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Mishnayos Kesuvos Perek 3 Mishnah 6

כתובות פרק ג׳ משנה ו׳


With regard to an orphan who was betrothed and divorced, Rabbi Elazar says: One who rapes her is obligated to pay the fine, as she is a virgin young woman, and one who seduces her is exempt from payment. Because she is an orphan, or because she was betrothed and divorced, she is independent, and by consenting to the seduction she forgoes her right to the fine.

יְתוֹמָה שֶׁנִּתְאָרְסָה וְנִתְגָּרְשָׁה, רַבִּי אֶלְעָזָר אוֹמֵר, הַמְפַתֶּה פָטוּר, וְהָאוֹנֵס חַיָּב:


יתומה שנתארסה ונתגרשה האונס חייב והמפתה פטור – for since she is an orphan and her fine is hers, the logical support is towards him, for of her own free will she was seduced to him and he is exempt. But not only an orphan, but rather, any young woman who was betrothed and divorced, the rapist is liable and the seducer is exempt like the orphan-girl, for the fine is for herself, as is stated by Rabbi Akiva above (in Mishnah 3 of this chapter) and such is the Halakha.

יתומה שנתארסה ונתגרשה האונס חייב והמפתה פטור. דכיון דיתומה היא וקנסה שלה הוא, הא אחילתיה גביה, דמדעתה נתפתתה לו ופטור. ולא יתומה בלבד אלא כל נערה שנתארסה ונתגרשה אונס חייב ומפתה פטור. כיתומה, דהא קנסה לעצמה כדאמר ר׳ עקיבא לעיל, וכן הלכה: