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Mishnayos Niddah Perek 6 Mishnah 3

נדה פרק ו׳ משנה ג׳


Similarly, any item that becomes ritually impure with impurity of a zav imparted by treading, e.g., a vessel designated for sitting, becomes ritually impure with impurity imparted by a corpse. And there are vessels that become ritually impure with impurity imparted by a corpse but do not become ritually impure with impurity of a zav imparted by treading.

כֹּל הַמִּטַּמֵּא מִדְרָס, מִטַּמֵּא טְמֵא מֵת. וְיֵשׁ שֶׁמִּטַּמֵּא טְמֵא מֵת וְאֵינוֹ מִטַּמֵּא מִדְרָס:


כל המיטמא במדרס – the person with gonorrhea. All utensils that is worthy of becoming a primary source of ritual impurity through the Levitical uncleanness arising from a person with gonorrhea’s immediate contact by treading on/leaning against something, as for example a utensil that is designated for lying and/or sitting if a person came in contact with the dead or was defiled in the tent of a corpse. And there is a utensil that completely becomes susceptible to receive all defilements and becomes a primary source of ritual impurity through [contact with] the dead corpse but does not become a primary source of ritual impurity through the person with gonorrhea through lying and/or sitting, as for example, if the person with gonorrhea bent over/turned upside down a Seah and sat upon it, or a field requiring a Tarkav (i.e., a dry-measure, three Kabs) and sat upon it, that very utensil is not impure through treading to become a primary source of ritual impurity, but rather first-degree ritual impurity through its contact with a person with gonorrhea, as it is written (Leviticus 15:4): “[Whoever sits on an object] on which the one with a discharge has sat [shall wash his clothes, bathe in water], and remain impure [until evening],”he who is designated for sitting, excluding this one that they say to him: “Stand and let us our work.” But if he came in contact with a dead corpse, he becomes a primary source of ritual impurity, for we don’t say with someone who is defiled through contact with the dead, “Stand and let us do our work.”

כל המיטמא במדרס הזב. כל כלי הראוי להיות אב הטומאה במדרס הזב, כגון כלי המיוחד למשכב ומושב, ראוי להיות אב הטומאה אם נגע במת או נטמא באוהל המת. ויש שהוא כלי גמור לקבל כל טומאות ונעשה אב הטומאה על ידי מת, ואינו נעשה אב הטומאה ע״י הזב במדרס, כגון אם כפה הזב סאה וישב עליה, או תרקב וישב עליה, אין אותו כלי טמא מדרס להיות נעשה אב הטומאה, אלא ראשון לטומאה במגעו של זב, דכתיב (ויקרא ט״ו) אשר ישב עליו הזב, מי שמיוחד לישיבה, יצא זה שאומרים לו עמוד ונעשה מלאכתנו. אבל אם נגע במת, נעשה אב הטומאה, שאין אומרים בטמא מת עמוד ונעשה מלאכתנו: