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Mishnayos Parah Perek 8 Mishnah 5

פרה פרק ח׳ משנה ה׳


Any derived uncleanness does not defile vessels, but [it does defile] a liquid. If a liquid became unclean it defiles them. Behold [the vessel] would say [to the liquid], "That which defiled you did not defile me, but you did defile me.

כָּל וְלַד הַטֻּמְאוֹת אֵינוֹ מְטַמֵּא כֵלִים, אֶלָּא מַשְׁקֶה. נִטְמָא מַשְׁקֶה, טִמְּאָן. הֲרֵי זֶה אוֹמֵר, מְטַמְּאֶיךָ לֹא טִמְּאוּנִי וְאַתָּה טִמֵּאתָנִי:


כל ולד הטומאה – as for example first-degree and second-degree, do not defile vessels, but the primary source(s) of ritual impurity. But liquid that was defiled in first-degree or second-degree defiles vessels, as a decree because of the liquid of a male with gonorrhea and/or a woman with a flux, such as his spittle, and his flux and his urine which are primary sources of ritual defilement.

כל ולד הטומאה. כגון ראשון ושני, אין מטמא כלים. אלא אב הטומאה. ומשקה שנטמא בראשון ושני מטמא כלים, גזירה משום משקה זב וזבה, כגון רוקו וזובו ומימי רגליו שהן אב הטומאה: