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Mishnayos Kesuvos Perek 10 Mishnah 6

כתובות פרק י׳ משנה ו׳


In a case of one who was married to two women and sold his field, and the wife whom he married first wrote to the purchaser: I do not have any legal dealings or involvement with you, then the second wife, who did not relinquish her claim to repossess this property, may appropriate the field from the purchaser as payment of her marriage contract. This is because the property was liened for the payment of her marriage contract before it was sold to this purchaser. Then, the first wife can appropriate the field from the second as payment for her marriage contract, since her marriage contract predates that of the second wife. The purchaser can then appropriate the field from the first wife, due to the fact that she relinquished her rights vis-à-vis the purchaser. They continue to do so according to this cycle [ḥalila] until they agree on a compromise between them. And so too, with regard to a creditor, and so too, with regard to a female creditor.

מִי שֶׁהָיָה נָשׂוּי שְׁתֵּי נָשִׁים, וּמָכַר אֶת שָׂדֵהוּ, וְכָתְבָה רִאשׁוֹנָה לַלּוֹקֵחַ דִּין וּדְבָרִים אֵין לִי עִמָּךְ, הַשְּׁנִיָּה מוֹצִיאָה מֵהַלּוֹקֵחַ, וְרִאשׁוֹנָה מִן הַשְּׁנִיָּה, וְהַלּוֹקֵחַ מִן הָרִאשׁוֹנָה, וְחוֹזְרוֹת חֲלִילָה עַד שֶׁיַּעֲשׂוּ פְשָׁרָה בֵינֵיהֶם. וְכֵן בַּעַל חוֹב. וְכֵן אִשָּׁה בַעֲלַת חוֹב:


וכתבה ראשונה ללוקח וכו' – as, for example when they purchased it from her hand, and in the Gemara (Talmud Ketubot 95a) it raises the question: Could she not say: “I merely wished to oblige my husband (i.e., her purchase was not to be taken seriously)? And it responds, as for example, that the husband sold this field [of his wife] to another man prior to that one, and the wife did not want to endorse it for this one, but she endorsed it for the other, and if it is that it is acting [in a manner that is] obliging to her husband, she would have endorsed the first [sale].

פשרה – adjustment/compromise; not everything to this one, nor everything to that one, and the language of “tepid,” – not hot nor cold.

וכן ב"ח – and two mortgaged properties. Reuven has a claim against Shimon for a Maneh, and he has two fields and sold them to two people – to this one for fifty and to that one for fifty, and the creditor wrote to the second purchaser: “I have nothing against you.” The creditor takes from the hand of the first, for he is not able to say to say to him: “I left you a place that you can collect from him, for his debt corresponds to both, and the first purchaser removes from the hand of the second, and the creditor returns and removes even that from the first, and the second purchaser from the creditor and goes back in turn until they make a compromise.

וכן אשה בעלת חוב – she had her Ketubah on her husband, and he sold his two fields to two [different] people but neither of the two had other than up to her Ketubah, and she wrote to the second [purchaser]: “I have no claim against you and nothing to do with you.” The woman removes from the first purchaser and he removes it from the hand of the second [and the woman from the first] and the second from the woman and the first purchaser from the hand of the second and it goes back in turn [until they make a compromise].

וכתבה ראשונה ללוקח וכו׳ וכגון שקנו מידה. ובגמרא פריך, ותימא נחת רוח עשיתי לבעלי. ומשני, כגון שמכר הבעל שדה זו לאיש אחר קודם לזה ולא רצתה האשה לחתום לו, ולזה חתמה, דאם איתא דנחת רוח עושה לבעלה היתה חותמת לראשון:

פשרה. ביצוע. לא כולו לזה ולא כולו לזה. ולשון פושרין הוא, לא חמים ולא קרים:

וכן בעל חוב. ושני לקוחות. ראובן נושה בשמעון מנה ולו שתי שדות ומכרן לשנים זו בחמשים וזו בחמשים וכתב בעל חוב ללוקח שני דין ודברים אין לי עמך, בעל חוב נוטל מיד הראשון, שהרי אינו יכול לומר לו הנחתי לך מקום שתגבה ממנו, שחובו כנגד שניהם ולוקח ראשון מוציא מיד השני, ובעל חוב חוזר ומוציא את זו מן הראשון, ולוקח שני מבעל חוב, וחוזרין חלילה עד שיעשו פשרה:

וכן אשה בעלת חוב. שהיה לה כתובתה על בעלה ומכר שתי שדותיו לשנים ואין בשניהם אלא כדי כתובתה, וכתבה לשני דין ודברים אין לי עמך, האשה מוציאה מיד לוקח ראשון. והוא מן השני, והשני מן האשה [והאשה מן הראשון] ולוקח ראשון מיד השני, וחוזרים חלילה: