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Mishnayos Sanhedrin Perek 8 Mishnah 6

סנהדרין פרק ח׳ משנה ו׳


A burglar who is found breaking into a house may be killed by the owner of the house with impunity (see Exodus 22:1). He too is sentenced on account of his ultimate end, as it is presumed that if the owner of the house would resist the burglar, the burglar would kill the owner of the house. If the burglar was breaking into a house, and in the course of doing so he broke a barrel, if there is blood-guiltiness for killing him, i.e., if the homeowner would be liable for killing him, the burglar is liable to pay for the value of the barrel. An example of this is if a father broke into his son’s house, in which case it is presumed that even if the son resists his father, his father would never kill him, and therefore the son may not kill his father, and if he does so he is liable. If there is no blood-guiltiness for killing him, i.e., if the homeowner would be exempt from punishment for killing him, the burglar is exempt from paying for the barrel.

הַבָּא בַמַּחְתֶּרֶת נִדּוֹן עַל שֵׁם סוֹפוֹ. הָיָה בָא בַמַּחְתֶּרֶת וְשָׁבַר אֶת הֶחָבִית, אִם יֶשׁ לוֹ דָמִים, חַיָּב. אִם אֵין לוֹ דָמִים, פָּטוּר:


הבא במחתרת – The Torah stated (Exodus 22:1, Sanhedrin 72a) that he should be killed (i.e., beaten to death).

נדון על שם סופו – that his end is to kill the house owner if he should against him to save what is his.,

אם יש לו דמים חייב – such as when the father comes in the breach over his son, and it is known that the father has compassion on his son. Therefore, the son is not permitted to kill him, and if the father broke the barrel, he is obligated to pay.

אין לו דמים פטור – and all other peole who go into the breach, if the house owner did not kill him, he has no bloodguilt.. And if he broker the barrel, he is exempt from payment, since he was liable for his life, he is exempt from payment, for a person does not both die and make payment. (Note: the punishment that is made is the more severe: (קם ליה מדרבה מיניה).

הבא במחתרת. שאמרה תורה יהרג:

נדון על שם סופו. שסופו להרוג את בעל הבית אם יעמוד כנגדו להציל את שלו:

אם יש לו דמים חייב. כגון האב הבא במחתרת על הבן, בידוע שרחמי האב על הבן, לפיכך אין הבן רשאי להרגו. ואם שבר האב החבית, חייב לשלם:

אין לו דמים פטור. ושאר כל אדם הבא במחתרת שאם הרגו בעל הבית אין לו דמים, אם שבר את החבית פטור מלשלם. שכיון שהוא מתחייב בנפשו פטור מן התשלומין, שאין אדם מת ומשלם: