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Mishnayos Kerisos Perek 6 Mishnah 2

כריתות פרק ו׳ משנה ב׳


In the case of a definite guilt offering, it is not so, i.e., the halakha is different than with regard to a provisional guilt offering. If he made the discovery that he did not sin before the ram was slaughtered, it shall go out and graze among the flock, as it is not consecrated. If it became known to him that he did not sin after the ram was slaughtered, it shall be buried like a non-sacred animal that was slaughtered in the Temple courtyard, and its blood is poured. If he discovered that he did not sin after the blood was sprinkled, the flesh shall go out to the place of burning, like any disqualified offering. In the case of an ox that is sentenced to be stoned (see Exodus 21:28–32), e.g., for killing a person, it is not so, i.e., it also does not have the same halakhic status as a provisional guilt offering. If it is discovered that the testimony with regard to the ox was false before it was stoned, it shall go out and graze among the flock as it never had the status of an ox sentenced to be stoned. If this was discovered after the ox was stoned, its halakhic status is as though it had not been sentenced, and therefore deriving benefit from its carcass is permitted. In the case of a heifer whose neck is broken, when a corpse is found between two cities and the identity of the murderer is unknown (see Deuteronomy 21:1–9), it is not so i.e., the halakha is different than with regard to a provisional guilt offering. If the identity of the murderer is discovered before the heifer’s neck was broken, it shall go out and graze among the flock, as it is not consecrated. But if the identity of the murderer was discovered after the heifer’s neck was broken, it shall be buried in its place, like any other heifer whose neck is broken. The reason is that from the outset the heifer whose neck is broken comes to atone for a situation of uncertainty. Once its neck was broken before the identity of the murderer was revealed, its mitzva was fulfilled, as it atoned for its uncertainty and that uncertainty is gone.

אָשָׁם וַדַּאי אֵינוֹ כֵן. אִם עַד שֶׁלֹּא נִשְׁחַט, יֵצֵא וְיִרְעֶה בָעֵדֶר. מִשֶּׁנִּשְׁחַט, הֲרֵי זֶה יִקָּבֵר. נִזְרַק הַדָּם, הַבָּשָׂר יֵצֵא לְבֵית הַשְּׂרֵפָה. שׁוֹר הַנִּסְקָל אֵינוֹ כֵן. אִם עַד שֶׁלֹּא נִסְקַל, יֵצֵא וְיִרְעֶה בָעֵדֶר. מִשֶּׁנִּסְקַל, מֻתָּר בַּהֲנָאָה. עֶגְלָה עֲרוּפָה אֵינָהּ כֵּן. אִם עַד שֶׁלֹּא נֶעֶרְפָה, תֵּצֵא וְתִרְעֶה בָעֵדֶר. מִשֶּׁנֶּעֶרְפָה, תִּקָּבֵר בִּמְקוֹמָהּ, שֶׁעַל סָפֵק בָּאָה מִתְּחִלָּתָהּ, כִּפְּרָה סְפֵקָהּ וְהָלְכָה לָהּ:


אשם ודאי אינו כן (an unconditional guilt-offering is not subject to the foregoing rule) – in this, the Rabbis do not dispute, for if he became aware before it (i.e., the animal) was slaughtered that he did not sin, it should go out to pasture among the flock, for the reason of the Rabbis regarding a suspending guilt-offering, since he may have scruples, he completed and dedicated it from doubt, but an unconditional guilt-offering, as, for example, if they said to him: “Did you eat Holy Things,” and it became known that he had not sinned when the witnesses were found to be plotting/lying, alternatively, when he thinks that everything is holy, but it is found to be unconsecrated, the matter is revealed that it was an erroneous consecration of property (and is not considered consecrated).

הרי זה יקבר – since it was not sanctified, it is like unconsecrated meat that was slaughtered in the Temple courtyard that requires burial.

נזרק הדם הבשר יצא לבית השריפה – in the Gemara (Tractate Keritot 24b) that what was taught above (by the anonymous Mishnah) , “that this is to be buried,” was not taught here, that the meat should go forth to the place of burning, for since that he holds that an unconditional guilt-offering is unconsecrated [meat], and not holy forever, is not burned, but is buried.

שור הנסקל אינו כן – like the suspending guilt-offering. For here, he Rabbis do not dispute that if he became aware/knowledgeable that it did not kill, it goes forth and pastures in the flock.

עגלה ערופה אינו כן – like a suspending guilt-offering, for if before its neck was broken that the killer was found, it should sent forth and pastures in the flock. But Maimonides explained, that the bull/ox which is stoned is not subject to the foregoing rule like the unconditional guilt-offering, for an unconditional guilt-offering, once it is slaughtered, it should be buried, and the bull which is stoned, wen he became aware after it had been stoned, [it] is permissible for benefit. The heifer whose neck is broken, is not subject to the foregoing rule like the bull/ox that is stoned, for a bull/ox that is stoned, if [the owner] was made aware after it was stoned, [it] is permitted for benefit, and the heifer whose neck is broken, if he [the owner] is made aware of the killer [without whom, the neck of the heifer would not have been broken], it should be buried in its place.

כיפר ספיקה (it made atonement for its matter of doubt) – at the time of the breaking of the neck, for there was yet a doubt, and it went on its way. Therefore, it is prohibited to benefit [from it], and all of the heifers with broken necks should be buried according to law.

אשם ודאי אינו כן. בההיא לא פליגי רבנן דאם נודע לו עד שלא שחטו שלא חטא, יצא וירעה בעדר, דטעמא דרבנן באשם תלוי כיון דלבו נוקפו גמר ומקדיש מספק, אבל אשם ודאי, כגון אמרו לו אכלת קודש ונודע שלא חטא שהוזמו העדים, אי נמי כסבור קודש אכל ונמצא חולין, אגלאי מלתא דהקדש טעות היה:

הרי זה יקבר. כיון דלא קדיש הוי כחולין שנשחטו בעזרה דטעונין קבורה:

נזרק הדם הבשר יצא לבית השריפה. בגמרא מפרש דמי ששנה לעיל הרי זה יקבר לא שנה הכא הבשר יצא לבית השריפה, דכיון דסבר אשם ודאי חולין הוא ולא קדיש לעולם, אינו נשרף אלא נקבר:

שור הנסקל אינו כן, כאשם תלוי. דהכא לא פליגי רבנן שאם נודע שלא הרג יצא וירעה בעדר:

עגלה ערופה אינה כן. כאשם תלוי, שאם עד שלא נערפה נמצא ההורג, תצא ותרעה בעדר. ורמב״ם פירש, שור הנסקל אינו כן כאשם ודאי, דאשם ודאי משנשחט הרי זה יקבר, ושור הנסקל כשנודע לאחר שנסקל מותר בהנאה. ועגלה ערופה אינה כן כשור הנסקל, דשור הנסקל אם נודע משנסקל מותר בהנאה, ועגלה ערופה אם נודע ההורג משנערפה העגלה תקבר במקומה:

כיפרה ספיקה. בשעת עריפה. שהרי עדיין ספק היה והלכה לה. הלכך אסורה בהנאה, ותקבר כדין כל העגלות הערופות: