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Mishnayos Kesuvos Perek 3 Mishnah 4

כתובות פרק ג׳ משנה ד׳


The seducer gives the father of his victim three things, and the rapist gives the father four. The mishna specifies: The seducer gives the father payments for humiliation, degradation, and the fine. A rapist adds an addition to his payments, as he also gives payment for the pain. What are the differences between the halakha of a rapist and that of a seducer? The rapist gives payment for the pain, and the seducer does not give payment for the pain. The rapist gives payment immediately, and the seducer does not pay those payments immediately but only when he releases her. The rapist drinks from his vessel [atzitzo], i.e., marries the woman he raped, perforce, and the seducer, if he wishes to release her, he releases her.

הַמְפַתֶּה נוֹתֵן שְׁלֹשָׁה דְבָרִים, וְהָאוֹנֵס אַרְבָּעָה. הַמְפַתֶּה נוֹתֵן בֹּשֶׁת וּפְגָם וּקְנָס. מוֹסִיף עָלָיו אוֹנֵס, שֶׁנּוֹתֵן אֶת הַצַּעַר. מַה בֵּין אוֹנֵס לִמְפַתֶּה. הָאוֹנֵס נוֹתֵן אֶת הַצַּעַר, וְהַמְפַתֶּה אֵינוֹ נוֹתֵן אֶת הַצַּעַר. הָאוֹנֵס נוֹתֵן מִיָּד, וְהַמְפַתֶּה לִכְשֶׁיּוֹצִיא. הָאוֹנֵס שׁוֹתֶה בַעֲצִיצוֹ, וְהַמְפַתֶּה אִם רָצָה לְהוֹצִיא, מוֹצִיא:


האונס נותן את הצער – someone who had intercourse by compulsion is not the same as someone who had intercourse willingly, and the seduced woman does not have pain, for regarding ‘’suffering,” in the Torah concerning compulsion, but “suffering” is not stated regarding a seduced woman.

והאונס נותן מיד – to her father, even though he married her/consummated a marriage by conducting a woman to his house.

לכיוציא – meaning to say that if he will not marry her/consummate a marriage by conducting a woman to his house, for if he does not marry [her], he doesn’t pay the fine, as it is written (Exodus 22:15): “[If a man seduces a virgin for whom the bride-price has not been paid, and lies with her] he must make her his wife by payment of the bride-price,” and “if her father refuses [to give her to him], he must weigh out the silver [in accordance with the bride-price for virgins]” (Exodus 22:16); but concerning the rape, it is written (Deuteronomy 22:29): “[the man who lay with her] shall pay the girl’s father fifty [shekels of] silver and she shall be his wife.”

שותה בעציצו – in a despised utensil that he chose for It, meaning to say, he is forced to marry her.

האונס נותן את הצער. שאינו דומה נבעלת באונס לנבעלת ברצון, והמפותה אין לה צער, שהרי נאמר עינוי בתורה אצל אונס ולא נאמר עינוי אצל מפותה:

האונס נותן מיד. לאביה אף על פי שכונסה:

לכשיוציא. כלומר לכשלא יכנוס. שאם יכנוס אינו נותן קנס, כדכתיב (שמות כ״ב) מהר ימהרנה ואם מאן ימאן כסף ישקול. אבל גבי אונס כתיב (דברים כ״ב) ונתן חמשים כסף ולו תהיה לאשה:

שותה בעציצו. בכלי מאוס שבחר בו, כלומר על כרחו ישאנה: