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Mishnayos Kesuvos Perek 10 Mishnah 1

כתובות פרק י׳ משנה א׳


In the case of one who was married to two women and died, the first woman he married precedes the second in collecting the payment specified in her marriage contract if there are insufficient funds to pay both, because her document is dated earlier. So too, if the wives died after their husband before they received payment for their marriage contracts, the heirs of the first wife precede the heirs of the second wife in collecting these payments. If he married a first woman and she subsequently died, and he then married a second woman and he subsequently died, the second wife and her heirs precede the heirs of the first wife. This is because the marriage contract of the second wife is considered a debt that the estate of the deceased is required to pay, whereas the claim of the heirs of the first wife is based on the stipulation in the marriage contract that male children inherit their mother’s marriage contract. Heirs receive their share of the estate only from property that remains after all debts have been settled.

מִי שֶׁהָיָה נָשׂוּי שְׁתֵּי נָשִׁים וּמֵת, הָרִאשׁוֹנָה קוֹדֶמֶת לַשְּׁנִיָּה, וְיוֹרְשֵׁי הָרִאשׁוֹנָה קוֹדְמִין לְיוֹרְשֵׁי שְׁנִיָּה. נָשָׂא אֶת הָרִאשׁוֹנָה וָמֵתָה, נָשָׂא שְׁנִיָּה וּמֵת הוּא, שְׁנִיָּה וְיוֹרְשֶׁיהָ קוֹדְמִים לְיוֹרְשֵׁי הָרִאשׁוֹנָה:


מי שהיה. יורשי הראשונה קודמם ליורשי השניה – if his wives died after him until they did not have sufficient time to collect [their Ketubah settlement].

שניה ויורשיה קודמים – that she is a creditor and the inheritors of the first wife come to inherit from their father, according to the Ketubah “male issue,” for we are inheritors, it is taught in the Mishnah. Therefore, they pay the obligation first and what remains they shall succeed to the dowry, therefore, we pay the obligation first and what remains, they inherit, and specifically when the second [wife] took an oath on her Ketubah, then she or her heirs take her Ketubah. But if she died after her husband passed away, and she did not take an oath on her Ketubah, her heirs do not take anything from her Ketubah for we hold that a person does not bequeath an oath to his children, meaning to say, money that a person doesn’t take possession of other than through an oath, and if he dies prior to his taking an oath, that money a man cannot bequeath to his children.

מי שהיה. יורשי הראשונה קודמים ליורשי השניה. אם מתו נשיו אחריו עד שלא הספיקו לגבות:

שניה ויורשיה קודמים. שהיא בעלת חוב, ויורשי ראשונה באים לירש מאביהן כתובת בנין דכרין, דהא אינון ירתון תנן, לפיכך פורעין את החוב תחלה ומה שנשאר יירשו. ודוקא כשנשבעה השניה על כתובתה אז היא או יורשיה נוטלים כתובתה. אבל אם מתה היא לאחר שמת בעלה ולא נשבעה על כתובתה, אין יורשיה נוטלים כלום מכתובתה, דקיימא לן אין אדם מוריש שבועה לבניו, כלומר ממון שאין אדם זוכה בו אלא בשבועה ומת קודם שנשבע. אותו ממון אין אדם מורישו לבניו: