא דאין פורשין מצודות. ונר הדולק בשבת וקדרה שעל גבי כירה דמודו בהו בית שמאי, [בדמפקר] אפקורי לכלים ושוב אינו מצווה על שביתתן:

ובית הלל מתירין. משנתן המים מבעוד יום, אע״פ שהן נשורין והולכין בשבת, דסברי על שביתת בהמה אדם מוזהר דאית בה צער בעלי חיים, אבל לא על שביתת כלים: