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Mishnayos Nedarim Perek 9 Mishnah 8

נדרים פרק ט׳ משנה ח׳


The mishna gives another example of a vow that was partially dissolved. If one stated in a vow: Wine is konam for me and I will not taste it, as wine is bad for the intestines, and they said to him: But aged wine is good for the intestines, then the vow is dissolved with regard to aged wine. And not only with regard to aged wine is it dissolved, but with regard to all types of wine, since a vow that has been partially dissolved is entirely dissolved. Likewise, if one stated in a vow: Onions are konam for me and I will not taste them, as onions are bad for the heart, and they said to him: But the kuferi onion is good for the heart, then, in this case too, it is dissolved with regard to kuferi onions, and not only with regard to kuferi onions is it dissolved, but with regard to all types of onions. The mishna relates that an incident of this kind occurred, and Rabbi Meir dissolved the vow with regard to all types of onions.

קוֹנָם יַיִן שֶׁאֵינִי טוֹעֵם, שֶׁהַיַּיִן רַע לַמֵּעָיִם, אָמְרוּ לוֹ, וַהֲלֹא הַמְיֻשָּׁן יָפֶה לַמֵּעָיִם, הֻתַּר בַּמְיֻשָּׁן. וְלֹא בַמְיֻשָּׁן בִּלְבַד הֻתַּר, אֶלָּא בְכָל הַיָּיִן. קוֹנָם בָּצָל שֶׁאֵינִי טוֹעֵם, שֶׁהַבָּצָל רַע לַלֵּב. אָמְרוּ לוֹ, הֲלֹא הַכֻּפְרִי יָפֶה לַלֵּב, הֻתַּר בַּכֻּפְרִי. וְלֹא בַכֻּפְרִי בִלְבַד הֻתַּר, אֶלָּא בְכָל הַבְּצָלִים. מַעֲשֶׂה הָיָה, וְהִתִּירוֹ רַבִּי מֵאִיר בְּכָל הַבְּצָלִים:


לא במיושן בלבד הותר אלא בכל היין – and especially that he said,”if I knew this, I wouldn’t have taken a vow at all, or I would have said: that which is old is permitted/released, and that which is new is prohibited. But he aid, if I had known I would have said: “all wine is prohibited upon me except from the old,” behold this is not permitted/released to him other than the old alone, and all the rest of the wine is prohibited (for definition of “old” see Tractate Bava Batra, Chapter Six, Mishnah 3).

ולא במיושן בלבד הותר אלא בכל היין. ודוקא שאמר אילו ידעתי כן לא הייתי נודר כלל או הייתי אומר ישן מותר וחדש אסור. אבל אמר אילו הייתי יודע הייתי אומר כל יין אסור עלי חוץ מן הישן, הרי זה אין מותר לו אלא הישן בלבד, וכל שאר יין אסור: