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Mishnayos Menachos Perek 9 Mishnah 4

מנחות פרק ט׳ משנה ד׳


Many animal offerings are brought together with a meal offering and a wine libation. These additions are collectively referred to as libations. One may mix together the libations of bulls with the libations of rams; the meal offerings may be mixed as they both share the same ratio of flour to oil, i.e., two log of oil for each tenth of an ephah of flour. Likewise, one may mix together the libations of lambs with the libations of other lambs, as the meal offerings both share the same ratio of three log of oil for each tenth of an ephah of flour. And one may mix together the libations of the offering of an individual with those of a communal offering. And one may mix together the libations of an offering brought on one day with those of the day before, if the meal offerings have the same ratio of oil to flour. But one may not mix together the libations of lambs with the libations of bulls or the libations of rams, as the meal offerings have different ratios of oil to flour. And nevertheless, if one intermingled the flour and oil of these lamb offerings by themselves and the flour and oil of these bull or ram offerings by themselves, and only then were they mixed together, then they remain fit to be sacrificed. If they were mixed together before the oil and flour of each offering were independently intermingled to form the meal offering, then they are disqualified. With regard to the lamb offering that comes with the omer meal offering, which is accompanied by another meal offering and a wine libation, even though the quantity of flour used in its meal offering is doubled, i.e., one uses twice the amount that is generally used for meal offerings that accompany the sacrifice of a lamb, its oil and wine libations were not doubled; rather, three log of oil and three log of wine were used, per the standard quantities used for a lamb.

מְעָרְבִין נִסְכֵּי אֵילִים בְּנִסְכֵּי פָרִים, נִסְכֵּי כְבָשִׂים בְּנִסְכֵּי כְבָשִׂים, שֶׁל יָחִיד בְּשֶׁל צִבּוּר, שֶׁל יוֹם בְּשֶׁל אָמֶשׁ. אֲבָל אֵין מְעָרְבִין נִסְכֵּי כְבָשִׂים בְּנִסְכֵּי פָרִים וְאֵילִים. וְאִם בְּלָלָן אֵלּוּ בִפְנֵי עַצְמָן וְאֵלּוּ בִפְנֵי עַצְמָן, וְנִתְעָרְבוּ, כְּשֵׁרִין. אִם עַד שֶׁלֹּא בָלַל, פָּסוּל. הַכֶּבֶשׂ הַבָּא עִם הָעֹמֶר, אַף עַל פִּי שֶׁמִּנְחָתוֹ כְפוּלָה, לֹא הָיוּ נְסָכָיו כְּפוּלִין:


מערבין נסכי פרים – the meal-offering of libations of the bull with the meal-offering of the libations of the ram. Because the mixing of both of them is equivalent, two LOGS for an Issaron, for it is taught in the Mishnah (Chapter 9, Mishnah 3 of Tractate Menahot): “six LOG for the bullock,” and choice flour of three Esronim that would be for them as it is written (Numbers 15:9): “there shall be offered as a grain offering along with the animal: three-tenths of a measure of choice flour with half a hin of oil mixed in,” which is six LOG. And for the ram, four LOGIM and choice flour of two Esronim.

נכסי כבשים – three LOGS for the Issaron, as it is written (Numbers 29:4): “and one-tenth for each [of the seven lambs],” and it is written (Exodus 29:40): “[there shall be a tenth of a measure of choice flour] with a quarter of a hin of beaten oil mixed in,” which are three LOGS.

ושל היום בשל אמש – if he brought yesterday’s sacrifice without libations. For we hold that a person who brings his sacrifice today and his libations from now until ten days hence. But if he brought today one sacrifice and two libations with him, one for himself and one for yesterday, they mixed them together if the sacrifices are equivalent, that both were lambs or rams [or bulls] or a bull and a ram.

אבל אין מערבים נסכי כבשים בנסכי פרים ואילים – because the meal-offering of the bull and the ram is dried up/destroyed in connection with the lambs and it absorbs from it, and it is found that the lamb is less and that one is greater.

ואם בללן – that already the commandment of their oil has gone.

כשרות – according to the Rabbis who dispute with Rabbi Yehuda in the chapter, the Great Handful in Tractate Menahot (Chapter 3, Mishnah 2) and they state that what is burned that became mixed with that which is became combined with something mixed can be sacrificed.

ואם עד שלא בללן – when they were combined.

פסולות – for we require that wherever [from the proportions and properties of the mixture a perfect fusion is possible/appropriate, but it is lacking, for it is missing that of the extra lamb and ram.

אע"פ שמנחתו כפולה – as it is written in [the Torah portion of] “Speak to the Kohanim”/Emor (Leviticus 23:13): “The grain offering with it shall be two-tenths of a measure of choice flour with oil mixed in.”

מערבין נסכי פרים. מנחת נסכי פר במנחת נסכי איל. לפי שבלילת שתיהן שוה, שני לוגים לעשרון. דהא תנן לעיל ששה לוגים לפר, וסולת הוי להו שלשה עשרונים כדכתיב (שם) והקריב על בן הבקר מנחה סולת שלשה עשרונים בלול בשמן חצי ההין, דהיינו ששה לוגין. ולאיל ארבע לוגין, וסולת שני עשרונים לאיל:

נסכי כבשים. שלשה לוגין לעשרון. דכתיב עשרון אחד לכבש האחד וכתיב בלול בשמן כתית רביעית ההין, דהיינו שלשה לוגין:

ושל היום בשל אמש. אם הביא אמש זבחי בלא נסכים. דקיימא לן אדם מביא, ובחי הייס ונסכיו מכאן ועד ועד עשרה ימים. ואם היום הביא קרבן אחד ושני נסכים עמו אחד בשבילו ואחד בשביל של אמש, מערבין יחד אם הקרבנות שוין, שהיו שניהם כבשים או אילים [או פרים] או פר ואיל:

אבל אין מערבים נסכי כבשים בנסכי פרים ואילים. לפי שמנחת פר ואיל חריבה היא לגבי כבשים, ובולעת הימנה, ונמצאת של כבש חסרה וזו יתירה:

ואם בללן. שכבר הלכה מצות שמנן:

כשרות. כרבנן דפליגי עליה דרבי יהודה בהקומץ רבה ואמרי חרב שנתערב בבלול יקרב:

ואם עד שלא בללן. נתערבו:

פסולות. דבעינן ראוי לבילה, וליכא, דחסרא לה של כבש ושל איל יתירה:

אע״פ שמנחתו כפולה. כדכתיב באמור אל הכהנים ומנחתו שני עשרונים: