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Mishnayos Pesachim Perek 6 Mishnah 1

פסחים פרק ו׳ משנה א׳


These are the matters related to the Paschal lamb that override Shabbat, when the eve of Passover occurs on Shabbat: Its slaughter, the sprinkling of its blood, the cleaning of its intestines and the burning of its fats on the altar, all of which are services that must be performed on Passover eve while it is still day. However, its roasting and the washing of its intestines, which need not be done by day, do not override Shabbat; rather, one waits until after Shabbat to perform these tasks. Carrying the Paschal lamb through a public domain does not override Shabbat. The Paschal offering consisted of either a lamb or a goat, sometimes quite young and unable to walk the entire way, so that it had to be carried on a person’s shoulders. Similarly, bringing it from outside the Shabbat limit and cutting off its wart do not override Shabbat, as all these tasks could have been performed before Shabbat. A wart is considered a blemish that disqualifies the animal from being brought as an offering, but once the wart is removed, the animal is fit to be sacrificed on the altar. Rabbi Eliezer says: All of these procedures override Shabbat.

אֵלּוּ דְבָרִים בַּפֶּסַח דּוֹחִין אֶת הַשַּׁבָּת, שְׁחִיטָתוֹ וּזְרִיקַת דָּמוֹ וּמִחוּי קְרָבָיו וְהֶקְטֵר חֲלָבָיו. אֲבָל צְלִיָּתוֹ וַהֲדָחַת קְרָבָיו אֵינָן דּוֹחִין אֶת הַשַּׁבָּת. הַרְכָּבָתוֹ וַהֲבָאָתוֹ מִחוּץ לַתְּחוּם, וַחֲתִיכַת יַבַּלְתּוֹ, אֵין דּוֹחִין אֶת הַשַּׁבָּת. רַבִּי אֱלִיעֶזֶר אוֹמֵר, דּוֹחִין:


ואלו דברים בפסח דוחין את השבת – The Passover offering overrides the [prohibitions of the] Sabbath, as it states that its set time is Passover (Numbers 9:2): “Let the Israelite people offer the Passover sacrifice at its set time.” And it (i.e., the Torah) states “set time” with relation to the daily whole burnt-offering (Numbers 28:2): “Be punctilious in presenting to Me at stated times…”Just as “its set time” which is stated in regard to the whole daily burnt-offering overrides the [prohibitions of the] Sabbath, as it is stated (Numbers 28:15): “in addition to the regular burnt offering,” so also “its set time” that is stated in connection to the Passover offering overrides the [prohibitions of the] Sabbath.

שחיטתו וזריקת דמו – it is impossible to perform them at night, as it is written (Leviticus 7:38): “when [during the day] He commanded that the Israelites present their offerings to the LORD…” during the day, and not during the nighttime.

מחוי – wiping, like (Proverbs 30:20): “She eats, wipes her mouth.” Scraping its entrails overrides the Sabbath, so that it does not smell badly.

צלייתו והדחת קרביו אין דוחין – for it is possible [to do these] after it becomes dark.

הרכבתו – on his shoulder to bring it via the public domain to the Temple courtyard, and even though there is no prohibition other than Sh’vut/an occupation forbidden by the Rabbis on the Sabbath as being out of harmony with the celebration of the day for the living can carry itself, it does not override [the prohibitions of the Sabbath day] for he could have prepared it from yesterday, and similarly, his bringing it from outside the Sabbath limits, and the cutting of its (i.e., the sacrifice’s) warts of the Passover offering to remove its defects even though he has no prohibition other than Sh’vut, that he cuts it with his teeth or with his hand, they do not override the prohibitions of the Sabbath. And as it is taught in the Mishnah at the end of Tractate Eruvin (Chapter 10, Mishnah 13), “They cut off a wart in the Temple,” this is something dry, that one crushes that which is brittle but our Mishnah here is speaking of something moist (Pesahim 68b), and even though he severs it with his teeth or with his hand, or indirectly , and even as such, it is prohibited with a moist [wart], for he could have done It from yesterday.

דוחין – for he (i.e., Rabbi Eliezer) holds that requirements for a religious act [to be performed on the Sabbath] override the observance of Shabbat (see Shabbat 19a).

ואלו דברים בפסח דוחין את השבת. פסח דוחה את השבת, דנאמר מועדו בפסח (במדבר ט׳:ב׳) ויעשו בני ישראל את הפסח במועדו, ונאמר מועדו בתמיד (שם כח) תשמרו להקריב לי במועדו, מה מועדו האמור בתמיד דוחה את השבת שנאמר (שם) על עולת התמיד, אף מועדו האמור בפסח דוחה את השבת:

שחיטתו וזריקת דמו. א״א לעשותן בלילה דכתיב (ויקרא ז׳:ט״ז) ביום צוותו להקריב, ביום ולא בלילה:

מחוי. קינוח, כמו אכלה ומחתה פיה (משלי ל׳:כ׳). מחוי קרביו דוחה את השבת, שלא יסריחו:

צלייתו והדחת קרביו אין דוחין. דאפשר משתחשך:

הרכבתו. על כתפו להביאו דרך רה״ר לעזרה. אע״פ שאין בו אלא איסור שבות, שהחי נושא את עצמו, אין דוחה, דהו״ל למעבדה מאתמול. וכן הבאתו מחוץ לתחום וחתיכת יבלתו של קרבן פסח להסיר מומו, אע״פ שאין בו אלא איסור שבות, שחותכה בשיניו או בידו, אינן דוחים. והא דתנן בשלהי עירובין חותכין יבלת במקדש, ההיא ביבשה דמפרך פרכה, ומתניתין דהכא בלחה. ואע״פ דכשחותכה בשיניו או בידו כלאחר יד הוא, אפילו הכי אסור בלחה דהוה ליה למעבדה מאתמול:

ר״א אומר דוחין. דסבר מכשירי מצוה דוחים את השבת, במסכת שבת: