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Mishnayos Pesachim Perek 7 Mishnah 4

פסחים פרק ז׳ משנה ד׳


Five items, i.e., offerings, may be brought in a state of ritual impurity, but they may not be eaten in a state of ritual impurity. They are all communal offerings: The omer, which is brought in Nisan; the two loaves brought on Shavuot; the shewbread, which were arranged each week; the communal peace-offerings, which were brought on Shavuot; and the goats sacrificed on the New Moons, which were sin-offerings eaten by the priests. However, the Paschal lamb that is sacrificed in impurity is eaten even in impurity, as it is brought to begin with only for eating, which is the essence of the mitzva. With regard to other offerings, the essence of their mitzva is fulfilled when they are sacrificed on the altar, and the eating is non-essential.

חֲמִשָּׁה דְבָרִים בָּאִין בְּטֻמְאָה וְאֵינָן נֶאֱכָלִין בְּטֻמְאָה. הָעֹמֶר, וּשְׁתֵּי הַלֶּחֶם, וְלֶחֶם הַפָּנִים, וְזִבְחֵי שַׁלְמֵי צִבּוּר, וּשְׂעִירֵי רָאשֵׁי חֳדָשִׁים. הַפֶּסַח שֶׁבָּא בְטֻמְאָה, נֶאֱכָל בְּטֻמְאָה, שֶׁלֹּא בָא מִתְּחִלָּתוֹ אֶלָּא לַאֲכִילָה:


חמשה דברים – there is no community sacrifice that is eaten other than these, and the community sacrifice overrides the impurity, as we derive from the Passover [sacrifice] as it is written regarding it (Numbers 9:2): “[Let the Israelite people offer the Passover sacrifice] at its set time,” and overrides the defilement when most of the community are impure, for such we say (Numbers 9:10): “When any of you or of your posterity who are defiled….” The individual is postponed, but the community is not postponed. And regarding community sacrifices, it is written (Numbers 29:29): “All these shall you offer [to the LORD] at the stated times,” so just as it is stated with regard to Passover, “at its set time,” and our Mishnah teaches us that even though they are offered [in a state of] impurity, to fulfill the community’s religious obligation, they are not eaten in impurity. And that we are taught five things and are not taught community sacrifices, etc., their number excludes the Festival offerings of the Festivals that are compared to the individual sacrifice because they come at the gathering of the assembly of members for the festivals and do not override the impurity in the same manner that they do not override the Sabbath.

זבחי שלמי צבור – the lambs of Atzeret/Shavuot, for there are no other peace-offerings for the community.

ושעירי ראשי חדשים – and it did not teach the goats of the festival, for since we have learned that the community peace-offering sacrifices are kinds of life and they are not eaten in impurity and the same law applies for all the rest of the kinds of life, and the Mishnah did not need to teach the goats of the New Moons except for the fact that it is not written regarding them, “its set time”/”Moed” and you might think that they do not override the defilement for all the community sacrifices are derived from “Moed”/set time/Festive season, as it is written regarding all of them (Numbers 29:29): “All these shall you offer [to the LORD] at the stated times.”

שלא בא מתחלתו אלא לאכילה – for when the essential commandment of the Passover [sacrifice] was commanded, it was ordained for eating, as it is written (Exodus 12:4): “…according to what each household will eat,” and when the All-Merciful permitted to include that defilement from a person is postponed, but a community is not postponed, with the knowledge that eating is permitted.

חמשה דברים. אין לך בצבור קרבן נאכל אלא אלו, וקרבן צבור דוחה את הטומאה דילפינן מפסח דכתיב ביה במועדו, ודוחה את הטומאה כשרוב הקהל טמאים, דהכי אמרינן איש כי יהיה טמא וכו׳, יחיד נדחה ואין צבור נדחין, ובקרבנות צבור כתיב (במדבר כ״ט:ל״ט) אלה תעשו לה׳ במועדיכם, כמו שנאמר בפסח במועדו, ואשמעינן מתניתין דאע״ג דקרבין בטומאה לאפוקי צבור ידי חובתן, אין נאכלים בטומאה. והא דתני חמשה דברים, ולא תני קרבנות צבור וכו׳, מנינא למעוטי חגיגת הרגלים כולם, דדמו לקרבן צבור משום דאתו בכנופיא באסיפת חברים לרגל ואינם דוחים את הטומאה כדרך שאין דוחים את השבת:

זבחי שלמי צבור. כבשי עצרת, שאין שלמים אחרים לצבור:

ושעירי ראשי חדשים. ולא תני שעירי רגלים, דכיון דאשמעינן זבחי שלמי צבור שהן מיני דמים ואין נאכלין בטומאה הוא הדין לכל שאר מיני דמים, ולא איצטריך למתני שעירי ראשי חדשים אלא משום דלא כתיב בהו מועד, וסלקא דעתך אמינא לא לדחו את הטומאה דהא כל קרבנות צבור ממועד נפקא לן, דכתיב בכולהו אלה תעשו לה׳ במועדיכם:

שלא בא מתחלתו אלא לאכילה. שכשנצטוה עיקר מצות פסח לאכילה נצטוה. דכתיב (שמות י״ב:ד׳) לפי אכלו, וכי שרייה רחמנא לאתויי בטומאה מאיש נדחה ואין צבור נדחין, אדעתא למיכלה שרייה: