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Mishnayos Pesachim Perek 5 Mishnah 10

פסחים פרק ה׳ משנה י׳


He would tear open the flesh of the offering and remove its sacrificial parts, i.e., the fats and other parts offered on the altar. He would place the sacrificial parts in a large basin [mageis] and burn them on the altar. If this took place on Shabbat, when carrying is prohibited, the first group would exit and remain on the Temple Mount; the second group would remain within the rampart, which was an area outside the women’s courtyard; and the third group would stand in its place in the Temple. They would wait there until nightfall, and as soon as it became dark, they would all go out and roast their Paschal lambs, everyone in his own place.

קְרָעוֹ וְהוֹצִיא אֵמוּרָיו, נְתָנוֹ בְמָגִיס וְהִקְטִירָן עַל גַּבֵּי הַמִּזְבֵּחַ. יָצְתָה כַת רִאשׁוֹנָה וְיָשְׁבָה לָהּ בְּהַר הַבַּיִת, שְׁנִיָּה בַּחֵיל, וְהַשְּׁלִישִׁית בִּמְקוֹמָהּ עוֹמֶדֶת. חֲשֵׁכָה, יָצְאוּ וְצָלוּ אֶת פִּסְחֵיהֶן:


אימוריו – the fats that were offered on the altar.

במגיס – a bowl; the Aramaic translation of his bowls is “his trays/his bowls.”

ישבה לה בהר הבית – It is speaking about Shabbat when one cannot bring up their Passover offerings.

בחיל – between the lattice-work (name of one of the approaches of the Temple fortification – see Mishnah Middot, Chapter 2, Mishnah 3) and the wall of the women’s court at the beginning of the ascent to the Temple.

חשיכה יצאו וצלו את פסחיהן – for the roasting of the Passover offering does not override the [prohibitions of the] Sabbath.

אימוריו. החלבים הקרבים ע״ג המזבח:

במגיס. בקערה. תרגום קערותיו מגיסוהי:

ישבה לה בהר הבית. בשבת קאמר, שאין יכולין להוליך פסחיהן:

בחיל. בין הסורג לחומת העזרה של נשים בתחלת עליית הבית:

חשיכה יצאו וצלו את פסחיהן. שאין צליית הפסח דוחה את השבת: