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Mishnayos Nazir Perek 6 Mishnah 5

נזיר פרק ו׳ משנה ה׳


Three types of actions are prohibited for a nazirite: Contracting ritual impurity imparted by a corpse, and shaving his hair, and eating or drinking any substances that emerge from the vine. There is a greater stricture with regard to the prohibitions of impurity and shaving than that of substances that emerge from the vine, as impurity and shaving negate his naziriteship, i.e., he must add thirty days to his term of naziriteship or start it afresh. But if he eats or drinks that which emerges from the vine, this does not negate his naziriteship. Conversely, there is a greater stricture with regard to substances that emerge from the vine than with regard to impurity and shaving, as in the case of products that emerge from the vine nothing is exempted from its general prohibition in certain circumstances, i.e., there are no exceptions. But with regard to impurity and shaving certain cases are exempted from their general prohibition. For example, there are the cases of obligatory shaving, e.g., a leper who was purified during his naziriteship, and of a corpse with no one to bury it [met mitzva]. A nazirite may tend to the burial of a met mitzva, despite the fact that he will thereby contract ritual impurity from a corpse. The mishna adds: And there is a greater stricture with regard to impurity than with regard to shaving, as a nazirite’s impurity negates all his days of naziriteship and begins his term afresh, and he is liable to bring an offering for it, before starting his new term of naziriteship. But shaving negates only thirty days at most, and he is not liable to bring an offering for it.

שְׁלשָׁה מִינִין אֲסוּרִין בַּנָּזִיר, הַטֻּמְאָה וְהַתִּגְלַחַת וְהַיּוֹצֵא מִן הַגָּפֶן. חֹמֶר בַּטֻּמְאָה וּבַתִּגְלַחַת מִבַּיּוֹצֵא מִן הַגֶּפֶן, שֶׁהַטֻּמְאָה וְהַתִּגְלַחַת סוֹתְרִין, וְהַיּוֹצֵא מִן הַגֶּפֶן אֵינוֹ סוֹתֵר. חֹמֶר בַּיּוֹצֵא מִן הַגֶּפֶן מִבַּטֻּמְאָה וּבַתִּגְלַחַת, שֶׁהַיּוֹצֵא מִן הַגֶּפֶן לֹא הֻתַּר מִכְּלָלוֹ, וְטֻמְאָה וְתִגְלַחַת הֻתְּרוּ מִכְּלָלָן בְּתִגְלַחַת מִצְוָה וּבְמֵת מִצְוָה. וְחֹמֶר בַּטֻּמְאָה מִבַּתִּגְלַחַת, שֶׁהַטֻּמְאָה סוֹתֶרֶת אֶת הַכֹּל וְחַיָּבִין עָלֶיהָ קָרְבָּן, וְתִגְלַחַת אֵינָהּ סוֹתֶרֶת אֶלָּא שְׁלשִׁים יוֹם וְאֵין חַיָּבִין עָלֶיהָ קָרְבָּן:


שהטומאה והתגלחת סותרים – as it written regarding ritual impurity (Numbers 6:12): “the previous period shall be void,” and shaving loses thirty days for we require (Numbers 6:5): “the hair of his head being left to grow untrimmed,” and there is no untrimmed growing that is less than thirty days.

שהיוצא מן הגפן לא הותר מכללו – as for example, to drink wine for a Mitzvah/commandment, as we say (Numbers 6:3): “he shall abstain from wine and any other intoxicant,” forbidding wine for a Mitzvah, like wine that is consumed optionally.

טומאה ותגלחת הותרו מכללן – defilement for the corpse with no one to bury it, [In which case, the Nazir is absolutely required to bury the corpse], as it is written (Numbers 6:7): “Even if his father or mother, [or his brother or sister should die, he must not defile himself for them].” For his father and/or mother, he does not defile himself, but he defiles himself for a corpse with no one to bury it. And shaving for a Nazirite who is a leper, the positive commandment of (Leviticus 14:8): “[The one to be cleansed shall wash his clothes,] shave off all his hair, [and bathe in water; then he shall be clean],” comes and overrides the negative commandment of (Numbers 6:5): “no razor shall touch his head.”

שהטומאה והתגלחת סותרים. דכתיב בטומאה (שם), והימים הראשונים יפלו. ותגלחת סותרת שלשים דבעינן גדל פרע שער ראשו (שם) ואין גידול פרע פחות מל׳ יום:

שהיוצא מן הגפן לא הותר מכללו. כגון לשתות יין מצוה, דאמרינן מיין ושכר יזיר (שם) לאסור יין מצוה כיין הרשות:

טומאה ותגלחת הותרו מכללן. טומאה, למת מצוה, דכתיב (במדבר ו׳) לאביו ולאמו לא יטמא, לאביו הוא דאינו מיטמא אבל מיטמא למת מצוה. ותגלחת, לנזיר מצורע, דאתי עשה דוגלח את כל שערו (ויקרא י״ד) ודחי את לא תעשה דתער לא יעבור על ראשו (במדבר ו׳):