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Mishnayos Kesuvos Perek 13 Mishnah 4

כתובות פרק י"ג משנה ד׳


The mishna cites another case involving a dispute between Admon and the Rabbis. With regard to one who claims that another owes him jugs of oil, and the other admits to the claim of pitchers but not the oil, Admon says: Since he made a partial admission to the claim, he takes an oath swearing that he owes only what he has admitted to and no more. And the Rabbis say: The partial admission in this case is not of the same type as the claim, as the claim specified oil and the admission referred to pitchers. Rabban Gamliel said: I see as correct the statement of Admon.

הַטּוֹעֵן אֶת חֲבֵרוֹ כַדֵּי שֶׁמֶן, וְהוֹדָה בַקַּנְקַנִּים, אַדְמוֹן אוֹמֵר, הוֹאִיל וְהוֹדָה בְמִקְצָת הַטַּעֲנָה, יִשָּׁבֵעַ. וַחֲכָמִים אוֹמְרִים, אֵין זוֹ הוֹדָאָה מִמִּין הַטַּעֲנָה. אָמַר רַבָּן גַּמְלִיאֵל, רוֹאֶה אֲנִי אֶת דִּבְרֵי אַדְמוֹן:


והודה בקנקנים – empty [jars] without oil as for example where his fellow made a claim against him for ten pitchers of oil that I have that are with you.

Admon states that there is an implication in this claim [for] oil and pitchers, and when he admitted to him about the empty pitchers, that is a partial admission of guilt and he requires taking an oath.

But the Sages state that there is no implication in this claim other than the oil alone which is the measure of ten pitchers, and when he admitted to him regarding the empty pitchers, what he claimed against him was not admitted to him, and what he admitted to him was not claimed against him, and there is no partial admission from the kind of a claim and he is not liable to take an oath, but the Halakha is according to Admon.

והודה בקנקנים. ריקים בלא שמן. וכגון שטענו חבירו עשרה כדי שמן יש לי אצלך:

אדמון אומר. יש במשמעות טענה זו שמן וכדים, וכשהודה לו בכדים ריקים הוי הודאה במקצת וחייב שבועה:

וחכמים אומרים. אין במשמעות טענה זו אלא שמן בלבד שיעור עשרה כדים, וכשהודה לו בכדים ריקים, מה שטענו לא הודה לו ומה שהודה לו לא טענו, ואין כאן הודאה במקצת ממין הטענה ואינו חייב שבועה. והלכה כאדמון: