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Mishnayos Kesuvos Perek 4 Mishnah 8

כתובות פרק ד׳ משנה ח׳


Similarly, if he did not write for her in the marriage contract: If you are taken captive I will redeem you and restore you to me as a wife, and in the case of a priestess, i.e., the wife of a priest, who is prohibited to return to her husband if she has intercourse with another man even if she is raped, if he did not write: I will return you to your native province, he is nevertheless obligated to do so, as it is a stipulation of the court.

לֹא כָתַב לָהּ, אִם תִּשְׁתַּבָּאִי אֶפְרְקִנָּךְ וְאוֹתְבִנָּךְ לִי לְאִנְתּוּ, וּבְכֹהֶנֶת, אֲהַדְרִנָּךְ לִמְדִינְתָּךְ, חַיָּב, שֶׁהוּא תְנַאי בֵּית דִּין:


ובכהנת – for he cannot uphold her [as his wife] once she is taken captive, for the wife of a Kohen is prohibited to her husband once she is raped, he writes to her, “I will redeem you and return you to your country,” and he is obligated to give her the Ketubah settlement and even though that against his will, he needs to divorce her.

ובכהנת. שאינו יכול לקיימה משנשבית, שאשת כהן אסורה לבעלה משנאנסה, כותב לה אפרקינך ואהדרינך למדינתך. וחייב לתת לה כתובתה. ואע״פ שבעל כרחו צריך לגרשה: