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Mishnayos Nazir Perek 6 Mishnah 8

נזיר פרק ו׳ משנה ח׳


Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel says: If a nazirite brought three animals without specifying which of them was for which offering, the one that is fit for a sin-offering, i.e., a female sheep in its first year, is sacrificed as a sin-offering; that which is fit for a burnt-offering, a male sheep in its first year, is sacrificed as a burnt-offering; and that which is fit for a peace-offering, a ram, i.e., a male sheep over the age of one year, is sacrificed as a peace-offering. After the nazirite shaved off his hair, he would take the hair of his consecrated head and throw it under the pot in which the peace-offering was cooked, where it would burn. And if the nazirite shaved in the rest of the country, i.e., outside the Temple, he would not throw the hair under the pot. In what case is this statement said? It is said with regard to the shaving of purity. However, with regard to the shaving of impurity, i.e., shaving that accompanied his guilt-offering and sin-offering of birds after his term of naziriteship was interrupted by impurity, he would not throw his hair under the pot in which his offerings were cooked, as the Torah stated this requirement only for a pure nazirite. Rabbi Meir says: Everyone throws his hair under the pot, including a pure nazirite who shaved outside the Temple and an impure nazirite, except for an impure nazirite who shaved in the rest of the country. In that case alone he refrains from throwing his hair to be burned beneath his offering.

רַבָּן שִׁמְעוֹן בֶּן גַּמְלִיאֵל אוֹמֵר, הֵבִיא שָׁלשׁ בְּהֵמוֹת וְלֹא פֵרֵשׁ, הָרְאוּיָה לְחַטָּאת תִּקְרַב חַטָּאת, לְעוֹלָה תִּקְרַב עוֹלָה, לִשְׁלָמִים תִּקְרַב שְׁלָמִים. הָיָה נוֹטֵל שְׂעַר רֹאשׁ נִזְרוֹ וּמְשַׁלֵּחַ תַּחַת הַדּוּד. וְאִם גִּלַּח בַּמְּדִינָה הָיָה מְשַׁלֵּחַ תַּחַת הַדּוּד. בַּמֶּה דְבָרִים אֲמוּרִים, בְּתִגְלַחַת הַטָּהֳרָה. אֲבָל בְּתִגְלַחַת הַטֻּמְאָה, לֹא הָיָה מְשַׁלֵּחַ תַּחַת הַדּוּד. רַבִּי מֵאִיר אוֹמֵר, הַכֹּל מְשַׁלְּחִין תַּחַת הַדּוּד, חוּץ מִן הַטָּמֵא שֶׁבַּמְּדִינָה בִּלְבָד:


ולא פירש – even though regarding all of the sacrifices, the owners have to specify their purposes (literally: call them by name), here (i.e., with the Nazirite), it is not necessary, for when he says: “ these are for my Naziriteship,” it is as if he designated their purpose for each and every one, for a ewe-lamb is not appropriate other than for a sin-offering and a lamb is for a burnt offering and a ram is for a sin-offering.

ומשלח תחת הדוד – where they cook in it the peace offering sacrifice.

היה מגלח במדינה – in Jerusalem (as opposed of in Temple proper) , and even though it is written (Numbers 6:18): “at the entrance of the Tent of Meeting,” it is not exact, but rather to teach that he does not shave until the opening of the [Tent of Meeting] is open.

לא היה משלח תחת הדוד – as It is written (Numbers 6:18): “[The nazirite]…shall take the locks of his consecrated hair and put them on the fire [that is under the sacrifice of well-being].” He who is not wanting other than taking and placing, excluding the person who is wanting taking and bring and placing under the cauldron.”

במה דברים אמורים – that in the Temple, he (i.e., the Nazirite) takes the hair and casts it under the cauldron, with the shaving in a state of [ritual] purity,

even if he shaved in the Temple, he does not take the hair and casts it under the cauldron of the guilt offering and the sin-offering of the fowl, for it is not written, ‘the placement of the hair under the cauldron, other than with a ritually pure Nazirite.

הכל משלחין – the [ritually] pure Nazirite in the Temple or in the provinces except for an impure [Nazirite] who shaved in the provinces because his [cut] hair is buried. And the Jewish legal decision is that one does not cast [his hair] underneath the cauldron other than a [ritually] pure Nazirite who shaved at the entrance of the Tent of Meeting which was performed according to the ritual commandment. But if he cast [his hair] under the cauldron for a sin-offering, he has fulfilled [his obligation], it is not stated that which is underneath the sacrifice of the peace offering (verse 18), other than for the Mitzvah.

ולא פירש. אע״ג דכל הקרבנות צריך שיקראו להם הבעלים שם, הכא לא צריך, דמכי אמר אלו לנזירותי הוי כאילו קרא שם לכל אחד ואחד, דכבשה אינה ראויה אלא לחטאת, וכבש לעולה, ואיל לשלמים:

ומשלח תחת הדוד. שמבשלים בו זבח השלמים:

היה מגלח במדינה. בירושלים. ואע״ג דכתיב פתח אהל מועד, לאו דוקא, אלא ללמד שאינו מגלח עד שיהיה פתח אהל מועד פתוח:

לא היה משלח תחת הדוד. דכתיב (במדבר ו׳:י״ח) ולקח את שער ראש נזרו ונתן על האש, מי שאינו מחוסר אלא לקיחה ונתינה, יצא זה שמחוסר לקיחה והבאה ונתינה תחת הדוד:

במה דברים אמורים. שבמקדש נוטל שער ומשלח תחת הדוד, בתגלחת טהרה:

אבל בתגלחת טומאה. אפילו גלח במקדש, אינו נוטל שער ומשלח תחת הדוד של אשם וחטאת העוף, דלא כתיב נתינת שער תחת הדוד אלא בנזיר טהור:

הכל משלחין. טהור במקדש ובמדינה, וטמא במקדש. חוץ מטמא שגלח במדינה, מפני ששערו נקבר. ופסק ההלכה, שאין משלח תחת הדוד אלא נזיר טהור שגלח פתח אהל מועד שנעשה כמצותו. ואם שילח תחת הדוד של חטאת, יצא. לא נאמר אשר תחת זבח השלמים, אלא למצוה: