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Mishnayos Nedarim Perek 11 Mishnah 8

נדרים פרק י"א משנה ח׳


With regard to one who vows that benefit from him is forbidden to his son-in-law, but he nevertheless wishes to give his daughter, i.e., the wife of that same son-in-law, money, then, though he cannot do so directly, as anything acquired by a woman belongs to her husband, he should say to her: This money is hereby given to you as a gift, provided that your husband has no rights to it, but the gift includes only that which you pick up and place in your mouth.

הַמֻּדָּר הֲנָאָה מֵחֲתָנוֹ וְהוּא רוֹצֶה לָתֵת לְבִתּוֹ מָעוֹת, אוֹמֵר לָהּ, הֲרֵי הַמָּעוֹת הָאֵלּוּ נְתוּנִים לָךְ בְּמַתָּנָה וּבִלְבַד שֶׁלֹּא יְהֵא לְבַעְלֵךְ רְשׁוּת בָּהֶן, אֶלָּא מַה שֶּׁאַתְּ נוֹשֵׂאת וְנוֹתֶנֶת בְּפִיךְ:


ובלבד שלא יהא לבעליך רשות בהם – and his condition is fulfilled, and the husband did not acquire it (i.e., the money). But even though this that this present saves im from the the troubler, for behold, his wife is supported/fed from these monies, but her sustenance was upon him, hs being saved from the trouble is not considered benefit.

ובלבד שלא יהא לבעליך רשות בהם. ותנאו קיים ולא קנה הבעל. ואף על גב דבמתנה זו מצילו מן הטורח, שהרי אשתו ניזונת מן המעות הללו, ומזונותיה היו עליו, אצולי מטרחא אינה חשובה הנאה: