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Mishnayos Kerisos Perek 5 Mishnah 3

כריתות פרק ה׳ משנה ג׳


Rabbi Akiva says: The statement of Rabbi Tarfon appears correct in the case of minimal misuse, but in a case where he is confronted with a case of uncertainty with regard to misuse valued at ten thousand dinars, would it not be preferable for him that he will now bring a provisional guilt offering valued at two sela and he will not bring payment now for uncertain misuse valued at ten thousand dinars? The mishna concludes: Apparently, Rabbi Akiva concedes to Rabbi Tarfon in the case of minimal misuse. He agrees that at the outset one brings payment for misuse and its additional payment of one-fifth, and conditionally brings a guilt offering. Apropos the previous case in which one brings the same type of animal when liability is certain as when liability is uncertain, this mishna teaches: With regard to a woman who brought a bird sin offering in a case of uncertainty whether she miscarried a fetus that would have rendered her liable to bring a sin offering or whether what she expelled would not render her liable to bring an offering, in which case this sin offering may not be eaten by priests, the halakha is as follows: If before the nape of the neck of the bird was pinched it became known to her that she certainly gave birth, i.e., miscarried, in a manner that obligates her to bring a sin offering, she should render the offering a definite sin offering, as from the same type of animal that she brings a sin offering for a case where it is known to her that she miscarried, she brings a sin offering for a case where it is unknown to her.

אָמַר לוֹ רַבִּי עֲקִיבָא, נִרְאִים דְּבָרֶיךָ בִּמְעִילָה מְעֻטָּה. הֲרֵי שֶׁבָּא עַל יָדוֹ סְפֵק מְעִילָה בְּמֵאָה מָנֶה, לֹא יָפֶה לוֹ שֶׁיָּבִיא אָשָׁם בִּשְׁתֵּי סְלָעִים וְאַל יָבִיא סְפֵק מְעִילָה בְּמֵאָה מָנֶה. הָא מוֹדֶה רַבִּי עֲקִיבָא לְרַבִּי טַרְפוֹן בִּמְעִילָה מֻעָטֶת. הָאִשָּׁה שֶׁהֵבִיאָה חַטַּאת הָעוֹף סָפֵק, אִם עַד שֶׁלֹּא נִמְלְקָה נוֹדַע לָהּ שֶׁיָּלְדָה וַדַּאי, תַּעֲשֶׂנָּה וַדַּאי. שֶׁמִּמִּין שֶׁהִיא מְבִיאָה עַל לֹא הוֹדַע, מְבִיאָה עַל הוֹדַע:


חטאת העוף ספק – a woman who doubtfully gave birth to a species doubtfully exempt (i.e., as to the character or viability of the fetus that was aborted) or that is doubtfully liable [for a sin-offering] , she brings a lamb for a burnt-offering and a gift , if it is species that is liable, it will be for the obligatory offering, and if it is for a species that is exempt, it iwill be for a donation. But the sin-offering that she brings in a doubtful case but it is not consumed, lest it is really unconsecrated and the pinching of the bird’s neck (with one’s fingernail) if something that is unconsecrated is a carrion

תעשנה ודאין – that it should be fed to the Kohanim like other sin-offerings (if the fetus is alive).

שממין שהיא מביאה – for one of the pairs from the turtle-doves or from one of the pigeons is what she brings as a sin-offering, whether she was a definitive mother of a child or a doubtful mother of a child.

חטאת העוף ספק. האשה שילדה ספק מין פטור ספק מין חיוב, מביאה כבש לעולה ומתנה, אם מין חיוב יהא לחובה, ואם מין פטור יהא לנדבה. אבל חטאת מביאה בספק ואינה נאכלת, שמא חולין היא ומליקת חולין נבילה:

תעשנה ודאי. ותאכל לכהנים כשאר חטאות:

שממין שהיא מביאה. שהרי פרידה אחת מן התורים או מן בני היונה היא מביאה לחטאת, בין ודאי יולדת בין על ספק יולדת: