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Mishnayos Nazir Perek 8 Mishnah 2

נזיר פרק ח׳ משנה ב׳


In the case of a nazirite who, on the first day of his naziriteship, was impure from a corpse as a matter of uncertainty and was also a confirmed leper as a matter of uncertainty, i.e., it was uncertain whether or not he had leprosy, how can he fulfill the shaving obligations of a pure nazirite and an impure leper? The problem facing this nazirite is that a leper must shave both when he begins his purification process and at the close of it, one week later. However, a nazirite is prohibited from shaving. Additionally, a leper may not partake of sacrificial food, but a nazirite may. Therefore, he may partake of sacrificial food sixty days after he may have become impure, when the uncertainty with regard to leprosy will have been clarified. He shaves for the first time for his leprosy after thirty days, and for the second time thirty days later, the shaving of the end of the purification process; at which point he brings the offerings of a purified leper and may partake of sacrificial food. But he may drink wine and become impure from the dead, effectively ending his naziriteship, only after 120 days. This is because he might have been a full-fledged leper, which means that his shavings count toward his leprosy, not his naziriteship. Consequently, after the first sixty days he must observe another thirty days of naziriteship and shave again. Even then he has yet to fulfill all his obligations, as he might have been impure from a corpse, which means his shaving after ninety days was for his impurity. He must therefore remain a nazirite for another thirty days, before shaving one final time at the end of 120 days to fulfill his naziriteship obligation. The mishna notes: The reason that he cannot shave for his leprosy after seven days and perform the second shaving of a leper seven days later is because the shaving of leprosy overrides the prohibition of the shaving of a nazirite only when his status as a leper is definite. However, when his status as a leper is uncertain, the shaving does not override his naziriteship, and therefore he must wait thirty days before each of his shavings for leprosy.

נָזִיר שֶׁהָיָה טָמֵא בְסָפֵק וּמֻחְלָט בְּסָפֵק, אוֹכֵל בַּקָּדָשִׁים אַחַר שִׁשִּׁים יוֹם, וְשׁוֹתֶה יַיִן וּמִטַּמֵּא לְמֵתִים אַחַר מֵאָה וְעֶשְׂרִים יוֹם, שֶׁתִּגְלַחַת הַנֶּגַע דּוֹחָה תִגְלַחַת הַנָּזִיר בִּזְמַן שֶׁהוּא וַדַּאי, אֲבָל בִּזְמַן שֶׁהוּא סָפֵק אֵינָהּ דּוֹחָה:


נזיר שהוא טמא בספק ומוחלט בספק – uncertain if he had been defiled by contact with the dead and uncertain if he was a declared leper.

אוכל בקדשים אחר ששים יום – but not before then, for someone who is uncertain leper, he or a witness that brings his atonement is forbidden to eat Holy Things but because of being an uncertain impure Nazirite, he is not forbidden from eating Holy Things, for he is not called someone lacking atonement who is forbidden to eat Holy Things other than a person whose defilement comes out upon him from his body. How so? He took the Nazirite [vow] for thirty days, and on the first day, there occurred to him an uncertain defilement through contact with the dead and uncertain leprosy He sprinkles and repeats it and immerses and is purified from his defilement from contact with the dead, as if he came to shave/cut his hair according to the law of an impure Nazirite, or according to the law of a leper who became healed. But, he is not able to shave/cut his hair until the thirty days from the day that he took the vow of Nazirite, lest he is a pure Nazirite, and he is forbidden to shave until the fulfillment of the days of his Naziriteship and until he brings his sacrifices, and after thirty days, he shaves the uncertain shaving of leper. Uncertain shaving of defilement of a Nazirite and uncertainty shaving of someone pure, and he brings two birds according to the law of the shaving for a declared leper. And the sin offering of a fowl that comes on the uncertainty, because of the uncertainty of his being a defiled Nazirite, and the burnt offering of an animal because of his uncertain status as a pure Nazirite, and even though he doesn’t bring the rest of the sacrifices of someone who is a pure person who has shaved, we state that if he shaved on one of the three sacrifices, he has fulfilled his religious duty. And he makes a condition upon it that if he is not a pure Nazirite, that the burnt offering will be a free-will donation, and the law of a declared leper that requires two shavings – one after the completion of his declaration when he became healed from his leprosy. And one after the days of his counting, after he counted seven days from the first shaving, as it is written (Leviticus 14:9): “On the seventh day he shall shave off all of his hair – [of head, beard and eyebrows].”But the one who is an uncertain Nazirite is not able to shave. Therefore, he must wait thirty days of uncertain pure Naziriteship and then he takes a shave of uncertainty for the days of his counting of the leper and the uncertainty of a pure Naziriteship. And he brings a burnt offering of cattle of uncertain Naziriteship in order to shave on the sacrifices and make a condition upon it. And on the day after his shaving, he brings the sacrifice of the leper to permit Holy Things to him. And he brings the sin offering of fowl for the sin-offering of cattle does not come on that which is uncertain. And he doesn’t bring the guilt offering. For the guilt offering does not prevent him from eating Holy Things, and it is found that after sixty [days], he eats Holy Things, for then he brings his atonement of the uncertainty of being declared, but he is still forbidden to drink wine and to defile himself through contact with the dead for perhaps he was a declared leper. But the shaving for a leper does not count for him, neither for the shaving of a pure Nazirite, nor for the shaving of an impure Nazirite, and he still needs two shavings: one for the impure Nazirite and one for the pure Nazirite. And if he was a declared leper, all what he counted for the days of his Naziriteship do not count for him. For the days of his declared [leprosy] and the days of his counting do not count for him. And he needs to count another thirty days and after thirty days, he shaves from being an uncertain impure Nazirite and an uncertain pure Nazirite. And he brings the sin-offering of fowl on being an uncertain impure Nazirite and the burnt offering of cattle for being an uncertain pure Nazirite, in order that he can shave on the sacrifice and makes a condition upon it. But he is still prohibited to drink wine or to defile himself through contact with the dead. For perhaps he was a declared leper and therefore, the first two shavings did not count for him for the sake of his Naziriteship, not for defilement nor for purity, for perhaps he was an impure Nazirite. And the third shaving is the shaving of defilement. Therefore, he is required to count another thirty days of pure Naziriteship, and he brings the sacrifice of a pure Nazirite and makes the condition, and afterwards is permitted to drink wine and to become defiled through contact with the dead. And similarly, if he took a vow of Naziriteship for a year, and something happened to him at the beginning of his year of uncertain defilement through contact with the dead, and uncertain leprosy, he counts a full year and shaves the shaving of uncertain defilement and uncertain purity and uncertain leprosy, ad counts a second year and shaves and brings his atonement and eats Holy Things [if he is a Kohen] and counts another two years prior to his drinking wine and defiling himself through contact with the dead.

נזיר שהיה טמא בספק ומוחלט בספק. ספק אם נטמא במת וספק אם הוא מצורע מוחלט:

אוכל בקדשים אחר ששים יום. אבל קודם לכן לא, דספק מצורע הוא ועד שיביא כפרתו אסור לאכול בקדשים. אבל משום ספק נזיר טמא לא מתסר לאכול בקדשים, דלא מקרי מחוסר כפרה שאסור לאכול בקדשים אלא מי שטומאה יוצאה עליו מגופו. כיצד, נזר שלשים יום. וביום הראשון אירע לו ספק טומאת מת וספק צרעת, מזה ושונה וטובל ונטהר מטומאת מת כאילו בא לגלח כדין נזיר טמא או כדין מצורע שנתרפא, ואינו יכול לגלח עד שלשים יום מיום שנזר, שמא נזיר טהור הוא ואסור לגלח עד מלאת ימי נזרו ועד שיביא קרבנותיו, ולאחר שלשים יום מגלח, ספק תגלחת מצורע ספק תגלחת טומאה של נזיר וספק תגלחת טהרה. ומביא שתי ציפורים כדין תגלחת חלוטו של מצורע, וחטאת העוף הבאה על הספק משום ספק נזיר טמא, ועולת בהמה משום ספק נזיר טהור. ואע״פ שאינו מביא שאר קרבנות של תגלחת טהרה, הא אמרינן אם גלח על אחת משלשתן יצא. ומתנה עליה שאם אינו נזיר טהור שתהא עולת נדבה. ודין מצורע מוחלט שצריך שני תגלחות, אחת לאחר גמר חלוטו כשנרפא מצרעתו, ואחת לאחר ימי ספרו לאחר שספר שבעה מן התגלחת הראשונה, כדכתיב (ויקרא י״ד:ט׳) והיה ביום השביעי יגלח את כל שערו, וזה שהוא ספק נזיר אינו יכול לגלח, הלכך צריך להמתין ל׳ יום של ספק נזירות טהרה ומגלח תגלחת של ספק ימי ספרו של מצורע וספק נזירות טהרה, ומביא עולת בהמה של ספק נזירות כדי לגלח על הקרבנות ומתנה עליה, ולמחרת יום תגלחתו מביא קרבן מצורע כדי להתירו בקדשים. ומביא חטאת עוף, שחטאת בהמה אינה באה על הספק. ואינו מביא אשם, שהאשם אינו מעכב מלאכול בקדשים. ונמצא שלאחר ס׳ יום אוכל בקדשים שאז מביא כפרתו על ספק חלוטו. ועדיין הוא אסור לשתות יין וליטמא למתים דשמא מוחלט היה, ותגלחת מצורע אינו עולה לא לתגלחת נזיר טהור ולא לתגלחת נזיר טמא, וטעון עוד שתי תגלחות, אחד לנזיר טמא ואחת לנזיר טהור, ואם מצורע מוחלט היה, כל מה שמנה לימי נזירתו אין עולין לו, שימי חלוטו וימי ספירו אין עולין לו, וצריך למנות עוד ל׳ יום ולאחר ל׳ יום מגלח ספק נזיר טמא ספק נזיר טהור, ומביא חטאת העוף בספק נזיר טמא. ועולת בהמה בספק נזיר טהור כדי לגלח על הקרבן, ומתנה עליה. ועדיין אסור לשתות יין וליטמא למתים, דשמא מצורע מוחלט היה, ולפיכך השתי תגלחות הראשונות לא עלו לו לשם נזירות, לא של טומאה ולא של טהרה, ושמא נזיר טמא היה ותגלחת השלישית תגלחת של טומאה היא, לפיכך צריך למנות עוד שלשים יום של נזירות טהרה, ומביא קרבן נזיר טהור, ומתנה, ואח״כ מותר לשתות יין ולהטמא למתים. וכן אם נדר נזירות שנה ואירע לו בראש שנתו ספק טומאת מת וספק צרעת, מונה שנה ומגלח תגלחת של ספק טומאה וספק טהרה וספק צרעת, ומונה שנה שניה ומגלח ומביא כפרתו ואוכל בקדשים, ומונה עוד ב׳ שנים קודם שישתה יין ויטמא למתים: