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Mishnayos Megillah Perek 1 Mishnah 6

מגילה פרק א׳ משנה ו׳


The difference between one for whom benefit from another is forbidden by vow and one for whom benefit from another’s food is forbidden by vow is only with regard to stepping foot on his property, and with regard to borrowing utensils from him that one does not use in the preparation of food, but for other purposes; as those two benefits are prohibited to the former, but permitted to the latter. The difference between animals consecrated to the Temple as vow offerings and animals consecrated as gift offerings is only that in the case of vow offerings, if they died or were lost before being sacrificed on the altar, one is obligated in the responsibility to replace them, and in the case of gift offerings, if they died or were lost, one is not obligated in the responsibility to replace them.

אֵין בֵּין הַמֻּדָּר הֲנָאָה מֵחֲבֵרוֹ לַמֻּדָּר מִמֶּנּוּ מַאֲכָל אֶלָּא דְּרִיסַת הָרֶגֶל וְכֵלִים שֶׁאֵין עוֹשִׂין בָּהֶן אֹכֶל נֶפֶשׁ. אֵין בֵּין נְדָרִים לִנְדָבוֹת אֶלָּא שֶׁהַנְּדָרִים חַיָּב בְּאַחֲרָיוּתָן, וּנְדָבוֹת אֵינוֹ חַיָּב בְּאַחֲרָיוּתָן:


אין בין המודר הנאה – One who is forbidden by vow to derive any benefit is not more severe than one [who is forbidden] by vow from [consuming] food other than entering one’s ground, for one [who is forbidden] by vow to derive any benefit , is prohibited to enter into his [home],[whereas] one [who is forbidden] by vow from [consuming] food is permitted [to enter into his home].

וכליים שאין עושין בהן אוכל נפש – It is permitted to lend them (i.e., the utensils) to one [who is forbidden] by vow from [consuming] food, and especially in a place where they do not hire and similar cases, but in a place where we hire and similar things, it is prohibited, for all benefit that brings one towards [eating] food, for if he did not derive this benefit which is wanting at least the equivalent of a Perutah/penny, it is the benefit of food, for since it is appropriate for that Perutah/penny [to be used] to purchase food.

נדר – He who says, “behold this burnt offering is upon me,” and afterwards, he set it aside and it was lost, he is liable for his property which may be resorted to in the event of non-payment.

נדבה – He who says, “behold this burnt offering is upon me,” and it was lost, he is not liable for his property which may resorted to in the event of non-payment, for he did not accept it upon himself, but [regarding] the matter of "בל תאחר"/that he should not be late (see Deuteronomy 23:22: “When you make a vow to the LORD your God, do not put off fulling it/לא תאחר לשלמו , [for the LORD your God will require it of you, and you will have incurred guilt.]”); both are equivalent, as it says (Deuteronomy 23:24): “…and perform what you have voluntarily vowed to the LORD your God, having made the promise with your own mouth,” for behold, vows and donations are mentioned in this matter.

אין בין המודר הנאה. אין מודר הנאה חמור ממודר מאכל אלא דריסת הרגל, שמודר הנאה אסור לו ליכנס בתוך שלו ומודר מאכל מותר:

וכלים שאין עושין בהן אוכל נפש. מותר להשאילן למודר מאכל. ודוקא במקום שאין משכירין כיוצא בהם, אבל במקום שמשכירין כיוצא בהם, אסור, דכל הנאה המביאה לידי מאכל שאם לא ההנהו זה מחוסר בה שוה פרוטה, הנאת מאכל הוא שהרי ראויה אותה פרוטה לקנות בה מאכל:

נדר. האומר הרי עלי עולה, ולאחר זמן הפרישה ונאבדה, חייב באחריותה:

נדבה. האומר הרי זו עולה, ונאבדה, אינו חייב באחריותה, שהרי לא קבלה עליו. אבל לענין בל תאחר זה וזה שוין דכתיב (דברים כ״ג:כ״ד) כאשר נדרת לה׳ אלהיך נדבה אשר דברת בפיך, הרי נדר ונדבה אמורים בענין: