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Mishnayos Nedarim Perek 4 Mishnah 1

נדרים פרק ד׳ משנה א׳


The difference between one for whom benefit from another is forbidden by vow [hamuddar hana’a meḥaveiro] and one for whom benefit from his food is forbidden by vow concerns only setting foot on the other person’s property and borrowing from that person utensils that one does not use in preparation of food but for other purposes. Those two benefits are forbidden to the former but permitted to the latter. Therefore, with regard to one for whom benefit from another’s food is forbidden by vow, that person may not lend him utensils used in the preparation of food, e.g., a sieve, or a strainer, or a millstone, or an oven. However, he may lend him a garment, or a finger ring, or a cloak, or nose rings, as these are not used in the preparation of food. However, he may not lend them to one for whom benefit from him is forbidden by vow. And with regard to any item that one does not use in the preparation of food, in a place where one rents items of that kind, that item is forbidden. Meaning, one for whom benefit from another is forbidden by vow is prohibited from borrowing this type of item from the one who vowed and imposed the prohibition. This is because one can use the money saved by borrowing the item rather than renting it to purchase food.

אֵין בֵּין הַמֻּדָּר הֲנָאָה מֵחֲבֵרוֹ לַמֻּדָּר הֵימֶנּוּ מַאֲכָל אֶלָּא דְרִיסַת הָרֶגֶל וְכֵלִים שֶׁאֵין עוֹשִׂין בָּהֶן אֹכֶל נֶפֶשׁ. הַמֻּדָּר מַאֲכָל מֵחֲבֵרוֹ, לֹא יַשְׁאִילֶנּוּ נָפָה וּכְבָרָה וְרֵחַיִם וְתַנּוּר, אֲבָל מַשְׁאִיל לוֹ חָלוּק וְטַבַּעַת וְטַלִּית וּנְזָמִים, וְכָל דָּבָר שֶׁאֵין עוֹשִׂין בּוֹ אֹכֶל נֶפֶשׁ. מְקוֹם שֶׁמַּשְׂכִּירִין כַּיּוֹצֵא בָהֶן, אָסוּר:


אין בין מודר. אלא דריסת הרגל – to pass through his land, or to lend out utensils that they don’t make in them food necessary for the Sabbath day, which are permissible for someone who took a vow of deriving food from him, but is forbidden if he took a vow to enjoying any benefit from him.

נפה וכברה רחים ותנור (winnow, basket used as a sieve, millstone, an oven) – that they prepare in them food necessary for the [Sabbath] day. And all the more so, a pot or a spit where the food stands within it. One who takes a vow against food that is taught in our Mishnah, is he who says to him: “KONAM: benefitting from your food is upon me.”

מקום שמשכירין כיוצא בהם (a place where these things are rented out) – for since it is the practice to rent out such things and he foregoes the rental payment, with those monies he can purchase food necessary for the [Sabbath] day and he made him take a vow from deriving benefit is brought through the food.

אין בין המודר. אלא דריסת הרגל. לעבור דרך ארצו, או להשאיל כלים שאין עושין בהם אוכל נפש, שמותרין במודר הימנו מאכל, ואסורין במודר הימנו הנאה:

נפה וכברה רחים ותנור. שמתקנים בהם אוכל נפש. וכל שכן קדרה ושפוד שהאוכל עומד בתוכו. ומודר מאכל דתנן במתניתין, הוא שיאמר לו הנאת מאכלך עלי קונם:

מקום שמשכירין כיוצא בהם. דכיון דדרך להשכיר כיוצא בזה והוא מוחל לו השכירות, באותם הדמים יכול לקנות אוכל נפש והוא הדירו מהנאה המביאה לידי מאכל: