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Mishnayos Menachos Perek 12 Mishnah 2

מנחות פרק י"ב משנה ב׳


In the case of one who says: It is incumbent upon me to bring a meal offering prepared in a shallow pan, and he brought a meal offering prepared in a deep pan instead; or if he said: It is incumbent upon me to bring a meal offering prepared in a deep pan, and he brought a meal offering prepared in a shallow pan instead, the meal offering that he brought, he brought as a voluntary meal offering, but he has not fulfilled his obligation that he undertook with his vow and he must therefore bring another meal offering. If he said: This tenth of an ephah of flour is a meal offering to bring in a shallow pan, and he brought it prepared in a deep pan instead; or if he said: This tenth of an ephah of flour is a meal offering to bring in a deep pan, and he brought a meal offering prepared in a shallow pan, this offering is not valid, because he did not fulfill what he had stated concerning that tenth of an ephah of flour. In the case of one who says: It is incumbent upon me to bring one meal offering of two tenths of an ephah in one vessel, and he divided it and brought it in two vessels, removing a handful from each; or if he says: It is incumbent upon me to bring two tenths of an ephah for two meal offerings in two vessels, and he brought one meal offering of two tenths of an ephah in one vessel and removed one handful from it, then the meal offering that he brought, he brought as a voluntary meal offering, but he has not fulfilled his obligation. If he says: These two tenths of an ephah before me are a meal offering in one vessel, and he divided them and brought them in two vessels, removing a handful from each; or if he says: These tenths of an ephah are two meal offerings in two vessels, and he brought them in one vessel, both of these offerings are not valid, because in both cases he deviated from the number of handfuls that he vowed to remove. In the case of one who says: It is incumbent upon me to bring a meal offering of two tenths of an ephah in one vessel, and he divided them and brought them in two vessels, and others said to him: You vowed to bring a meal offering in one vessel, then if he sacrificed the two tenths of an ephah in two vessels they are not valid even as voluntary meal offerings, and he must bring another meal offering to fulfill his obligation. His failure to respond and explain that it was not his intention to fulfill his vow with this offering indicates that he does intend to fulfill his vow with it. Since he deviated from his vow, the offering is not valid. If he sacrificed the two tenths of an ephah in one vessel after he was reminded, it is valid, as he fulfilled his vow. Likewise, in a case where one says: It is incumbent upon me to bring two meal offerings totaling two tenths of an ephah in two vessels, and he brought it all in one vessel, and others said to him: You vowed to bring meal offerings in two vessels, then if he sacrificed the two tenths of an ephah in two vessels as he had originally vowed, they are valid. If he placed it all in one vessel, its halakhic status is like that of two meal offerings that were intermingled prior to removal of the handfuls. Therefore, if one can remove a handful from each meal offering in and of itself, they are valid. If not, they are not valid, as the Gemara explained on 23a.

הָאוֹמֵר, הֲרֵי עָלַי בְּמַחֲבַת, וְהֵבִיא בְמַרְחֶשֶׁת, בְּמַרְחֶשֶׁת וְהֵבִיא בְמַחֲבַת, מַה שֶּׁהֵבִיא הֵבִיא, וִידֵי חוֹבָתוֹ לֹא יָצָא. זוֹ לְהָבִיא בְמַחֲבַת, וְהֵבִיא בְמַרְחֶשֶׁת, בְּמַרְחֶשֶׁת, וְהֵבִיא בְמַחֲבַת, הֲרֵי זוֹ פְסוּלָה. הֲרֵי עָלַי שְׁנֵי עֶשְׂרוֹנִים לְהָבִיא בִכְלִי אֶחָד, וְהֵבִיא בִשְׁנֵי כֵלִים, בִּשְׁנֵי כֵלִים, וְהֵבִיא בִכְלִי אֶחָד, מַה שֶּׁהֵבִיא הֵבִיא, וִידֵי חוֹבָתוֹ לֹא יָצָא. אֵלּוּ לְהָבִיא בִכְלִי אֶחָד, וְהֵבִיא בִשְׁנֵי כֵלִים, בִּשְׁנֵי כֵלִים וְהֵבִיא בִכְלִי אֶחָד, הֲרֵי אֵלּוּ פְסוּלִין. הֲרֵי עָלַי שְׁנֵי עֶשְׂרוֹנִים לְהָבִיא בִכְלִי אֶחָד וְהֵבִיא בִשְׁנֵי כֵלִים, אָמְרוּ לוֹ בִּכְלִי אֶחָד נָדָרְתָּ, הִקְרִיבָן בִּכְלִי אֶחָד, כְּשֵׁרִים, וּבִשְׁנֵי כֵלִים, פְּסוּלִין. הֲרֵי עָלַי שְׁנֵי עֶשְׂרוֹנִים לְהָבִיא בִשְׁנֵי כֵלִים, וְהֵבִיא בִכְלִי אֶחָד, אָמְרוּ לוֹ, בִּשְׁנֵי כֵלִים נָדָרְתָּ, הִקְרִיבָן בִּשְׁנֵי כֵלִים, כְּשֵׁרִים. נְתָנוֹ בִכְלִי אֶחָד, כִּשְׁתֵּי מְנָחוֹת שֶׁנִּתְעָרָבוּ:


מה שהביא הביא (see also Tractate Menahot, Chapter 5, Mishnah 8) – for we state that it was not for the purpose of his vow that the brought, but rather It is a different free-will offering/donation.

זו להביא במחבת – for there was an Issaron/one-tenth of an Ephah of choice four placed before him, and he said, [Lo, I pledge myself to bring this choice flour as a meal-offering prepared] in a pan/frying pan, etc.

הרי זו פסולה – for he appointed it for the utensil that he mentioned and he is not able to change it to t

אלו להביא בכלי אחד – these that were placed/lying before him.

הרי אלו פסולים – for where he made a vow for one utensil and brought in two utensils, he sets aside/dedicates from it two handfuls, but he did not vow other than one handful. And further, that the meal -offering is lacking in each and every utensil. But where he vowed for two utensils, but brought [only] for one utensil, it would be an extra meal-offering but where he diminished/reduced the handfuls, for he sifted/selected for it two handfuls, but only took one handful.

אמרו לו בכלי אחד נדרת – but he was not troubled by their words and he offered it in two utensils, it is invalid, but even though that he did not state that these would be brought in one utensil. Because that now, one cannot say that I have brought another free-will offering, for since they said to him that he made a votive offering in one utensil, he could have said to them: “I because of another vow bring this.”

כשתי מנחות שנתערבו – for we said in the chapter of the “The One Who Takes a Handful”/הקומץ (Chapter 3, Mishnah 3 of Tractate Menahot)that if he is able to take a handful from this one on its own and from that one on its own, they are kosher/fit, but if not they are invalid. But that which is taught above [in our Mishnah]: “these which are to be brought in two utensils but he brought them in one utensil, they are invalid,” speaks, as for example, that he was not able to take a handful from each one of them on its own.

מה שהביא הביא. דאמרינן לא לשם נדרו הביאה, אלא נדבה אחרת היא זו:

זו להביא במחבת. שהיתה עשרון סולת מונחת לפניו, ואמר, זו להביא במחבת וכו׳:

הרי זו פסולה. דקבעה לכלי שהזכיר בה ואין יכול לשנותה לכלי אחר:

אלו להביא בכלי אחד. אלו שהיו מונחים לפניו:

הרי אלו פסולים. דהיכא דנדר בכלי אחד והביא בשני כלים מפריש ממנה שני קומצים, והוא לא נדר אלא קומץ אחד. ועוד, שמנחה חסרה היא בכל כלי וכלי. והיכא דנדר בשני כלים והביא בכלי אחד הויא מנחה יתירה ומיעט בקומצין, שהוא בירר לה שתי קמיצות ולא קמץ אלא אחד:

אמרו לו בכלי אחד נדרת. ולא חש לדבריהם והקריבה בשני כלים, פסולים, ואף על גב דלא אמר אלו להביא בכלי אחד. משום דהשתא ליכא למימר לשום נדבה אחרת אייתי לה, דכיון דאמרי ליה בכלי אחד נדרת הוה ליה למימר להו אנא משום נדר אחרינא מייתינא לה:

כשתי מנחות שנתערבו. דאמרינן בפרק הקומץ, אם יכול לקמוץ מזו בפני עצמה ומזו בפני עצמה כשרות, ואם לאו פסולות. והא דקתני לעיל אלו להביא בשני כלים והביא בכלי אחד פסולות, מיירי כגון דלא יכול לקמוץ מכל אחת בפני עצמה: