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Mishnayos Niddah Perek 3 Mishnah 5

נדה פרק ג׳ משנה ה׳


A woman who discharges or gives birth to a tumtum, whose sexual organs are obscured, or to a hermaphrodite [ve’androginos], who has both male and female sexual organs, shall observe the strictures of a woman who gave birth both to a male and to a female. She is impure for fourteen days like a woman who gave birth to a female, but blood that she sees thereafter is pure only until forty days after birth, like for a woman who gave birth to a male. In a case where she gave birth to twins, if they are a tumtum and a male, or a hermaphrodite and a male, she observes the strictures of a woman who gave birth both to a male and to a female. But if the twins are a tumtum and a female, or a hermaphrodite and a female, she shall observe the periods of purity and impurity established by the Torah for a woman who gives birth to a female alone. Regardless of the status of the tumtum and the hermaphrodite, the woman’s seven days of impurity and her succeeding thirty-three days of purity are subsumed in the fourteen days of impurity and sixty-six days of purity for a female. If the fetus emerged in pieces, or if it emerged reversed, i.e., feetfirst rather than headfirst, when most of its limbs emerge, its status is like that of a child born, with regard to the impurity of a woman after childbirth. If the fetus emerged in the usual manner, headfirst, it is not considered born until most of its head emerges. And what is considered most of its head? It is from when its forehead emerges.

הַמַּפֶּלֶת טֻמְטוּם, וְאַנְדְּרוֹגִינוֹס, תֵּשֵׁב לְזָכָר וְלִנְקֵבָה. טֻמְטוּם וְזָכָר, אַנְדְּרוֹגִינוֹס וְזָכָר, תֵּשֵׁב לְזָכָר וְלִנְקֵבָה. טֻמְטוּם וּנְקֵבָה, אַנְדְּרוֹגִינוֹס וּנְקֵבָה, תֵּשֵׁב לִנְקֵבָה בִלְבָד. יָצָא מְחֻתָּךְ אוֹ מְסֹרָס, מִשֶּׁיָּצָא רֻבּוֹ, הֲרֵי הוּא כְיָלוּד. יָצָא כְדַרְכּוֹ, עַד שֶׁיֵּצֵא רֹב רֹאשׁוֹ. וְאֵיזֶהוּ רֹב רֹאשׁוֹ, מִשֶּׁתֵּצֵא פַדַּחְתּוֹ:


תשב לזכר ונקבה – she is [ritually] impure for two weeks like [the birth of] a female, and her days of purity are only thirty-three like [the birth of] a male.

טומטום וזכר – as for example that she gave birth, one whose sexual organs are concealed or a hermaphrodite, and the other is a definite male.

תשב לזכר ולנקבה – but we don’t say that from this definite male [child], this other one is also a male.

תשב לנקבה בלבד – and even if it is one whose sexual organs are concealed is a male, we follow after the females, for all the days of a male, whether for [ritual] impurity or whether for purity they are absorbed within that of the female.

מחותך – limb by limb.

מסורס – the language of opposite, like [Tractate Bava Batra 119b]: “invert the order in which the persons are mentioned in that verse (in reference to Numbers 27:2) and interpret it.

משיצא רובו הרי הוא כילוד – and his head is like the majority. Therefore, when the head of someone who is cut up by limbs comes out, even though all the rest of the body is inside, it is like it is born.

פחדתו – his forehead.

תשב לזכר ולנקבה. טמאה שבועים כנקבה, וימי טוהר שלה שלשים ושלשה יום בלבד כזכר:

טומטום וזכר אנדרוגינוס וזכר. כגון שילדה תאומים, אחד טומטום או אנדרוגינוס, והאחד זכר ודאי:

תשב לזכר ולנקבה. ולא אמרינן מדהאי זכר ודאי, האי נמי זכר:

תשב לנקבה בלבד. דאפילו הוי טומטום זכר, בתר נקבות אזלינן, דכל ימי זכר בין לטומאה בין לטהרה מובלעים תוך של נקבה:

מחותו. אברים אברים:

מסורס. לשון הפוך הוא. כמו, סרס המקרא ודרשהו [בבא בתרא קי״ט]:

משיצא רובו הרי הוא כילוד. וראשו כרובו. הלכך משיצא ראשו של מחותך, אע״פ שכל שאר הגוף בפנים, הרי הוא כילוד:

פדחתו. מצחו: