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Mishnayos Pesachim Perek 5 Mishnah 3

פסחים פרק ה׳ משנה ג׳


If one slaughtered the Paschal lamb for people who cannot eat it or for those who did not register in advance to eat it, or if one slaughtered it for people who are uncircumcised or for those who are ritually impure, whom the Torah prohibits from eating the Paschal lamb, it is disqualified. However, if one slaughtered it for those who can eat it and for those who cannot eat it; for those who have registered for it and for those who have not registered for it; for the circumcised and for the uncircumcised; for the ritually impure and for the ritually pure, it is valid, for a partially invalid intent does not disqualify the offering. If one slaughtered the Paschal lamb before midday it is disqualified, as it is stated: “And the whole assembly of the congregation of Israel shall slaughter it in the afternoon” (Exodus 12:6). If he slaughtered it before the daily afternoon offering it is valid, as long as another person stirs its blood in order to prevent it from congealing until the blood of the daily offering is sprinkled. And if the blood of the Paschal lamb is sprinkled before the blood of the daily offering, it is nonetheless valid, as this change does not disqualify the offering.

שְׁחָטוֹ שֶׁלֹּא לְאוֹכְלָיו וְשֶׁלֹּא לִמְנוּיָיו, לַעֲרֵלִים וְלִטְמֵאִים, פָּסוּל. לְאוֹכְלָיו וְשֶׁלֹּא לְאוֹכְלָיו, לִמְנוּיָיו וְשֶׁלֹּא לִמְנוּיָיו, לְמוּלִים וְלַעֲרֵלִים, לִטְמֵאִים וְלִטְהוֹרִים, כָּשֵׁר. שְׁחָטוֹ קֹדֶם חֲצוֹת, פָּסוּל, מִשּׁוּם שֶׁנֶּאֱמַר (שמות יב) בֵּין הָעַרְבָּיִם. שְׁחָטוֹ קֹדֶם לַתָּמִיד, כָּשֵׁר, וּבִלְבַד שֶׁיְּהֵא אֶחָד מְמָרֵס בְּדָמוֹ עַד שֶׁיִּזָּרֵק דַּם הַתָּמִיד. וְאִם נִזְרַק, כָּשֵׁר:


שחטו שלא לאוכליו – a sick person or an old person or a minor who are unable to eat an olive’s bulk of meat and there aren’t other appointments to office other than these. It is invalid since it is written (Exodus 12:4): “according to what each household will eat.”

למנוייו – he was registered for this group and he slaughtered it for another group.

לערלים – For Israelites whose brothers died on account of circumcisions, and these are invalid to eat the Passover sacrifice, as it is written (Exodus 12:48): “But no uncircumcised person may eat of it.” And those who are impure are forbidden to Holy things and they are liable to extirpation on their eating it.

לאוכליו ושלא לאוכליו כשר – and it is not similar to for its sake and not for its sake, for invalid that is there – is his being invalid in his body. For the thought that makes him invalid was in the body of the sacrifice, but for those eat it and for those who don’t eat it, the thought does not invalidate ממthe body of the sacrifice, but rather something which is outside of it.

ממרס בדמו – that the blood not become congealed so that it would be worthy for casting/tossing.

ואם זרק קודם לתמיד כשר – since even though the Passover offering is later than the daily whole burnt offering because it is written concerning it (Deuteronomy 16:7 – see Pesahim 59a): “[and none of the flesh of] what you slaughter on the evening…,” and “at twilight” (Exodus 12:6) does not made invalid through this.

שחטו שלא לאוכליו. חולה וזקן וקטן שאין יכולין לאכול כזית בשר, ואין בו מנויין אחרים אלא הן, פסול, דלפי אכלו כתיב (שם), הראוי לאכול:

שלא למנוייו. נמנו עליו חבורה זו ושחטו לשם חבורה אחרת:

לערלים. לישראלים שמתו אחיהם מחמת מילה, והני פסולים לאכול פסח. דכתיב (שם) וכל ערל לא יאכל בו. וטמאים נמי אסורין בקדשים, ובכרת הן על אכילתן:

לאוכליו ושלא לאוכליו כשר. ולא דמי לשמו ושלא לשמו דפסול, דהתם פסולו בגופו שהמחשבה שפוסלתו היתה בגופו של קרבן, אבל לאוכליו ושלא לאוכליו אין המחשבה הפוסלת בגופו של קרבן אלא בדבר שהוא חוץ ממנו:

ממרס בדמו. שלא יקרוש כדי שיהא ראוי לזריקה:

ואם זרק קודם לתמיד כשר. דאע״ג דפסח מאוחר לתמיד משום דכתיב ביה בערב ובין הערבים, לא מפסל בהכי: