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Mishnayos Pesachim Perek 4 Mishnah 2

פסחים פרק ד׳ משנה ב׳


Similarly, one who transports Sabbatical Year produce from a place where a crop has ceased in the fields to a place where it has not yet ceased or from a place where it has not yet ceased to a place where it has already ceased is obligated to remove the produce from his possession, in accordance with the stringencies of both locations. It is permitted for homeowners to eat Sabbatical Year produce in their houses only as long as that species of fruit remains in the field as ownerless property. However, once that particular fruit is no longer available for animals in the fields, one is required to remove what remains of that species from his home. The statement in the mishna is referring to one who transported fruit from a location where it ceased in the fields to one where it did not, and vice versa. Rabbi Yehuda says that he need not remove the produce, as he can say to a local resident: You, too, go out and bring this produce from a place where it remains in the field.

כַּיּוֹצֵא בוֹ, הַמּוֹלִיךְ פֵּרוֹת שְׁבִיעִית מִמָּקוֹם שֶׁכָּלוּ לְמָקוֹם שֶׁלֹּא כָלוּ, אוֹ מִמָּקוֹם שֶׁלֹּא כָלוּ לְמָקוֹם שֶׁכָּלוּ, חַיָּב לְבַעֵר. רַבִּי יְהוּדָה אוֹמֵר, אוֹמְרִים לוֹ, צֵא וְהָבֵא לְךָ אַף אָתָּה:


המוליך פירות שביעית ממקום שכלו – to a beast from the field and the people of his place are liable to remove it from the house. And they bring this to a place where they had not yet come to an end, and the people of that place are still eating them from that which were brought into the house, and they are liable to remove them because of the stringencies of the place from which they left.

רבי יהודה אומר אומרים לו צא והבא לך אף אתה – There is a dispute between Rabbi Yehuda and the First Teacher [of the Mishnah] (Pesahim 52a) where one pickles/preserves three kinds of greens in vinegar or in brine to preserve and two of them came to an end for the beast from the field and the third had not yet come to an end. The First Tanna holds that one eats from those which had come to an end with the support of that which had not yet come to an end, since they are in one barrel. And this is astonishing for this thing, from a place where they did not come to an end to a place where they completely came to an end, one is obligated to remove them. But, if all of them did not come to an end, but part of them, one can eat even from the species that had come to an end all the while that all of them had not coe to an end. And one eats on support of the final ones. But Rabbi Yehuda states: We say to him: Go and bring some for yourself – even you, from that species that was completed, like this person brought and it would not be found. Therefore, one does not eat other than from the species that has not yet completed, for we don’t eat from those species that were completed through the support of the species that was not yet completed. And one is obligated to remove those species that were completed. And the Halakha is according to Rabbi Yehuda that refers to the approach of Rabban Gamaliel where the Halakha is according to him in the Tractate Sheviit (chapter 9), the “Chapter of Rue.”

המוליך פירות שביעית ממקום שכלו. לחיה מן השדה וחייבין עליו בני מקומו לבערן מן הבית. והוליכן זה למקום שלא כלו, ובני אותו מקום עדיין אוכלין הן מן המכונסים לבית, חייב לבער משום חומרי המקום שיצא משם:

רבי יהודה אומר אומרים לו צא והבא לך אף אתה. פלוגתא דרבי יהודה ות״ק בכובש שלשה מיני ירק בחומץ או בציר להתקיים ושנים מהם כלו לחיה מן השדה והשלישי לא כלה, ת״ק סבר אוכל מאותן שכלו על סמך אותו שלא כלה הואיל והן בחבית אחת. והכי משתמע למלתיה, ממקום שלא כלו למקום שכלו לגמרי חייבין לבער. אבל לא כלו כולן אלא מקצתן אוכל אף ממין הכלה כל זמן שלא כלו כולן, דאוכלין על סמך האחרון. ורבי יהודה אומר אומרים לו צא והבא לך אף אתה מאותו המין שכלה כמו שהביא זה האיש ולא תמצא, הילכך אינו אוכל אלא מהמין שלא כלה, דאין אוכלין מהמינין שכלו על סמך המין שלא כלה, וחייב לבער המינין שכלו. והלכה כרבי יהודה דקאי בשיטתיה דרבן גמליאל שהלכה כמותו במסכת שביעית פרק הפיגם: